czwartek, 5 października 2017

Disko B

Niezależna wytwórnia z Monachium. Rozpoczęła działalność jako taneczny oddział Sub-Up Records zimą 1990/91 r. Szalone utwory taneczne, jak te autorstwa Silicon Soul czy Sugar Shut Up!, które wydano ]ako pierwsze pod koniec 1992 r., były promowane na pierwszych techno-parties w Monachium i okolicy. Imprezy stały się szybko sławne, co pozwoliło także na nawiązanie nowych znajomości i w konsekwencji doprowadziło do zawarcia kontraktów.

W ten sposób trafili do Disko B: DJ Hell, Robert Grórl (były członek DAF) oraz Richie Bartz aka Acid Scout.
Do najbardziej udanych albumowych wydawnictw wytwórni zaliczyć należy Geteert Und Gefedert DJ Hella, Porno Patricka Pulsingera, The Vault Blake'a Baxtera, Chicken Wings & Beef Fried Rice Kirliana i najnowszy Musik Fur Milltonen Acid Scouta.
W 1996 r. do wytwórni dołączyło kilku młodych producentów, Cai Bojsen-Moller (Revert Rhythm), Russel Kent (Kick Your Fucking Ass), I-F (Portrait Of A Dead Girl), Dakar & Grinser (Shot Down In Reno). Disko B to zespół artystów, muzycznych i komputerowych maniaków, gwiazd filmowych, fotografów, malarzy i biznesmenów, razem ze sklepem muzycznym i słynnym klubem Ultraschall Electronic Club. Szefem wytwórni jest Upstart.

Katalog wytwórni:
        db 1 	Silicon Soul 	Who Needs Sleep Tonight (Maxi)  	1991
	db 1 	Silicon Soul 	Who Needs Sleep Tonight (12", Maxi) 	1991
	db 1 	Silicon Soul 	Who Needs Sleep Tonight (12", Promo) 	1991
	db 2 	Sugar Shut Up! 	Is That All There Is? ? (2 versions) 	1991
	db 2 	Sugar Shut Up! 	Is That All There Is? (12") 	1991
	db 2 	Sugar Shut Up! 	Is That All There Is? (12", Promo) 	1991
	db 3 	Dub Invaders, The 	Yellow Moon (12") 	1991
	db 4 	Kotai 	Susi's Daydream (Maxi) ? (3 versions) 	1991
	db 4 	Kotai 	Susi's Daydream (12") 	1991
	db 4 	Kotai 	Susi's Daydream (12", Promo) 	1991
	DB 4 	Kotai 	Susi's Daydream (12", Maxi) 	1991
	db 5 	Napoleon 	The Russian Front EP (EP) 	1993
	db 5 	Napoleon 	The Russian Front EP (12", EP) 	1993
	db 5 	Napoleon 	Russian Front EP (12", EP, W/Lbl) 	1993
	db 6 	Caesar 	Don't You Feel It / You (12") 	1993
	db 7 	DJ Hell* 	Red Bull From Hell EP (EP) 	1993
	db 7 	DJ Hell* 	Red Bull From Hell EP (12", EP) 	1993
	db 7 	DJ Hell* 	Red Bull From Hell EP (12", EP, Red) 	1993
	db 8 	R Görl* 	Psycho ? (3 versions) 	1993
	db 8 	R Görl* 	Psycho (12") 	1993
	db 8 	R Görl* 	Psycho (12", Cle) 	1993
	db 8 	R Görl* 	Psycho (12", Promo) 	1993
	db 9 	Temple (2) 	Keep Your Body In Trance 1993
	db 9 	Temple (2) 	Keep Your Body In Trance (12", Ora) 	1993
	db 9 	Temple (2) 	Keep Your Body In Trance (12", W/Lbl) 	1993
	db 10 	DJ Hell* / Electric Indigo 	Ultraworld EP Vol. 1 (EP) 1993
	db 10 	DJ Hell* / Electric Indigo 	Ultraworld EP Vol. 1 (12", EP) 	1993
	db 10 	DJ Hell* / Electric Indigo 	Ultraworld EP Vol. 1 (12", EP, Pin) 	1993
	db 10 	DJ Hell* / Electric Indigo 	Ultraworld EP Vol. 1 (12",) 	1993
	db 11 	Caesar 	II (12", Promo) 	1993
	db 11 	Caesar 	Live At Caesar's Palace (2xLP) 	1994
	DB 11 CD 	Caesar 	Live At Caesar's Palace (CD, Album) 	1994
	db 12 	R Görl* 	Psycho (Remixes) ? (2 versions) 	1993
	db 12 	R Görl* 	Psycho (Remixes) (12") 	1993
	db 12 	R Görl* 	Psycho (Remixes) (12", Cle) 	1993
	db 13 	Various 	Energy '93 (3xLP, Comp) 	1993
	db 13 cd 	Various 	Energy '93 (CD, Comp) 	1993
	db 15 	Patrick Pulsinger 	Dogmatic Sequences E.P. (EP)   1994
	db 15 	Patrick Pulsinger 	Dogmatic Sequences E.P. (12", EP) 1994
	db 15 	Patrick Pulsinger 	Dogmatic Sequences E.P. (12", EP, Whi) 	1994
	db 16 	Acid Scout 	4 Degrees ? (3 versions) 	1993
	db 16 	Acid Scout 	4 Degrees (12") 	1993
	db 16 	Acid Scout 	4 Degrees (12", Promo, W/Lbl) 	1993
	db 16 	Acid Scout 	4 Degrees (12", Blu) 	1993
	db 17 	Kotai 	Electric Heartbeat ? (3 versions) 	1994
	db 17 	Kotai 	Electric Heartbeat (12") 	1994
	db 17 	Kotai 	Electric Heartbeat (12", Ora) 	1994
	db 17 	Kotai 	Electric Heartbeat (12", Promo) 	1994
	db 18 	DJ Good Groove* 	Drummatic Tales Vol. 1  	1994
	db 18 	DJ Good Groove* 	Drummatic Tales Vol. 1 (12") 	1994
	db 18 	DJ Good Groove* 	Drummatic Tales Vol. 1 (12", Promo)1994
	db 19 	Willow Run 	1st Approach EP (EP) ? (2 versions) 	1994
	db 19 	Willow Run 	1st Approach EP (12", EP) 	1994
	db 19 	Willow Run 	1st Approach EP (12", Cle) 	1994
	db 20 	Hell 	Geteert & Gefedert ? (3 versions) 	1994
	db 20 	Hell 	Geteert & Gefedert (2xLP) 	1994
	db 20 	Hell 	Geteert & Gefedert (2xLP, Ltd, Whi) 	1994
	db 20 	Hell 	Geteert & Gefedert (2xLP, Promo) 	1994
	db 20 cd 	Hell 	Geteert & Gefedert (Album) 1994
	db 20 cd 	Hell 	Geteert & Gefedert (CD, Album, Dig) 	1994
	db20cd 	Hell 	Geteert & Gefedert (CD, Album, Jew) 	1994
	db 21 	Triple R 	Red Flare EP (EP) ? (2 versions) 	1994
	db 21 	Triple R 	Red Flare EP (12", EP) 	1994
	db 21 	Triple R 	Red Flare EP (12", EP, Cle) 	1994
	db 22 	Acid Scout 	Balance ? (2 versions) 	1994
	db 22 	Acid Scout 	Balance (12") 	1994
	db 22 	Acid Scout 	Balance (12", Promo) 	1994
	db 23 	R Görl* 	Therapie ? (2 versions) 	1994
	db 23 	R Görl* 	Therapie (2x12") 	1994
	db 23 	R Görl* 	Therapie (2x12", Red) 	1994
	db 23 cd 	R Görl* 	(Psycho) Therapie (CD, Album, Dig) 1994
	db 24 	Northstar 	Figure Skating E.P. (EP) 1994
	db 24 	Northstar 	Figure Skating E.P. (12", EP, Blu) 	1994
	db 24 	Northstar 	Figure Skating E.P. (12", EP, RP) 	1994
	db 25 	Patrick Pulsinger 	Dogmatic Sequences II  	1994
	db 25 	Patrick Pulsinger 	Dogmatic Sequences II (12", Ltd, Mul)1994
	db 25 	Patrick Pulsinger 	Dogmatic Sequences II (12", Promo) 1994
	db 26 	DJ Hell* 	Hell Ärgere Dich Nicht ?  	1994
	db 26 	DJ Hell* 	Hell Ärgere Dich Nicht (12") 	1994
	db 26 	DJ Hell* 	Hell Ärgere Dich Nicht (12", Promo, W/Lbl)1994
	db 26 	DJ Hell* 	Hell Ärgere Dich Nicht (12", Cle) 	1994
	db 27 	Acid Scout 	Safari (2xLP) 	1994
	db 27 cd 	Acid Scout 	Safari (Album)  	1994
	db 27 cd 	Acid Scout 	Safari (CD, Album) 	1994
	db 27 CD 	Acid Scout 	Safari (CD, Album, Promo) 1994
	db 28 cd 	Various 	Supermarkt (2xCD) 	1994
	db 29 	Daterape 	Original Soundtrack From 'Lower Lifeforms' 1995
	db 29 	Daterape 	Original Soundtrack From 'Lower Lifeforms' (12")1995
	db 29 	Daterape 	Original Soundtrack From 'Lower Lifeforms' (12", Whi) 	1995
	db 30 	DJ Hell* 	Albino EP (EP) ? (3 versions) 	1995
	db 30 	DJ Hell* 	Albino EP (12", EP) 	1995
	db 30 	DJ Hell* 	Albino EP (12", EP, Cle) 	1995
	db 30 	DJ Hell* 	Albino EP (12", Promo, EP) 	1995
	db 31 	Unit Moebius 	Disco LP (Album) ? (2 versions) 	1995
	db 31 	Unit Moebius 	Disco LP (2x12", Album) 	1995
	db 31 	Unit Moebius 	Disco LP (2x12", Album, Promo, W/Lbl) 	1995
	db 31 cd 	Unit Moebius 	Disco CD (CD, Album) 	1995
	db 32 	Richard Bartz 	Sci-Fi (Album) ? (2 versions) 	1995
	db 32 	Richard Bartz 	Sci-Fi (2x12", Album) 	1995
	db 32 	Richard Bartz 	Sci-Fi (2x12", Promo) 	1995
	db 32 cd 	Richard Bartz 	Sci-Fi (CD) 	1995
	db 33 	R Görl* 	Happy Gathering / U.F.N. ? 	1995
	db 33 	R Görl* 	Happy Gathering / U.F.N. (12") 	1995
	db 33 	R Görl* 	Happy Gathering / U.F.N. (12", Red) 	1995
	db 34 	Kirlian 	Vodka, You Sweet Companion 1995
	db 34 	Kirlian 	Vodka, You Sweet Companion (12") 1995
	db 34 	Kirlian 	Vodka, You Sweet Companion (12", Promo) 1995
	db 35 	Patrick Pulsinger 	Porno (Album) ? (2 versions) 	1994
	db 35 	Patrick Pulsinger 	Porno (2x12", Album) 	1995
	db 35 	Patrick Pulsinger 	Porno (2x12", Album, MP) 	1994
	DB 35 CD 	Patrick Pulsinger 	Porno (CD, Album, Dig) 	1995
	db 36 	Blake Baxter 	The Vault ? (2 versions) 	1995
	db 36 	Blake Baxter 	The Vault (2xLP) 	1995
	db 36 	Blake Baxter 	The Vault (2xLP, W/Lbl) 	1995
	db 36 cd 	Blake Baxter 	The Vault (CD, Album) 	1995
	db 37 	Khan & Walker 	Schleichfahrt (2xLP) 	1996
	db37cd 	Khan+Walker* 	Schleichfahrt (CD, Album, Dig) 	1996
	db 38 	Hell & Jonzon 	EP No. 1 (EP) ? (3 versions) 	1995
	db 38 	Hell & Jonzon 	EP No. 1 (12", EP) 	1995
	db 38 	Hell & Jonzon 	EP No. 1 (12", EP, W/Lbl) 	1995
	db 38 	Hell & Jonzon 	EP No. 1 (12", EP, Mar) 	1995
	db 39 	Hell 	Original Street Techno (EP) 	1995
	db 39 	Hell 	Original Street Techno (12") 	1995
	db 39 	Hell 	Original Street Techno (12", Mar) 	1995
	db 39 	DJ Hell* 	Original Street Techno EP (12", Promo, EP)1995
	db 39 	Hell 	Original Street Techno (12", Ltd, Ora) 	1995
	db 40 	Kirlian 	Chicken Wings & Beef Fried Rice (2xLP) 	1996
	DB 40CD Kirlian 	Chicken Wings & Beef Fried Rice (CD, Album)1996
	db 41 	Rancho Relaxo Allstars 	Volume 1 - Higiene Mental (CD, Album)1996
	db 42 	Acid Scout 	Pot / Junkyard (12") 	1996
	db 43 	Hell 	Totmacher ? (2 versions) 	1996
	db 43 	Hell 	Totmacher (12") 	1996
	db 43 	Hell 	Totmacher (12", Promo) 	1996
	db 44 	DJ Good Groove* 	Drummatic Tales Vol. II (12") 	1996
	db 45 	Kirlian 	Who's Got The Flave (12") 	1996
	db 46 	Cai Bojsen-M?ller 	Revert Rhythm (12") 	1996
	db 47 	Russel Kent 	Kick Your Fucking Ass (12") 	1996
	db 48 	Acid Scout 	Musik Für Millionen (2xLP) 	1996
	DB48CD 	Acid Scout 	Musik Für Millionen (CD, Album, Dig) 	1996
	db 49 	Robert Görl 	Yip Yep ? (2 versions) 	1996
	db 49 	Robert Görl 	Yip Yep (12") 	1996
	db 49 	Robert Görl 	Yip Yep (12", Promo, W/Lbl) 	1996
	db 50 	Hell 	Totmacher Interpretationen (12") 	1996
	db 51 	I-f 	Portrait Of A Dead Girl 1: The Cause 1996
	db 51 	I-f 	Portrait Of A Dead Girl 1: The Cause (12") 1996
	db 51 	I-f 	Portrait Of A Dead Girl 1: The Cause (12")1996
	db 52 	Robert Görl 	Watch The Great Copycat (2xLP) 	1996
	db52cd 	Robert Görl 	Watch The Great Copycat (CD, Album) 	1996
	db 53 	Jonzon 	Dirty Seconds (12") 	1996
	db 54 	Dakar & Grinser 	Shot Down In Reno (12", Red) 	1996
	db 55 	Blake Baxter 	The H-Factor (2xLP) 	1997
	DB55CD 	Blake Baxter 	The H-Factor (CD, Album, Dig) 	1997
	db 56 	Prozac 	Zombie Style ? (2 versions) 	1996
	db 56 	Prozac 	Zombie Style (12") 	1996
	db 56 	Prozac 	Zombie Style (12", W/Lbl, Promo) 	1996
	db 57 	Nimoy (2) / I-f 	Space Toilet  	1996
	db 57 	Nimoy (2) / I-f 	Space Toilet (12") 	1996
	db 57 	Nimoy (2) / I-f 	Space Toilet (12", W/Lbl) 1996
	db 58 	Gemini 	Beyond Gone ? (2 versions) 	1997
	db 58 	Gemini 	Beyond Gone (12") 	1997
	db 58 	Gemini 	Beyond Gone (12", W/Lbl) 	1997
	db 59 	I-f 	Portrait Of A Dead Girl II: The Conclusion 1997
	db 59 	I-f 	Portrait Of A Dead Girl II: The Conclusion (12")1997
	db 59 	I-f 	Portrait Of A Dead Girl II: The Conclusion (12")1997
	db 60 	Susanne Brokesch 	Sharing The Sunhat (2xLP) 	1997
	db60cd 	Susanne Brokesch 	Sharing The Sunhat (CD, Album) 	1997
	db 61 	F.S.K. 	4 Instrumentals ? (2 versions) 	1997
	db 61 	F.S.K. 	4 Instrumentals (12") 	1997
	db 61 	F.S.K. 	4 Instrumentals (12", W/Lbl) 	1997
	db 62 	Hans Platzgumer 	Der Seperator (2xLP) 	1997
	db62cd 	Hans Platzgumer 	Der Seperator (CD, Album, Dig) 	1997
	db 63 	Dakar & Grinser 	There Ain't No Turnin' Back (12")1997
	db 64 	Jay Denham 	Escape To The Black Planet 	1998
	db 64 	Jay Denham 	Escape To The Black Planet (2xLP) 	1998
	db 64 	Jay Denham 	Escape To The Black Planet (2xLP, Promo)1998
	db 64cd 	Jay Denham 	Escape To The Black Planet (CD)1998
	db 65 	Kirlian 	Pleasure Yourself (2xLP) 	1997
	db 65 cd 	Kirlian 	Pleasure Yourself (CD) 	1997
	db 66 	Hans Platzgumer & Divinitées Irritées 	Present... Fingerfood (2xLP) 1998
	db66cd 	Hans Platzgumer & Divinitées Irritées 	Fingerfood (CD, Album) 	1998
	db 67 	Festival 	Resurrection ? (2 versions) 	1998
	db 67 	Festival 	Resurrection (2xLP) 	1998
	db 67 	Festival 	Festival Resurrection (2xLP, Promo, W/Lbl) 	1998
	db67cd 	Festival 	Resurrection (CD, Album, Dig) 	1998
	db 68 	R.Görl* 	Sexdrops (2x12", Album) 	1998
	db68cd 	R.Görl* 	Sexdrops (CD, Album, Dig) 	1998
	db 69 	I-f 	Fucking Consumer ? (2 versions) 	1998
	db 69 	I-f 	Fucking Consumer (2xLP) 	1998
	db 69 	I-f 	Fucking Consumer (2xLP, Promo) 	1998
	DB69CD 	I-F 	Fucking Consumer (Album) ? (2 versions) 	1998
	DB69CD 	I-F 	Fucking Consumer (CD, Album, Dig) 	1998
	DB69CD 	I-F 	Fucking Consumer (CD, Album, RE) 	 
	db 70 	Hell 	Suicide Commando ? (2 versions) 	1998
	db 70 	Hell 	Suicide Commando (12") 	1998
	db 70 	Hell 	Suicide Commando (12", Promo, W/Lbl) 	1998
	db 71 cd 	Rancho Relaxo Allstars 	Volume II - Live At Luv Parade (CD, Album)1998
	db 72 	Merricks 	Ciao Ciao Disco ? (2 versions) 	1998
	db 72 	Merricks 	Ciao Ciao Disco (12") 	1998
	db 72 	Merricks 	Ciao Ciao Disco (12", W/Lbl) 	1998
	db 73 	Richard Bartz 	Evolution - Revolution (12") 	1998
	db 74 	Hell 	Munich Machine (Album) ? (2 versions) 	1998
	db 74 	Hell 	Munich Machine (2xLP) 	1998
	db74 	Hell 	Munich Machine (CD, Album) 	1998
	db 75 cd 	Robert Merdzo 	N.A.Q.O.B. (Not A Question Of Balance) (2xCD)1999
	db 76 	Kirlian 	Uninspired (12") 	1998
	db 77 	Cube & Sphere 	Great Norwegian Explorers (2xLP) 	1998
	db77cd 	Cube & Sphere 	Great Norwegian Explorers (CD, Album, Dig) 	1998
	db 78 	Albrecht Kunze 	Testarchiv (2xLP) 	1999
	db 78 cd 	Albrecht Kunze 	Testarchiv (CD) 	1999
	db 79 	I-f 	Playstation #2 (12") 	1998
	db 80 	Artist Unknown 	Untitled ? (2 versions) 	1999
	db 80 	Artist Unknown 	Untitled (12") 	1999
	db 80 	Artist Unknown 	Untitled (12", W/Lbl) 	1999
	db 81 	Hell 	Copa (Maxi) ? (2 versions) 	1999
	db 81 	Hell 	Copa (12") 	1999
	db81 	Hell 	Copa (CD, Maxi) 	1999
	db 81 uk 	Hell 	Copa (12") 	1999
	db 82 cd 	Suchtrupp 	Heile Welt (CD) 	2000
	db83 	I-f 	The Man From PACK (2xLP, Album) 	1999
	db83cd 	I-f 	The Man From PACK (CD, Album, Dig) 	1999
	db 84 	Jay Denham 	Synthesized Society (2xLP) 	1999
	DB84CD 	Jay Denham 	Synthesized Society (CD, Album) 	1999
	db 85 	Richard Hinge 	Mental Static (12") 	1999
	DB86CD 	Abe Duque 	Disko B. (CD, Comp, Mixed) 	1999
	db 87 	Dakar & Grinser 	Take Me Naked (12") 	1999
	db 88 	Hell 	This Is For You (Remixed) (12") 	1999
	db 89 	Dakar & Grinser 	Are You Really Satisfied Now (2xLP) 	1999
	db89cd 	Dakar & Grinser 	Are You Really Satisfied Now (CD, Album)1999
	db 90 	R_Görl* 	Final Metal Pralinées (2xLP) 	2000
	db90cd 	R_Görl* 	Final Metal Pralinées (CD, Album) 	2000
	db 91 	Dakar & Grinser 	I Wanna Be Your Dog (12") 	1999
	db 91 cd 	Dakar & Grinser 	I Wanna Be Your Dog (CD, Maxi) 	2000
	db 92 	Artist Unknown 	Future (2xLP) 	2000
	db92cd 	Artist Unknown 	Future (CD, Album, Dig) 	2000
	db 93 	Jay Denham 	Smoke And Mirrors (EP) ? (2 versions) 	2000
	db 93 	Jay Denham 	Smoke And Mirrors (12") 	2000
	db 93 	Jay Denham 	Smoke And Mirrors (12", EP, Promo, W/Lbl, Sta) 	2000
	db 94 	Dakar & Grinser 	Stay With Me (Remixes) (12") 	2001
	db 94 cd 	Dakar & Grinser 	Stay With Me (The Remixes) (Maxi) 2001
	db 94 cd 	Dakar & Grinser 	Stay With Me (The Remixes) (CD)2001
	db94cd 	Dakar & Grinser 	Stay With Me (The Remixes) (CD, Maxi) 	2001
	db 94 PROMO 	Dakar & Grinser 	Stay With Me (Remixes) (12") 2001
	db 95 	Richard Hinge 	The Return Of Freya EP (12", EP) 	2001
	db 96 	Church Of Carbon 	Angst EP (12") 	2001
	db97cd 	Robert Merdzo 	Wide / Out (CD, Album) 	2000
	db 98 	Binder 	Photos 01 (2xLP) 	2001
	db98cd 	Binder 	Photos 01 (CD, Album) 	2001
	db 99 	Merricks 	2 (12") 	2001
	db 101 	Silicon Soul 	Pouti (LP, Album) 	2003
	db101cd 	Silicon Soul 	Pouti (CD, Album) 	2003
	db 102 	Kirlian 	De Todas Partes (2xLP) 	2001
	DB102CD 	Kirlian 	De Todas Partes (CD) 	2001
	db 103 	Various 	Heavy Hitters - Time 2 Jackk (2x12", Comp)2002
	DB103CD 	Various 	Heavy Hitters - Time 2 Jackk (CD, Comp)2002
	db 104 	Artist Unknown 	Errorist (12") 	2002
	db104cd 	Artist Unknown 	Errorist (CD, MiniAlbum) 	2002
	db 105 	Electronicat 	Amour Salé ? (2 versions) 	2002
	db 105 	Electronicat 	Amour Salé (12") 	2002
	db 105 	Electronicat 	Amour Sale (12", Promo, W/Lbl) 	2002
	db 106 	Cre`me De Menthe 	Plastique ? (2 versions) 	2002
	db 106 	Cre`me De Menthe 	Plastique (12") 	2002
	db 106 	Cre`me De Menthe 	Plastique (12", Promo, W/Lbl) 	2002
	db 107 	Alek Stark 	We Love You (12") 	2002
	db 108 	Alek Stark 	Highway To Disko (2xLP) 	2002
	db108cd 	Alek Stark 	Highway To Disko (CD, Album, Dig)2002
	db 109 	Tobias Schmidt 	Hooray For Everything ? (2 versions) 	2003
	db 109 	Tobias Schmidt 	Hooray For Everything (2xLP) 	2003
	db 109 	Tobias Schmidt 	Hooray For Everything (2xLP) 	2003
	DB109CD 	Tobias Schmidt 	Hooray For Everything (Album) )2003
	DB109CD 	Tobias Schmidt 	Hooray For Everything (CD, Album) 2003
	db 109 cd 	Tobias Schmidt 	Hooray For Everything (CD, Album) 2003
	DB110CD 	Susanne Brokesch 	So Easy Hard To Practice (CD)2003
	db 111 	Parallax Corporation, The 	Cocadisco 2002
	db 111 	Parallax Corporation, The 	Cocadisco (2xLP)2002
	db 111 	Parallax Corporation, The 	Cocadisco (2xLP, W/Lbl)2002
	db111cd 	Parallax Corporation, The 	Cocadisco (CD) 	2002
	db 112 	Electronicat 	Frisco Bay (7", Single) 	2003
	db 113 	Electronicat 	21st Century Toy (LP) 	2003
	db113cd 	Electronicat 	21st Century Toy (CD, Album) 	2003
	db 113 cd PROMO 	Electronicat 	21st Century Toy (CD) 	2003
	db 114 	Silicon Soul 	Who Needs Sleep Tonight Remixes (12") 	2004
	db 115 	Richard Hinge 	Music Music Music (12") 	2003
	db 116 	Mysterymen 	Wide Apart (12") 	2003
	db 117 	Christian Kreuz 	Koks & Prada / Lebenslänglich Disco (12") 2003
	db 118 	Mysterymen 	Electromode (12") 	2003
	db 119 	Neulander 	Sex, God + Money (10") 	2003
	db 120 	Christian Kreuz 	Diktatur Des Kapitals (2xLP) 	2003
	db 120 cd 	Christian Kreuz 	Diktatur Des Kapitals (CD)2003
	db 121 	Christian Kreuz 	Wir Sind Bereit (12") 	2004
	db 122 	Neulander 	Smoke + Fire (LP) 	2004
	DB122CD 	Neulander 	Smoke + Fire (CD, Album) 	2004
	db 123 	F.S.K. Meets Anthony "Shake" Shakir* 	First Take Then Shake 
(LP, Album + 7", Ltd) 	2004
	db 123 cd 	F.S.K. Meets Anthony "Shake" Shakir* 	First Take Then Shake (CD) 	2004
	db 124 	Mysterymen 	Everything But An Answer (2x12", Album) 	2004
	db 124 cd 	Mysterymen 	Everything But An Answer (CD) 	2004
	db 125 	German Broadcasters 	Activate (12") 	2004
	db 126 	Illektric 	Paranoia E.P. (12", EP) 	2004
	db 127 	Electronicat 	Dans Les Bois (12") 	2004
	db 128 	Electronicat 	Voodoo Man (2xLP) 	2005
	db 128 cd 	Electronicat 	Voodoo Man (Album) ? (2 versions) 	2005
	db 128 cd 	Electronicat 	Voodoo Man (CD, Album) 	2005
	DB 128 CD 	Electronicat 	Voodoo Man (CD, Album) 	2005
	db 129 	Dakar & Grinser 	Making A Slip (12") 	2005
	db 130 	Stereo Total 	Do The Bambi (2xLP, Album) 	2005
	DB130CD 	Stereo Total 	Do The Bambi (CD, Album) 	2005
	db 131 cd 	Stereo Total 	Do The Bambi (CD) 	2005
	db 132 	Acid Pauli 	Nancy ? (2 versions) 	2005
	db 132 	Acid Pauli 	Nancy (12") 	2005
	db 132 	Acid Pauli 	Nancy (12", W/Lbl) 	2005
	db 133 	Dakar & Grinser 	25 Reptile (12") 	2005
	db 134 	Stereo Total 	Do The Bambi (Remixes) (12") 	2005
	db 135 	Stereo Total vs. Mad Professor 	Das Erste Mal (10") 	2005
	db 136 	Dakar & Grinser 	Triumph Of Flesh (2xLP) 	2005
	db 136 cd 	Dakar & Grinser 	Triumph Of Flesh (Album) ? (2 versions) 	2005
	db 136 cd 	Dakar & Grinser 	Triumph Of Flesh (CD) 	2005
	db 136 cd 	Dakar & Grinser 	Triumph Of Flesh (CD, Album, Promo, Car) 	2005
	db 137 	Acid Pauli 	Billy The Killy (12") 	2005
	db 138 	Cre`me De Menthe 	The Impossibility Of Eroticism In The Suburbs (2x12") 	2005
	db 138 cd 	Cre`me De Menthe 	The Impossibility Of Eroticism In The Suburbs (Album) ? (2 versions) 	2005
	db 138 cd 	Cre`me De Menthe 	The Impossibility Of Eroticism In The Suburbs (CD) 	2005
	db138cd 	Cre`me De Menthe 	The Impossibility Of Eroticism In The Suburbs (CD, Album, Promo) 	2005
	db 139 	Stereo Total 	Discotheque (12") 	2006
	db 139 cd 	Stereo Total 	Discotheque (CD) 	2006
	db 140 	Console 	Mono (LP) 	2006
	db 140 cd 	Console 	Mono (CD, Album) 	2006
	db 141 	Patrick Pulsinger 	Dogmatic Sequences III (12", Cle) 	2006
	db 142 cd 	Patrick Pulsinger 	Dogmatic Sequences - The Series 1994-2006 (CD, Album) 	2007
	db 143 	Jay Denham 	The Truth (2x12", Album) 	2008
	db 143 cd 	Jay Denham 	The Truth (CD, Album) 	2008
	db 144 cd 	Console 	Pan Or Ama (CD, Album, RM) 	2007
	DB145CD 	Electronicat 	Chez Toi (Album) ? (2 versions) 	2007
	DB145CD 	Electronicat 	Chez Toi (CD, Album) 	2007
	db 145 cd 	Electronicat 	Chez Toi (CD, Album, Promo, Car) 	2007
	db 146 	Good Enough For You 	Blackseat Of My Car (12", Blu) 	2007
	db 147 	Stereo Total 	Paris < > Berlin (Album) ? (2 versions) 	2007
	db 147 	Stereo Total 	Paris < > Berlin (LP, Album) 	2007
	db 147 	Stereo Total 	Paris < > Berlin (LP, Album, Ltd, Red) 	2007
	db 147 cd 	Stereo Total 	Paris < > Berlin (CD, Album) 	2007
	db 148 	Gebrüder Teichmann* 	Yesternight (12") 	2007
	db 149 	Gebrüder Teichmann* 	The Number Of The Beat (2xLP, Album) 	2007
	db 149 cd 	Gebrüder Teichmann* 	The Number Of The Beat (CD, Album) 	2007
	DB151 	Schlachthofbronx Feat. Slush Puppy Kids 	Belly Full Of Pills EP (12") 	2009
	db 115/116 PROMO 	Mysterymen / Richard Hinge 	Clapman EP / Music, Music,
 Music EP (CDr)2003
	DB CD 1 	Silicon Soul 	Who Needs Sleep Tonight (CD) 	1991
	dbcd 4 	Kotai 	Susi's Daydream (CD, Maxi) 	1991
	db IT CD 01 	Various 	From Beyond (CD, Comp) 	1998

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