wtorek, 28 listopada 2017

Andrews Sisters

The Andrews Sisters –amerykańskie trio wokalne, które w epoce przed rock and rollem było najpopularniejszym żeńskim zespołem. Ich płyty nagrane wspólnie z Bingiem Crosby biły (podczas II wojny światowej) rekordy popularności. W skład tria wchodziły La Verne Andrews (ur. 6 VII 1911 w Mound, USA - zm. 8 V 1967 w Brentwood), Maxene Andrews (ur. 3 I 1916 w Mound, USA - zm. 21 X 1995 w Bostonie) oraz Patty Andrews (ur. 16 II 1918 w Mound, USA). Najlepszymi warunkami głosowymi dysponowała P. Andrews i to ona była wokalistką wiodącą.

Siostry urodziły się i wychowały w okolicach Minneapolis w stanie Minnesota. Tam zaczęły występować w kabaretach i wodewilach, odnosząc na początku lat 30-tych lokalny sukces. W połowie dekady przeniosły się do Nowego Jorku, gdzie z początku występowały w hotelu Edison. W 1938 podpisały umowę z wydawnictwem Decca Records i nagrały Be Mir Bist Du Schoen, starą piosenkę żydowską z nowymi słowami autorstwa Saula Chaplina i Sammy'ego Cahna. Utwór odniósł sukces komercyjny, a sławę tria przypieczętowały dwie następne piosenki - Hold Tight, Hold Tight i Roll Out the Barrel, amerykańska wersja starej melodii czeskiej The Beer Barrel Polka.
W 1940 siostry zostały zaangażowane do filmu Argentine Nights, co stało się początkiem licznego udziału w obrazach komediowych. W 1944 nawiązały współpracę z Bingiem Crosby, która zaowocowała takimi przebojami jak Don't Fence Me in, Pistol Packin' Mama, Is You is, Or Is You Ain't My Baby?, Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positiue, The Three Caballeros, Along the Navajo Trail, Jingle Bells oraz Sparrow m the Tree Top.

Nagrywały także ze znanymi wykonawcami, m.in. z Lesem Paulem, Burlem Ivesem, Dannym Kaye, Carmen Mirandą, Guyem Lombardo i Ernestem Tubbem. Począwszy od pierwszego przeboju z 1938 siostry regularnie umieszczały na listach bestsellerów również piosenki pod własnym nazwiskiem. Do najpopularniejszych należą: Says May Heart, Say Si Si, Beat Me Daddy, Eight to the Bar, I'll Be With You in. Apple Blossom Time, Tree Little Sisters, Strip Polka i Straighten Cip and Fly Right.

Siostry pracowały wspólnie aż do śmierci LaVerne w 1967. Realizowały jednocześnie swoje własne płyty solowe. W szczytowym momencie kariery mogły się pochwalić rekordową liczbą 60 mln. sprzedanych płyt, co nawet dzisiaj stanowi ewenement.

Dzięki sukcesowi piosenki Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy z ich repertuaru, nagranej w 1973 przez Bette Midler, Patty i Maxene Andrews odzyskały popularność, wznowiły działalność i wystąpiły w musicalu Ouer Here!, wystawionym na Broadwayu. Po śmierci Maxene, ostatnia pozostała przy życiu siostra - Patty - występowała m.in. z Glenn Miller Orchestra.
Tytuł WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia
Bei mir bist du schoen/Nice work if you can get itAndrews Sisters01.1938-1[5][10] side B:12[3]Decca 1562[piosenka z musicalu "I would if I could"][side B:utwór z filmu "A damsel in distress"]
Joseph,JosephAndrews Sisters03.1938-18[1]Decca 1691[written by Sammy Cahn/Nellie Casman/Saul Chaplin/Samuel Steinberg]
Ti-Pi-TinAndrews Sisters03.1938-12[4]Decca 1703[written by María Mendez Grever/Raymond Leveen]
Shortenin' breadAndrews Sisters03.1938-16[2]Decca 1744-
Says my heartAndrews Sisters07.1938-10[5]Decca 1875[written by Burton Lane/Frank Loesser]
Tu-Li-Tulip time/Sha-shaAndrews Sisters09.1938-9[4] side B:17[1]Decca 1974[written by María Mendez Grever/Raymond Leveen]
Lullaby to a Jitterburg/Pross-Tchai [Goodbye]Andrews Sisters05.1939-10[3] side B:15[1]Decca 2082[written by Sammy Cahn/Saul Chaplin]
Hold tight,hold tightAndrews Sisters01.1939-2[11]Decca 2214-
You don't know how much you can sufferAndrews Sisters05.1939-14[1]Decca 2414[written by Franklin/Friend]
Beer Barrel Polka [Roll out the barrel]/Well all right [Tonight's the night]Andrews Sisters05.1939-4[7] side B:5[15]Decca 2462[written by Lew Brown/Wladimir A. Timm/Jaromír Vejvoda/Vasec Zeman]
Chico's love songAndrews Sisters11.1939-11[5]Decca 2756-
Yodelin jive/Ciribiribin [They're so in love]Bing Crosby and Andrews Sisters11.1939-4[11]Decca 2800[written by Lew Brown/Wladimir A. Timm/Jaromír Vejvoda/Vasec Zeman][with Joe Venuti Orchestra]
Say "Si Si" [Para vigo me voy]/Let's have another oneAndrews Sisters03.1940-4[8]Decca 3013[written by Lecuona/Luban/Stillman][#19 hit for Xavier Cugat in 1936][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
The woodpecker song/Down by the OhioAndrews Sisters04.1940-7[2]Decca 3065[written by Harold Adamson/Cherubin Bruno/Eldo DiLazzaro][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Beat me daddy,Eight to a bar/Pennsylvania 6-5000Andrews Sisters10.1940-19[1]Decca 3375[written by Hughie Prince/Don Raye/Eleanore Sheehy][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Ferryboat serenade [La Piccinina]/Hit the roadAndrews Sisters12.1940-8[3]Decca 3328[written by Harold Adamson/Eldo DiLazzaro/Mario Penzeri][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Scrub me mama with a boogie beat/Johnny Feddler [I got]Andrews Sisters02.1941-18[1]Decca 3553[written by Don Raye][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Boogie woogie bugle boy/Bounce me brother with a solid fourAndrews Sisters03.1941-15[4]Decca 3598[written by Hughie Prince/Don Raye][#8 hit for Bette Midler in 1973][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
I'll be with you in Apple Blossom Time/I,Yi,Yi,Yi,Yi [I like you very much]Andrews Sisters05.1941-5[11]Decca 3622[written by Neville Fleeson/Al VonTilzer][#2 hit for Charles Harrison in 1920r;#31 hit for Tab Hunter in 1959r][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
The shrine of Saint Cecilia/Jack of all tradesAndrews Sisters01.1942-17[3]Decca 4097[written by Pern Jokern/Carroll Loveday][#96 hit for Faron Young in 1957r][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Three little sisters/[Toy balloon]Boolee Boolee boonAndrews Sisters08.1942-19[1]Decca 18 319[written by Victor Mizzy/Irv Taylor][piosenka z filmu "Private buckaroo"][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Strip polka/Mister five by fiveAndrews Sisters10.1942-6[4] side B:17[2]Decca 18 470[written by Johnny Mercer][with Vic Schoen Orchestra][piosenka z filmu "Behind the eight ball"]
Pistol packin' mama/Vict'ry polkaBing Crosby and Andrews Sisters11.1943-2[9] side B:6[5]Decca 23 277[gold-US][written by al. Dexter][with Vic Schoen Orchestra][3[6].R&B Chart]
Shoo-shoo baby/Down in the valleyAndrews Sisters01.1944-1[9][19] side B:17[3]Decca 18 572[written by Phil Moore][with Vic Schoen Orchestra][piosenka z filmu "Three cheers for the boys"][side B:from the movie "Moonlight and cactus";#71 hit for Solomon Burke in 1962r]
Straighten up and fly right/Tico-ticoAndrews Sisters06.1944-8[13] side B:18[1]Decca 18 606[written by Nat King Cole/Irving Mills][#73 hit for DeJohn Sisters in 1958][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Sing a tropical song/There'll be a jubileeAndrews Sisters07.1944-18[1]Decca 18 581[written by Fields & McHugh/Frank Loesser][piosenka z filmu "Happy-Go-Lucky"][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
[There'll be a]Hot time in the town of Berlin [When The Yanks go marching in]/Is you is or is you ain't [Ma' baby]Andrews Sisters09.1944-1[6][14] side B:2[13]Decca 23 350[piosenka z filmu "Follow boys"][side B:#81 hit for Buster Brown in 1960][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Don't fence me in/The Three CaballerosBing Crosby and Andrews Sisters11.1944-1[8][21] side B:8[5]Decca 23 364[gold-US][written by Robert Fletcher/Cole Porter][piosenka z filmu "Hollywood canteen"][#45 hit for Tommy Edwards in 1960][side B:tytułowa piosenka z filmu animowanego][side B:written by Ernesto Cortázar/Manuel Esperón/Ray Gilbert][with Vic Schoen Orchestra][9[1].R&B Chart]
Rum and Coca-Cola/One meat ballAndrews Sisters01.1945-1[10][20] side B:15[1]Decca 18 636[gold-US][written by Morey Amsterdam/Paul Baron/Jeri Sullivan][adaptacja piosenki calypso z Trynidadu]][with Vic Schoen Orchestra][side B:adaptacja piosenki z 1855r "The lone fish ball"][side B:written by Lou Singer/Hy Zaret][3[3].R&B Chart]
Corns for my country/I'm in a jam [With baby]Andrews Sisters01.1945-21[1]Decca 18 628[piosenka z filmu "Hollywood canteen"][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive/There's a fellow waiting in PoughkeepsieAndrews Sisters02.1945-2[12]Decca 23 379[written by Harold Arlen/Johnny Mercer][piosenka z filmu "Here comes the wave"][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Along The Navajo Trail/Good,good,good [That's you-That's you]Bing Crosby and Andrews Sisters09.1945-2[11]Decca 23 437[written by Dick Charles/Eddie DeLange/Larry Markes][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
The blond sailor/Lily BelleAndrews Sisters09.1945-8[8]Decca 18 700[written by Mitchell Parish][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Money is the root of all evil [Take it away,take it away,take it away]/Johnny FedoraAndrews Sisters and Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians02.1946-9[5]Decca 23 474[written by Alex Krarmer/Joan Whitney][with Guy Lombardo]
Patience and fortitude/Red River ValleyAndrews Sisters03.1946-12[1]Decca 18 780[written by Billy Moore/Blackie Warren][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
South America,Take it away/Get your kicks on "Route 66!"Bing Crosby and Andrews Sisters08.1946-2[19]Decca 23 569[gold][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "Call me mister"][side B:#61 hit for Depeche Mode in 1988][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
I don't know why [I just do]/AzusaAndrews Sisters08.1946-17[1]Decca 18 899[written by Fred E. Ahlert/Roy Turk][#2 hit for Wayne King in 1931;#12 hit for Linda Scott in 1961][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
The house of blue lights/A man is a brother to a muleAndrews Sisters and Eddie Heywood and His Orchestra09.1946-15[5]Decca 23 641[written by Don Raye/Freddie Slack][#9 hit for Chuck Miller in 1955]
Rumors and flying/Them that has-getsAndrews Sisters with Les Paul10.1946-4[13]Decca 23 656[written by Bennie Benjamin/George David Weiss][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Christmas island/Winter wonderland/Andrews Sisters and Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians12.1946-7[4]Decca 23 722[written by Lyle Moraine]
Tallahassee/Go West,Young Man!Bing Crosby and Andrews Sisters 07.1947-10[10]Decca 23 885[with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Near you/How lucky you areAndrews Sisters09.1947-2[17]Decca 24 171[written by Francis Craig/Kermit Goell][#11 hit for Roger Williams in 1958][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
The Lady from 29 palms/The turntable song ['Round,An'round,A'n round]Andrews Sisters10.1947-7[2]Decca 23 976[written by Allie Wrubel][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Civilization [Bongo,bongo,bongo]Danny Kaye-Andrews Sisters11.1947-3[11]Decca 23 940[written by Bob Hilliard/Carl Sigman][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "Angel in the wings"][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Toolie Oolie Doolie [The yodel polka]/I hate to lose youAndrews Sisters04.1948-3[17] side B:14[7]Decca 24 380[written by Arthur Beul/Vaughn Horton][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Heartbreaker/[Every time they play the] Sabre danceAndrews Sisters05.1948-21[5] side B:21[3]Decca 24 427[written by Berk/Matthew Campanozzi/Freedman][with Harmonica Gentlemen]
The woody woodpecker/Put'em in a box,Tie'em with a ribbon [And throw 'em in the deep blue sea]Danny Kaye-Andrews Sisters07.1948-18[6]Decca 24 462[written by Idries, Ramey/George Tibbles][with Harmonica Gentlemen]
Underneath the arches/You call everybody darlingAndrews Sisters09.1948-5[14] side B:8[12]Decca 24 490[written by Bud Flanagan][#11 hit for George Olsen in 1933][with Billy Terment Orchestra]
Cuanto La Gusta/The matadorCarmen Miranda-Andrews Sisters10.1948-12[14]Decca 24 479[written by Ray Gilbert/Gabriel Ruíz][piosenka z filmu "A date with Judy"][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
A hundred and sixty acres/At the flying "W"Bing Crosby and Andrews Sisters11.1948-23[2]Decca 24 481[with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Bella bella Marie/The money songAndrews Sisters11.1948-23[2]Decca 24 499[written by Pelosi/Towers/Winkler][piosenka z filmu "Music man"][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Christmas Island/Winter wonderlandAndrews Sisters01.1949-26[1]Decca 23 722-
The pussy cat song [Nyow!Nyot nyow!]/Don't worry 'bout strangersPatty Andrews and Bob Crosby01.1949-12[6]Decca 24 533[written by Dick Manning]
More beer!/Let a smile be your umbrella [On a rainy day]Andrews Sisters01.1949-30[3]Decca 24 548[written by Glenn Miller][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
I'm bitin' my fingernails and thinking of you/Don't rob another man's castleAndrews Sisters and Ernest Tubb with The Texas Troubadours05.1949-30[1]Decca 24 592[written by Ernest Benedict/Larry Sanders/Ernest Tubb/Roy West]
Now!Now!Now! Is the time/Oh,you sweet one [The Schnitzelbank song]Andrews Sisters and Russ Morgan and His Orchestra07.1949-21[1]Decca 24 548[written by Bob Burns/Geoff Howe]
I can dream,can't I?/The wedding of Lili MarleneAndrews Sisters09.1949-1[5][25] side B:20[2]Decca 24 705[written by Sammy Fain/Irving Kahal][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "Right this way"][#5 hit for Tommy Dorsey in 1938][with Gordon Jenkins Orchestra]
Charley my boy/She wore a yellow ribbonAndrews Sisters12.1949-15[4] side B:22[2]Decca 24 812[written by Ted Fio Rito/Gus Kahn][#3 hit for Eddie Cantor in 1924][with Russ Morgan Orchestra]
Merry Christmas polka/Christmas candlesAndrews Sisters01.1950-18[1]Decca 24 748[with Guy Lombardo Orchestra]
Quicksilver/Have i told you lately that i love you?Bing Crosby and Andrews Sisters01.1950-6[17] side B:24[4]Decca 24 827[side B:#29 hit for Ricky Nelson in 1957][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
The wedding samba/I see,I see [Asi Asi]Carmen Miranda and Andrews Sisters01.1950-23[3]Decca 24 841[written by Glenn Miller][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
I wanna be loved/I've just got to get out of the habitAndrews Sisters05.1950-1[2][21]Decca 9-27 007[written by Johnny Green/Edward Heyman/Billy Rose][with Gordon Jenkins Orchestra]
Can't we talk it over/There will never be another youAndrews Sisters09.1950-22[1]Decca 9-27 115[written by Ned Washington/Victor Young][#10 hit for Bing Crosby & The Mills Brothers in 1932][with Gordon Jenkins Orchestra]
A bushel and a peck/Guys and dollsAndrews Sisters12.1950-22[4]Decca 9-27 252[written by Frank Loesser][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "Guys and dolls"][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
A penny a kiss-A penny a hug/Zing Zing-Zoom ZoomAndrews Sisters03.1951-17[7]Decca 9-27 414[written by Ralp Care/Buddy Kaye][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Sparrow in the tree top/Forsaking all othersBing Crosby and Andrews Sisters03.1951-8[15]Decca 9-27 477[written by Bob Merrill][with Vic Schoen Orchestra]
Too young/Gotta find somebody to loveAndrews Sisters06.1951-19[6]Decca 9-27 569[written by Sylvia Dee/Sidney Lippman][#13 hit for Donny Osmond in 1972][with Victor Young Orchestra]
I'm in love again/It never entered my mindAndrews Sisters06.1951-24[1]Decca 9-27 635[written by Sylvia Dee/Sidney Lippman][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "The Greenwich Village Follies of 1925][with Gordon Jenkins Orchestra]
Suddenly there's a valley/Booga-Da-WoogPatty Andrews 11.1955-69[5]Capitol 3228[with Harold Mooney Orchestra]
Tytuł WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia
The Andrews SistersAndrews Sisters09.1946-5[1]Decca 458-

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