piątek, 12 czerwca 2020

Tim McGraw

Samuel Timothy McGraw urodził się 1 maja 1967 roku. Jego albumy sprzedawały się w milionach egzemplarzy, a największe przeboje artysty to "Don't Take the Girl", "I Like It, I Live It" czy "Live Like You Were Dying".

McGraw zaczynał od uprawiania sportów, a miłość do muzyki zaczęła się dopiero w college'u. Tam właśnie Tim grał w zespole Electones. W roku 1990 młody artysta podpisał kontrakt z wytwórnią Curb, która dwa lata później wydała debiutancki album artysty zatytułowany "Tim McGraw", z którego pochodził utwór "Welcome to the Club". Jednak krążek nie odniósł większego sukcesu.
Zdecydowanie lepiej poszło przy wydawaniu drugiej płyty zatytułowanej "Not a Moment Too Soon". Okazała się ona najlepiej sprzedawanym albumem z muzyką country w 1994 roku. Piosenka "Indian Outlaw" była dla McGrawa pierwszym utworem, który dostał się na listę top ten country.

Kolejny - "Don't Take the Girl" - wskoczył na pierwsze miejsce wspomnianego zestawienia. Podobnie było z następnymi singlami promującymi płytę - tytułowym "Not a Moment Too Soon" czy "Refired Dreams". Dzięki temu wydawnictwo sprzedało się w liczbie 5 milionów egzemplarzy.
McGraw powrócił w 1995 roku z płytą "All I Want", która potwierdziła jego sukces, debiutując na szczycie listy albumów country. Na wydawnictwie znalazły się kolejne przeboje - "I Like It, I Love It" czy "She Never Lets It Go to Her Heart".

Na kolejny krążek artysty czekaliśmy prawie dwa lata. "Everywhere" było jednak tego warte, co potwierdziła sprzedaż ponad 2 milionów egzemplarzy płyty. Pierwszy singiel zatytułowany "It's Your Love" zaśpiewany z Faith Hill stał się pierwszym od 20 lat utworem, który spędził aż 6 tygodni na liście przebojów muzyki country. Jednocześnie piosenka dostała się na 7. miejsce listy pop i szybko zyskała status platynowej płyty. Kolejne - "Everywhere", "Where the Green Grass Grows", "One of These Days", "For a Little Chile" i "Just To See Your Smile" - również królowały na liście country.

Album "Place In the Sun" z 1999 roku nie pozostał gorszy od poprzednika i debiutował na szczycie zarówno listy pop, jak i country, ostatecznie sprzedając się w ponad 3 milionach kopii. Była to oczywiście kolejna porcja hitów z "Please Remember Me" czy "My Best Friend" na czele.
Rok 2000 to zbiór największych przebojów artysty sprzedany w prawie 6 milionach kopii. Rok później mogliśmy posłuchać wydawnictwa "Set This Circus Down" z przebojami "Grown Men Don't Cry" czy "Angry All the Time".

Dwa lata później wyszedł rockowy album "Tim McGraw and the Dancehall Doctor" nagrany wspólnie z tytułowym zespołem. Komercyjny sukces artysty potwierdziło kolejne wydawnictwo "Like Like You Were Dying" z 2004 roku. Tytułowy przebój z krążka spędził 7 tygodni na szczycie listy Billboardu, stając się największym przebojem roku. Był to jednocześnie najczęściej nagradzany utwór. McGraw zdobył za niego m.in. nagrodę Grammy i ACM. Jeszcze w tym samym roku artysta nagrał z Nellym "Over and Over", który oczywiście również królował na zestawieniach. Jedenasty już album piosenkarza ukazał się w 2007 roku i nosi tytuł "Let It Go". Na nim znalazł się hit "Last Dolar (Fly Away)".

McGraw ma na koncie wiele prestiżowych nagród, m.in. Grammy, American Music Awards i Billboardu.

Tytuł WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia

Indian OutlawTim McGraw02.1994-15[20]Curb 76 920[gold-US][written by Tommy Barnes,Jumpin' Gene Simmons,John D. Loudermilk][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud][8[12].Country Chart]
Don't Take the Girl/Welcome to the ClubTim McGraw05.1994-17[20]Curb 76 925[2x-platinum-US][written by Craig Martin,Larry W. Johnson][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud][1[2][14].Country Chart]
Down on the FarmTim McGraw07.1994--Curb [written by Jerry Laseter,Kerry Kurt Phillips][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud][2[17].Country Chart]
Not a Moment Too Soon/Refried DreamsTim McGraw11.1994--Curb [written by Wayne Perry,Joe Barnhill][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud][1[2][19].Country Chart]
Refried DreamsTim McGraw03.1995-106[12]Curb 76 931[written by Jim Foster,Mark Peterson][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud][5[13].Country Chart]
I Like It, I Love ItTim McGraw08.1995-25[20]Curb 76 961[platinum-US][written by Mark Hall, Jeb Stuart Anderson, Steve Dukes][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud][1[5][19].Country Chart]
Can't Be Really Gone/That's just meTim McGraw01.1996-87[5]Curb 76 971[written by Gary Burr][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud][2[16].Country Chart]
All I Want Is a LifeTim McGraw03.1996--Curb [written by Stan Munsey,Tony Mullins,Don Pfrimmer][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud][5[12].Country Chart]
She Never Lets It Go to Her HeartTim McGraw06.1996--Curb [written by Chris Waters,Tom Shapiro][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud][1[2][18].Country Chart]
Maybe We Should Just Sleep on ItTim McGraw10.1996--Curb [written by Jerry Laseter,Kerry Kurt Phillips][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud][4[18].Country Chart]
It's Your LoveTim McGraw featuring Faith Hill05.1997-7[20]Curb 73 019[2x-platinum-US][written by Stephony Smith][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud][1[6][20].Country Chart]
EverywhereTim McGraw07.1997--Curb [written by Mike Reid, Craig Wiseman][produced by Byron Gallimore, Tim McGraw, James Stroud][1[2][19].Country Chart]
One of These Days/Just to See You SmileTim McGraw05.1998-74[10]Curb 73 056[written by Marcus Hummon, Monty Powell, Kip Raines][B:written by Mark Nesler, Tony Martin][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud][2[16].Country Chart][B:1[6][25].Country Chart]
Where the Green Grass GrowsTim McGraw07.1998-79[4]Curb [gold-US][written by Jess Leary,Craig Wiseman][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud,Tim McGraw][1[4][27].Country Chart]
Just to Hear You Say That You Love MeFaith Hill With Tim McGraw08.1998--EMI[written by Diane Warren][produced by Desmond Child][3[20].Country Chart]
For a Little While/Please Remember MeTim McGraw11.1998-37[15]Curb [written by Steve Mandile,Jerry Vandiver,Phil Vassar][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud][2[18].Country Chart]
Please Remember Me/For a Little WhileTim McGraw03.1999-15[20]Curb 73 080[written by Rodney Crowell,Will Jennings][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud,Tim McGraw][1[5][23].Country Chart]
Something Like ThatTim McGraw06.1999-28[20]Curb [platinum-US][written by Rick Ferrell,Keith Follesé][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud,Tim McGraw][1[5][34].Country Chart]
My Best FriendTim McGraw10.1999-29[21]Curb [platinum-US][written by Bill Luther,Aimee Mayo][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud,Tim McGraw][1[2][31].Country Chart]
Some Things Never ChangeTim McGraw04.2000-58[14]Curb [written by Walt Aldridge,Brad Crisler][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud,Tim McGraw][7[19].Country Chart]
My Next Thirty YearsTim McGraw07.2000-27[20]Curb [gold-US][written by Phil Vassar][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud,Tim McGraw][1[5][28].Country Chart]
Let's Make LoveFaith Hill with Tim McGraw08.2000-54[14] Warner Bros.[written by Marv Green,Aimee Mayo,Chris Lindsey,Bill Luther][produced by Byron Gallimore and Faith Hill][6[19].Country Chart]
Let's Make LoveFaith Hill With Tim McGraw10.2000-54[14]Warner Bros. Nashville[written by Marv Green, Aimee Mayo, Chris Lindsey, Bill Luther][produced by Faith Hill, Byron Gallimore][6[45].Country Chart]
Grown Men Don't CryTim McGraw03.2001-25[20]Curb [written by Tom Douglas,Steve Seskin][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud,Tim McGraw][1[1][20].Country Chart]
Angry All the TimeTim McGraw07.2001-38[20]Curb [written by Bruce Robison][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud,Tim McGraw][1[2][21].Country Chart]
Bring On the RainJo Dee Messina with Tim McGraw09.2001-36[20]Curb [written by Billy Montana, Helen Darling][produced by Byron Gallimore,Tim McGraw][1[1][31].Country Chart]
The Cowboy in MeTim McGraw11.2001-33[20]Curb [gold-US][written by Al Anderson,Craig Wiseman,Jeffrey Steele][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud,Tim McGraw][1[1][22].Country Chart]
Bring On the RainJo Dee Messina With Tim McGraw03.2002-36[20]Curb [written by Billy Montana, Helen Darling][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][1[33].Country Chart]
UnbrokenTim McGraw05.2002-26[20]Curb [written by Annie Roboff,Holly Lamar][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud,Tim McGraw][1[1][18].Country Chart]
Red RagtopTim McGraw09.2002-40[20]Curb [written by Jason White][produced by Byron Gallimore,James Stroud,Tim McGraw][5[20].Country Chart]
She's My Kind of RainTim McGraw01.2003-27[20]Curb [gold-US][written by Tommy Lee James, Robin Lerner][produced by Byron Gallimore,Darran Smith,Tim McGraw][2[20].Country Chart]
Real Good ManTim McGraw05.2003-27[20]Curb [gold-US][written by Rivers Rutherford,George Teren][produced by Byron Gallimore,Darran Smith,Tim McGraw][1[2][24].Country Chart]
Watch the Wind Blow ByTim McGraw10.2003-32[20]Curb [written by Anders Osborne,Dylan Altman][produced by Byron Gallimore,Darran Smith,Tim McGraw][1[2][24].Country Chart]
Live Like You Were Dying/Just Be Your TearTim McGraw06.200494[1]29[23]Curb [3x-platinum-US][written by Tim Nichols,Craig Wiseman][produced by Byron Gallimore,Tim McGraw][1[5][28].Country Chart]
Back WhenTim McGraw08.2004-30[19]Curb [written by Stan Lynch,Stephony Smith,Jeff Stevens][produced by Byron Gallimore,Darran Smith][1[1][19].Country Chart]
Over and OverNelly Featuring Tim McGraw12.2004-3[24]Universal[gold-US][written by Cornell Haynes Jr.,Jayson “KOKO” Bridges,James D. Hargrove,Samuel McGraw][produced by Bridges]
Drugs or JesusTim McGraw01.2005-87[9]Curb [written by Brett James,Chris Lindsey,Aimee Mayo][produced by Byron Gallimore,Darran Smith,Tim McGraw][14[17].Country Chart]
Do You Want Fries with ThatTim McGraw05.2005-59[11]Curb [written by Casey Beathard,Kerry Kurt Phillips][produced by Byron Gallimore,Darran Smith,Tim McGraw][5[18].Country Chart]
My Old FriendTim McGraw09.2005-79[13]Curb [written by Craig Wiseman,Steve McEwan][produced by Byron Gallimore,Darran Smith,Tim McGraw][6[15].Country Chart]
Like We Never Loved at All Faith Hill featuring Tim McGraw12.2005-45[21]Warner Bros. Nashville[written by John Rich, Scot Sax, Vicky McGehee][produced by Dann Huff, Faith Hill][5[27].Country Chart]
When the Stars Go BlueTim McGraw03.2006-37[20]Curb [platinum-US][written by Ryan Adams][produced by Byron Gallimore,Darran Smith,Tim McGraw][4[20].Country Chart]
My Little GirlTim McGraw09.2006-35[20]Curb [platinum-US][written by Tim McGraw,Tom Douglas][produced by Byron Gallimore,Tim McGraw][3[24].Country Chart]
Last Dollar (Fly Away)Tim McGraw01.2007-13[15]Curb [gold-US][written by Big Kenny][produced by Byron Gallimore,Darran Smith,Tim McGraw][1[20].Country Chart]
I Need YouTim McGraw featuring Faith Hill04.2007-50[16]Curb [platinum-US][written by David Lee, Tony Lane][produced by Byron Gallimore,Darran Smith,Tim McGraw][8[21].Country Chart]
If You're Reading ThisTim McGraw06.2007-41[18]Curb [gold-US][written by Tim McGraw, Brad Warren, Brett Warren][produced by Byron Gallimore,Darran Smith,Tim McGraw][1[5][28].Country Chart]
SuspicionsTim McGraw11.2007-87[5]Curb [written by David Malloy, Randy McCormick, Eddie Rabbitt, Even Stevens][produced by Darran Smith, Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][12[18].Country Chart]
KristoffersonTim McGraw03.2008-110[4]Curb [written by Anthony Smith, Reed Nielsen][produced by Darran Smith, Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][16.Country Chart]
Let It GoTim McGraw07.2008-47[15]Curb [written by Aimee Mayo,Bill Luther,Tom Douglas][produced by Darran Smith, Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][2[22].Country Chart]
Nothin' to Die ForTim McGraw01.2009-68[11]Curb [written by Lee Thomas Miller,Craig Wiseman][produced by Darran Smith, Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][5[19].Country Chart]
It's a Business Doing Pleasure with YouTim McGraw06.2009-59[7]Curb [written by Brett James,Chad Kroeger][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][13[11].Country Chart]
Southern VoiceTim McGraw09.2009-49[18]Curb [gold-US][written by Bob DiPiero,Tom Douglas][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][1[22].Country Chart]
StillTim McGraw02.2010-91[1]Curb [written by Lee Brice,Kyle Jacobs,Joe Leathers][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][16[16].Country Chart]
Felt Good on My LipsTim McGraw09.2010-26[20]Curb [written by Brett Beavers, Jim Beavers, Brad Warren, Brett Warren][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][1[20].Country Chart]
Me and TennesseeTim McGraw featuring Gwyneth Paltrow02.201163[3]-RCA 0886443004597 [UK][written by Chris Martin][produced by A. Martin, Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][34[10].Country Chart]
Feel Like a Rock StarKenny Chesney and Tim McGraw04.2012-40BNA[gold-US][written by Rodney Clawson,Chris Tompkins][produced by Buddy Cannon][11.Country Chart]
Better Than I Used to BeTim McGraw06.2012-52[20]Curb [gold-US][written by Ashley Gorley ,Bryan Simpson][produced by Buddy Cannon][5[30].Country Chart]
Right Back Atcha BabeTim McGraw07.2012--Curb [59[2].Country Chart]
Truck YeahTim McGraw09.2012-57[16] Big Machine[platinum-US][written by Chris Lucas, Preston Brust, Chris Janson, Danny Myrick][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][11[20].Country Chart]
One of Those NightsTim McGraw02.2013-32[20]Big Machine [platinum-US][written by Luke Laird, Rodney Clawson, Chris Tompkins][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][3[23].Country Chart]
Highway Don't CareTim McGraw With Taylor Swift06.2013-22[20]Big Machine[2x-platinum-US][written by Mark Irwin ,Josh Kear, Brad Warren ,Brett Warren][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][4[31].Country Chart]
Southern GirlTim McGraw11.2013-42[20]Big Machine[platinum-US][written by Jaren Johnston, Rodney Clawson, Lee Thomas Miller][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][4[26].Country Chart]
Lookin' for That GirlTim McGraw04.2014-85[4] Big Machine [written by Mark Irwin, James T. Slater ,Chris Tompkins][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][18[15].Country Chart]
Meanwhile Back at Mama'sTim McGraw Featuring Faith Hill08.2014-41[19] Big Machine[platinum-US][written by Tom Douglas, Jaren Johnston, Jeffrey Steele][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][7[26].Country Chart]
Shotgun RiderTim McGraw01.2015-38[20]Big Machine [platinum-US][written by Marv Green,Hillary Lindsey,Troy Verges][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][1[26].Country Chart]
Diamond Rings and Old BarstoolsTim McGraw With Catherine Dunn07.2015-55[17]Big Machine[gold-US][written by Barry Dean, Luke Laird, Jonathan Singleton][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][11[24].Country Chart]
Top of the WorldTim McGraw12.2015-73[13] Big Machine [written by Josh Osborne, Jimmy Robbins, Jon Nite][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][11[24].Country Chart]
Humble and KindTim McGraw04.2016-30[20]Big Machine [platinum-US][written by Lori McKenna][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][1[26].Country Chart]
Lovin' LatelyBig & Rich Featuring Tim McGraw10.2016-106[6]Big & Rich[written by Big Kenny, John Rich, Tim McGraw][produced by Big Kenny, John Rich][19[32].Country Chart]
May We AllFlorida Georgia Line Featuring Tim McGraw11.2016-30[20]Republic Nashville[2x-platinum-US][written by Rodney Clawson,Jamie Moore][produced by Joey Moi][2[28].Country Chart]
How I'll Always BeTim McGraw01.2017-70[12] Big Machine[written by Chris Janson,Jamie Paulin,Jeremy Stover][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][9[26].Country Chart]
Speak to a GirlTim McGraw & Faith Hill04.2017-61[2]Arista Nashville[written by Shy Carter,Dave Gibson,Joe Spargur][produced by Byron Gallimore,Tim McGraw,Faith Hill][6[17].Country Chart]
The Rest of Our LifeTim McGraw & Faith Hill12.2017-98[1]Arista Nashville[written by Steve Mac,Johnny McDaid,Ed Sheeran,Amy Wadge][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore,Faith Hill][18[20].Country Chart]
Neon ChurchTim McGraw12.2018--Columbia Nashville[written by Ben Goldsmith,Ben Stennis,Ross Ellis Lipsey][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][24[17].Country Chart]
Thought About YouTim McGraw06.2019-- Columbia Nashville[written by Brad Warren,Brett Warren,Lee Thomas Miller][produced by Tim McGraw, Byron Gallimore][26[28].Country Chart]
I Called MamaTim McGraw05.2020-106[2]- [22[5].Country Chart]

Tytuł WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia

Not a Moment Too SoonTim McGraw03.1994-1[2][115]Curb 77 659[6x-platinum-US][produced by Byron Gallimore, James Stroud][1[145].Country Chart]
All I WantTim McGraw09.1995-4[71]Curb 77 800[3x-platinum-US][produced by Byron Gallimore, James Stroud][1[104].Country Chart]
EverywhereTim McGraw06.1997-2[104]Curb 77 886[4x-platinum-US][produced by Byron Gallimore, James Stroud,Tim McGraw][1[103].Country Chart]
A Place in the SunTim McGraw05.1999180[1]1[1][86]Curb 77 942[3x-platinum-US][produced by Byron Gallimore, James Stroud,Tim McGraw][1[104].Country Chart]
Greatest HitsTim McGraw11.2000-4[104]Curb 77 978[6x-platinum-US][produced by Byron Gallimore, James Stroud,Tim McGraw][1[104].Country Chart]
Set This Circus DownTim McGraw04.2001-2[78]Curb 78 711[3x-platinum-US][produced by Byron Gallimore, James Stroud,Tim McGraw][1[104].Country Chart]
Tim McGraw and the Dancehall DoctorsTim McGraw11.2002-2[88]Curb 78 746[3x-platinum-US][produced by Byron Gallimore, James Stroud,Tim McGraw][2[104].Country Chart]
Live Like You Were DyingTim McGraw09.2004-1[2][82]Curb 78 858[4x-platinum-US][produced by Byron Gallimore,Tim McGraw,Darran Smith][1[104].Country Chart]
Reflected: Greatest Hits Vol. 2Tim McGraw03.2006-2[64]Curb 78 891[2x-platinum-US][produced by Byron Gallimore, Tim McGraw, The Neptunes, Darran Smith, James Stroud][1[92].Country Chart]
Let It GoTim McGraw03.2007-1[1][34]Curb 78 974[platinum-US][produced by Byron Gallimore, James Stroud,Tim McGraw][1[80].Country Chart]
Greatest Hits: Limited EditionTim McGraw04.2008-10[17]Curb [produced by Byron Gallimore,Tim McGraw,The Neptunes,Darran Smith,James Stroud][1[206].Country Chart]
Greatest Hits 3Tim McGraw10.2008-9[8]Curb 79 118[gold-US][produced by Byron Gallimore,Denny Hemingson,Tim McGraw,Roman McHugh,Darran Smith,James Stroud][1[74].Country Chart]
Southern VoiceTim McGraw10.2009-2[20]Curb [gold-US][produced by Byron Gallimore, Tim McGraw][1[73].Country Chart]
Number One HitsTim McGraw11.2010-27[25]Curb 79 205[platinum-US][6[41].Country Chart]
Emotional TrafficTim McGraw02.2012-2[26]Curb 79 320[produced by Byron Gallimore,Tim McGraw,Darran Smith]
Two Lanes of FreedomTim McGraw02.201343[3]2[38]Big Machine 01508[gold-US][produced by Byron Gallimore, Tim McGraw]
Tim McGraw & FriendsTim McGraw02.2013-126[6]Curb 79 351-
Love StoryTim McGraw02.2014-116[1]Curb 79 372-
Sundown Heaven TownTim McGraw10.201472[1]3[43]Big Machine 0200A[produced by Byron Gallimore, Tim McGraw]
35 Biggest HitsTim McGraw07.2015-47[36]Curb 79 413-
Damn Country MusicTim McGraw11.20151275[46] Big Machine 300A[produced by Byron Gallimore, Tim McGraw]
The Rest of Our LifeTim McGraw & Faith Hill12.201780[1]2[13]Arista Nashville 43321[produced by Byron Gallimore,Tim McGraw,Faith Hill]

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