piątek, 19 czerwca 2020

Jerry Lee Lewis

Jerry Lee LEWIS
ur.(29.09.1935, Ferriday, Luizjana. Stany Zjednoczone) - voc, p, kompozytor, autor tekstów. Przyszedł na świat w rodzinie bogobojnych imigrantów z Holandii. Śpiewał w chórze kościelnym. Ze zbiorów hymnów religijnych nauczył się grać na fortepianie. Przez kilka miesięcy studiował w Bible Institute w Wazahatchie (Teksas). Coraz bardziej jednak pociągała go muzyka rozrywkowa.
W pierwszej połowie lat pięćdziesiątych występował m.in. w zespole Paula Whiteheada. Na debiutancki singel, nagrany w 1956r dla firmy Sun z Memphis, wybrał piosenkę w stylu country - Crazy Arms Raya Price'a.

Stopniowo zwracał się ku rock'n'rollowi. W 1957 i 1958r odnosił międzynarodowe sukcesy takimi utworami, jak Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On, Great Balls Of Fire, Breathless, Lovin' Up A Storm oraz własny High School Confidential.

Fascynował żywiołowością śpiewu oraz efektowną, porywającą techniką gry na fortepianie (ostre, akcentujące rytm boogie woogie uderzenia w klawisze, przeplatane szybkimi glissandowymi pociągnięciami całej dłoni po klawiaturze). Jednych bulwersował, innych zaś ekscytował aroganckim, ale widowiskowym sposobem bycia na estradzie: grał pięściami i stopami, podpalał fortepian, łamał krzesła.

Ma w historii muzyki popularnej zapewnione trwałe miejsce jako jeden z tych, którzy najpełniej wyrazili niepokorny duch rock'n'rolla. Kiedy w 1958 ujawnił, ze przed kilkoma miesiącami poślubił nastoletnią kuzynkę, Myrah Brown łamiąc obyczajowe tabu - prasa, radio i telewizja a w końcu także publiczność, obróciły się przeciwko niemu. W 1961 umieścił jeszcze na światowych listach przebojów własną wersję What'd I Say z repertuaru Raya CHARLESA.

W okresie późniejszym wykonywał głównie piosenki w stylu country, np. Another Place Another Time, What Made Milwaukee Famous Has Made A Loser Out Of Me, She Still Comes Around, To Make Love Sweeter For You, One Has My Name, She Even Woke Me Up To Say Goodbye, One Minute Past Eternity. Once More With Feeling, There Must Be More To Love Than This, Touching Home i Would You Take Another Chance On Me?

W 1966r przyjął jedną z głównych ról w wystawionym w Los Angeles musicalu Catch My Soul Jacka Gooda. Na przełomie lat sześćdziesiątych i siedemdziesiątych wziął udział w kilku festiwalach rock'n'rolla. Wystąpił w wielu filmach, np. Disc Jockey Jamboree (1957, rez. Roy Lockwood), High School Confidential (1958, rez. Jack Arnold), Be My Guest (1965, rez. Lance Comfort), Keep On Hockin' (1972, rez. Don Alan Pennebaker), The London Rock And Roll Show (1973, rez. Peter Clifton) i American Hot Wax (1977, rez. Floyd Mutrux). Pierwsze lata jego kariery artystycznej rekonstruował film Great Balls Of Fire (1988, rez. Jim McBride) według wspomnień Myrah Lewis, z Dennisem Quaidem w głównej roli.

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Whole lotta shakin' going on/It'll be meJerry Lee Lewis06.19578[11]3[29]Sun 267[gold-US][written by Dave "Curlee" Williams, James Faye "Roy" Hall][produced by Jack Clement][1[2][10].R&B; Chart;1[2][23].Country Chart][oryginalnie nagrana przez Big Maybelle in 1955]
Great balls of fire/You win againJerry Lee Lewis11.19571[2][12]2[21] side B:95[1]Sun 281[gold-US][A:written by Jack Hammer/Otis Blackwell][A:produced by Sam Phillips][B:written by Hank Williams][B:produced by Fred Rose][piosenka z filmu "Jamboree"][1[2][15].Country Chart][3[12].R&B; Chart]
Breathless/Down the lineJerry Lee Lewis03.19588[7]7[15]Sun 288[written by Otis Blackwell][4[13].Country Chart][3[7].R&B; Chart]
High School Confidental/Fools like meJerry Lee Lewis06.195812[6]21[11]Sun 296[A:written Jerry Lee Lewis/Ron Hargrave][B:written Jack Clement, Murphy Maddox][A:produced by Sam Phillips][B:produced by Shelby Singleton][tytułowa piosenka z filmu][9[10].Country Chart][5[4].R&B; Chart][side B:11[1].R&B; Chart]
Breakup/I' ll make it all up to youJerry Lee Lewis09.1958-52[5]; side B:85[1]Sun 303[written by Charlie Rich][produced by Shelby Singleton][side B:19[1].Country Chart]
I' ll sail my ship alone/It hurt me soJerry Lee Lewis01.1959-93[1]Sun 312[written by Moon Mullican, Henry Bernard, Lois Mann,Henry Thurston][#1 Country Chart for Moon Mullican in 1950]
Lovin' up a storm?/Big blon' babyJerry Lee Lewis05.195928[1]-Sun 317[written by Luther Dixon, Allyson R. Khent]
Baby baby bay bay/Old black JoeJerry Lee Lewis06.196047[1]-Sun 337[written by Lewis, Smith]
What' d i say/Livin' lovin' wreckJerry Lee Lewis04.196110[12]30[8]Sun 356[written by Ray Charles][#6 hit for Ray Charles in 1959][27[1].Country Chart][26[1].R&B; Chart]
Cold cold heart/It Won't Happen With MeJerry Lee Lewis07.1961-22[5].Country ChartSun 364[written by Hank Williams][22[5].Country Chart]
Sweet little sixteen/How's my ex treating youJerry Lee Lewis09.196238[5]95[3] side B:114[1]Sun 379[A:written by Chuck Berry][A:produced by Leonard and Phil Chess][B:written by Vic McAlpin][B:produced by Jerry Kennedy]
Good Golly Miss Molly/I can't trust me [In your arms anymore]Jerry Lee Lewis03.196331[6]-Sun 382[written by John Marascalco, Robert "Bumps" Blackwell]
Hit the road Jack/Pen and paperJerry Lee Lewis11.1963-103[5]Smash 1857[#1 hit for Ray Charles in 1961][A:written by Percy Mayfield][B:written by Diane Kilroy,Eddie Kilroy][side B:36[2].Country Chart]
I' m on fire/Bread and butter manJerry Lee Lewis04.1964-98[1]Smash 1886[written by Bob Feldman, Goldstein, Richard Gottehrer]
High heel sneakers/You went back on your wordJerry Lee Lewis11.1964-91[1]Smash 1930[written by Robert Higginbotham]
Baby, hold me close/I believe in youJerry Lee Lewis02.1965-129[3]Smash 1969[written by Jerry Lee Lewis,Bob Tubert]
Another place,another time/Walking the floor over youJerry Lee Lewis03.1968-97[2]Smash 2146[written by Jerry Chesnut][produced by Jerry Kennedy][4[15].Country Chart]
What' s made Milwaukee famous [Has made a loser out of me]/All the good is goneJerry Lee Lewis07.1968-94[3]Smash 2164[2[15].Country Chart][written by Glenn Sutton][produced by Jerry Kennedy,Eddie Kilroy]
She still comes around [To love what's left of me]/Slipping AroundJerry Lee Lewis10.1968--Smash 2186[written by Glenn Sutton][produced by Jerry Kennedy][2[10].Country Chart]
To make love sweeter for you/Let's Talk About UsJerry Lee Lewis01.1969--Smash 2202[written by Jerry Kennedy, Glenn Sutton][produced by Jerry Kennedy][1[1][13].Country Chart]
One has my name [The other has my heart]/I Can't Stop Loving YouJerry Lee Lewis06.1969--Smash 2224[written by Hal Blair/Eddie Dean/Dearest Dean][3[13].Country Chart]
Don't let me cross over/We Live In Two Different WorldsJerry Lee Lewis and Linda Gail Lewis06.1969--Smash 2220[written by P. Jay][produced by Jerry Kennedy][9[8].Country Chart]
Invitation in your party/I Could Never Be Ashamed of YouJerry Lee Lewis09.1969--Sun 1101[written by Bill Taylor][produced by Sam C. Phillips][6[9].Country Chart]
She even woke me up to say goodbye/EchoesJerry Lee Lewis 10.1969--Smash 2244[written by Doug Gilmore/Mickey Newbury][produced by Jerry Kennedy][2[12].Country Chart]
One minute past eternity/Frankie and JohnnyJerry Lee Lewis12.1969--Sun 1107[written by William E. Taylor,Stanley Kesler][2[14].Country Chart]
Once more with feeling/You Went Out of Your Way (to Walk on MeJerry Lee Lewis02.1970--Smash 2257[written by Kris Kristofferson/Shel Silverstein][produced by Jerry Kennedy][2[12].Country Chart]
I can't seem to say goodbye/Good Night IreneJerry Lee Lewis05.1970--Sun 1115[written by Don Robertson][7[13].Country Chart]
There must be more to love than this/Home Away from HomeJerry Lee Lewis08.1970--Mercury 73 099[written by Thomas LaVerne/Bill Taylor][produced by Jerry Kennedy][1[2][14].Country Chart]
Waiting for a train [All around the watertank]/Big Legged WomanJerry Lee Lewis12.1970-Sun 1119[written by Jimmie Rodgers][11[9].Country Chart]
Touching home/Woman,woman [Get out of our way]Jerry Lee Lewis05.1971-110[4]Mercury 73 192[written by Dallas Frazier,A.L. Owens][produced by Jerry Kennedy][3[13].Country Chart]
Love on Broadway/MatchboxJerry Lee Lewis07.1971--Sun 1125[written by Ronnie Self][31[6].Country Chart]
When he walks on you [Like you have walked on me]/Foolish Kind of ManJerry Lee Lewis08.1971--Mercury 73 227[written by Dallas Frazier/A.L. Owens][produced by Jerry Kennedy][11[11].Country Chart]
Me and Bobby McGee/Would you take another chance on meJerry Lee Lewis11.1971-40[10]Mercury 73 248[side B:1[1][16].Country Chart][written by Fred Foster/Kris Kristofferson][produced by Jerry Kennedy]
Chantilly lace/Think about it darlin'Jerry Lee Lewis03.197233[5]43[10]Mercury 73273[1[3][14].Country Chart][written by J.P. Richardson][produced by Jerry Kennedy]
Turn on your love light/Lonely weekendsJerry Lee Lewis07.1972-95[3]Mercury 73 296[side B:11[9].Country Chart][written by Deadric Malone/Joseph Wade Scott][produced by Jerry Kennedy]
Who's gonna play this old piano/No Honky Tonks In HeavenJerry Lee Lewis10.1972--Mercury 73 328[14[10].Country Chart][written by Ray Griff]
No more hanging on/The Mercy of a LetterJerry Lee Lewis03.1973--Mercury 73 361[written by Jerry Chesnut][produced by Jerry Kennedy][19[7].Country Chart]
Drinking wine Spo-dee O' Dee/Rock'n'roll medleyJerry Lee Lewis04.1973-41[10]Mercury 73374[20[7].Country Chart][written by McGhee, S/Williams, J.M.][produced by Steve Rowland]
No headstone on my grave/Jack Daniels [Old. No. 7]Jerry Lee Lewis08.1973-104[3]Mercury 73402[written by C. Rich][produced by Steve Rowland]
Sometimes a memory ain't enough/ I Think I Need To PrayJerry Lee Lewis10.1973--Mercury 73 423[written by Stan Kesler][produced by Stan Kesler][6[10].Country Chart]
I'm left,you're right,she's gone/I've Fallen To The BottomJerry Lee Lewis03.1974--Mercury 73 452[written by Stan Kesler/Bill Taylor][produced by Stan Kesler][21[7].Country Chart]
Tell tale signs/Cold, Cold Morning LightJerry Lee Lewis07.1974--Mercury 73 491[written by Alex Zanetis][produced by Stan Kesler][18[6].Country Chart]
He can't fill my shoes/Tomorrow's Taking Baby AwayJerry Lee Lewis11.1974--Mercury 73 618[written by Frank Dycus/Larry Kingston][produced by Stan Kesler][8[8].Country Chart]
I can still hear the music in the restroom/ (Remember Me) I'm The One Who Loves YouJerry Lee Lewis03.1975--Mercury 73 661[written by Tom T.Hall][produced by Jerry Kennedy][13[8].Country Chart]
Boogie woogie country man/ I'm Still Jealous Of YouJerry Lee Lewis07.1975--Mercury 73 685[written by Troy Seals/T.J. Seals][produced by Jerry Kennedy][24[6].Country Chart]
Let's put it back together again/ Jerry Lee's Rock And Roll Revival ShowJerry Lee Lewis08.1976--Mercury 73 822[written by Jerry Foster/Bill Rice][produced by Jerry Kennedy][6[11].Country Chart]
The closest thing to you/You Belong To MeJerry Lee Lewis01.1977--Mercury 73 872[written by Bob McDill][produced by Jerry Kennedy, Charlie Fach][27[4].Country Chart]
Middle age crazy/Georgia On My MindJerry Lee Lewis11.1977--Mercury 55 011[written by Sonny Throckmorton][produced by Jerry Kennedy][4[13].Country Chart]
Come on in/Who's Sorry NowJerry Lee Lewis04.1978--Mercury 55 021[written by Bobby Braddock][produced by Jerry Kennedy][10[7].Country Chart]
I'll find it where I can/Don't Let The Stars Get In Your EyesJerry Lee Lewis07.1978--Mercury 55 028[written by Michael Clark/Zack Vanasdale][produced by Jerry Kennedy][10[9].Country Chart]
Save the last dance for me/Am I To Be The OneJerry Lee Lewis01.1979--Sun 1139[written by Doc Pomus/Mort Shuman][26[5].Country Chart]
Rockin' my life away/I wish i was eighteen againJerry Lee Lewis05.1979-101[7]Elektra 46 030[18[6].Country Chart][written by Mack Vickery][produced by Bones Howe]
Who will the next fool be/Rita MayJerry Lee Lewis08.1979--Elektra 46 067[written by Charlie Rich][produced by Bones Howe][20[5].Country Chart]
When two worlds collide/Good News Travels FastJerry Lee Lewis02.1980--Elektra 46 591[written by Bill Anderson/Roger Miller][produced by Eddie Kilroy][11[8].Country Chart]
Honky tonk stuff/Rockin' Jerry LeeJerry Lee Lewis06.1980--Elektra 46 642[written by Jerry Chesnut][produced by Eddie Kilroy][28[5].Country Chart]
Over the rainbow/Folsom Prison BluesJerry Lee Lewis09.1980--Elektra 47 026[written by Harold Arlen/E.Y. "Yip" Harburg][produced by Eddie Kilroy][10[8].Country Chart]
Thirty nine and holding/Change Places With MeJerry Lee Lewis02.1981-Elektra 47 095[written by Michael Clark/Zack Vanasdale][produced by Eddie Kilroy][4[10].Country Chart]

Tytuł WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia

Jerry Lee Lewis Vol.2Jerry Lee Lewis06.196214[6]-London HA 2440 [UK]
The golden hits of Jerry Lee LewisJerry Lee Lewis03.1964-116[8]Smash 67 040[produced by Shelby Singleton]
The greatest live show on earthJerry Lee Lewis12.1964-71[17]Smash 67 056[produced by Shelby Singleton, Jerry Kennedy]
The return of rockJerry Lee Lewis06.1965-121[5]Smash 67 063[produced by Shelby Singleton]
Memphis beatJerry Lee Lewis05.1966-145[3]Smash 67 079[produced by Shelby Singleton]
Another place another timeJerry Lee Lewis06.1968-160[12]Smash 67 104[produced by Jerry Kennedy]
She still comes around [To love what' s left of me]Jerry Lee Lewis02.1969-149[7]Smash 67 112[produced by Jerry Kennedy]
Jerry Lee Lewis sings The Country Music Hall Of Fame Hits,Vol.1Jerry Lee Lewis05.1969-127[10]Smash 67 117[produced by Jerry Kennedy]
Jerry Lee Lewis sings The Country Music Hall Of Fame Hits,Vol.2Jerry Lee Lewis05.1969-124[10]Smash 67 118[produced by Jerry Kennedy]
Original Golden Hits-Volume 1Jerry Lee Lewis09.1969-119[4]Sun 102[produced by Shelby Singleton]
Original Golden Hits-Volume 2Jerry Lee Lewis09.1969-122[5]Sun 103[produced by Shelby Singleton]
The even woke me up to say goodbyeJerry Lee Lewis02.1970-186[2]Smash 67 128[produced by Jerry Kennedy]
The best of Jerry Lee LewisJerry Lee Lewis05.1970-114[14]Smash 67 131[produced by Jerry Kennedy]
Live at The International,Las VegasJerry Lee Lewis10.1970-149[6]Mercury 61 278[produced by Jerry Kennedy]
There must be more to love than thisJerry Lee Lewis01.1971-190[6]Mercury 61 323[produced by Jerry Kennedy]
Touching homeJerry Lee Lewis07.1971-152[3]Mercury 61 343[produced by Jerry Kennedy]
Would you take another chance on me?Jerry Lee Lewis11.1971-115[12]Mercury 61 346[produced by Jerry Kennedy]
The “Killer” rocks onJerry Lee Lewis04.1972-105[12]Mercury 637[produced by Jerry Kennedy]
The sessionJerry Lee Lewis03.1973-37[19]Mercury 803[produced by Steve Rowland]
Jerry Lee LewisJerry Lee Lewis04.1979-186[3]Elektra 184[produced by Bones Howe]
Class of ' 55 [Carl Perkins/Jerry Lee Lewis/Roy Orbison,Johnny Cash]Jerry Lee Lewis06.1986-87[12]America Smash 83 002[produced by Chips Moman]
Great balls of fire!Jerry Lee Lewis07.1989-62[10]Polydor 839516
Last Man StandingJerry Lee Lewis10.2006-26[9]Artists First 20001[produced by Steve Bing,Jimmy Ripp]
Mean Old ManJerry Lee Lewis09.2010-30[4]Verve 14675[produced by Jim Keltner & Steve Bing]
Rock & Roll TimeJerry Lee Lewis11.2014-140[1]Vanguard-

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