piątek, 2 lutego 2024

Gene Chandler

 Właśc. Eugene Dixon, ur. 6.07.1937r w Chicago w stanie Illinois, USA. W pamięci fanów pozostał dzięki niezwykle chwytliwemu nagraniu "Duke Of Earl", które w 1962 r. osiągnęło 1. pozycję na amerykańskiej liście przebojów. Singel, którego sprzedaż osiągnęła l milion egzemplarzy, w istocie zarejestrowała grupa The Dukays, kwintet kierowany przez Chandlera (Eugene Dixon, Shirley Jones, James Lowe, Earl Edwards i Ben Broyles).


Jego wytwórnia wolała jednak lansować artystów solowych, stąd na okładce płytki pojawiło się wyłącznie nazwisko lidera. Tak rozpoczęła się jedna z najdłuższych karier w muzyce soul. Choć image "strojnisia" przeszkadzał mu nieco w zdobyciu jeszcze większego powodzenia, jednak seria znakomitych piosenek autorstwa Curtisa Mayfielda uratowała całą sytuację.

Przebojami roku 1963 r. były single "Rainbow" i "Man's Temptation", ale partnerstwo z Mayfieldem rozkwitło w nagraniach "Just Be True" (z 1964 r.) i wspaniałym "Nothing Can Stop Me" (z 1965 r.), obu notowanych w amerykańskiej Top 20. Później pod egidą producenta Carla Davisa Chandler nagrał między innymi "(The) Girl Don't Care", "There Goes The Lover" i w duecie z Barbarą Acklin - "From The Teacher To The Preacher". Po jego przejściu w 1970 r. do wytwórni Mercury dużym przebojem stał się singel "Groovy Situation", a nawiązana w tym czasie współpraca z Jerrym Butlerem okazała się niezwykle inspirująca.

Kariera Chandlera odżyła znów w czasie boomu disco, gdy singel "Get Down" stał się światowym hitem. Kolejne piosenki "When You're Number l" i "Does She Have A Friend" podtrzymały to powodzenie, a nagrania dla wytwórni Salsoul z Jaime Lynn i grupą Fastfire przeniosły jego karierę w lata 80-te.

Tytuł WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia
The girl's a devil/The big lieThe Dukays05.1961-64[13]NAT 4001[Written by: Bernice Williams ][produced by Bill Sheppard Productions]
Duke of Earl/Kissin' in the kitchenThe Dukays01.1962-1[3][15]Vee-Jay 416[1[5][13].R&B; Chart][Written by: Gene Chandler/Earl Edwards/Bernice Williams ][produced by Bill Sheppard]
Nite owl/Festival of loveThe Dukays01.1962-73[5]NAT 4002[Written by: Bernice Williams ][produced by Bill Sheppard Productions]
Nite owl/Festival of loveThe Dukays03.1962-88[1]Vee-Jay 430[Written by: Bernice Williams ][produced by Bill Sheppard Productions]
Walk on with the duke/London townThe Duke Of Earl04.1962-91[2]Vee-Jay 440[Written by: Finizzo, Pirollo, Spano, Nahan, Testa, Carter][produced by Pam Productions]
Tear for tear/Miracle after miracleGene "Duke Of Earl" Chandler10.1962-114[4]Vee-Jay 461[Written by: Ted Cooper, Carl Spencer, Ed Zolas ]
Rainbow/You threw a lucky punchGene Chandler02.1963-47[12] side B:49[8]Vee-Jay 468[Written by: Curtis Mayfield ][side B:Written by: Don Covay/Smokey Robinson/Ronnie White]
Check yourself/Forgive meGene Chandler05.1963-119[3]Vee-Jay 511[Written by: Williams, Franklin, Bryant, Gordy Jr.][produced by Calvin Carter]
Man's temptation/Baby that's loveGene Chandler08.1963-71[7]Vee-Jay 536[Written by: Curtis Mayfield ][17[9].R&B Chart]
Think nothing about it/Wish you were hereGene Chandler02.1964-107[4]Constellation 112[Written by: Curtis Mayfield ][produced by Bill Sheppard][26[7].R&B Chart]
Soul hootenanny Pt.1/Pt.2Gene Chandler05.1964-92[2]Constellation 114[Written by: J. Reed, L. Dixon][produced by Bill Sheppard][23[7].R&B Chart]
Just be true/A song called soulGene Chandler07.1964-19[10]Constellation 130[Written by: Curtis Mayfield ][produced by Bill Sheppard][4[16].R&B Chart]
Bless our love/London townGene Chandler09.1964-39[9]Constellation 136[Written by: Billy Butler ][produced by Bill Sheppard][4[12].R&B Chart]
What now/If you can't be true[Find a part time love]Gene Chandler12.1964-40[8]Constellation 141[Written by: Curtis Mayfield ][produced by Bill Sheppard][18[2].R&B Chart]
You can't hurt me no more/Everybody let's danceGene Chandler03.1965-92[1]Constellation 146[Written by: Curtis Mayfield ][produced by Bill Sheppard][40[2].R&B Chart]
Nothing can stop me/The big lieGene Chandler04.1965-18[12]Constellation 149[Written by: Curtis Mayfield ][produced by Bill Sheppard][3[15].R&B Chart]
(Gonna Be) Good Times/No one can love you [Like i do]Gene Chandler08.1965-92[3]Constellation 160[Written by: Curtis Mayfield ][produced by Bill Sheppard][40[2].R&B Chart]
Here come the tears/Soul hootenanny Pt.2Gene Chandler09.1965-102[6]Constellation 164[Written by: Gerald Sims][produced by Bill Sheppard]
Rainbow '65 Part.I/Part. IIGene Chandler11.1965-69[8]Constellation 158[Written by: Curtis Mayfield ][2[12].R&B Chart]
[I'm just a] Fool for you/Buddy ain't it a shameGene Chandler03.1966-88[2]Constellation 167[Written by: Carl Davis/Gerald Sims][produced by Carl Davis]
I fooled you this time/Such a pretty thingGene Chandler11.1966-45[8]Checker 1155[Written by: Gene Chandler/Kenny St. Lewis][produced by Carl Davis][3[14].R&B Chart]
Girl don't care/My loveGene Chandler02.1967-66[9]Brunswick 55 312[Written by: Keni Lewis, E. Dixon][produced by Carl Davis][16[9].R&B Chart]
To be a lover/After the laughterGene Chandler06.1967-94[4]Checker 1165[Written by: Karl Tarleton][produced by Carl Davis][9[10].R&B Chart]
There goes the lover/Tell me what can i doGene Chandler09.1967-98[1]Brunswick 55 339[Written by:Carl Davis/Otis Leavill][produced by Carl Davis][46[2].R&B Chart]
Show Me The Way To Go/Love Won't StartGene Chandler And Barbara Acklin 03.1968--Brunswick 55 366[Written by:Eugene Record, Barbara Acklin, Carl Davis][produced by Carl Davis][30[7].R&B Chart]
River Of Tears/It's Time To Settle DownGene Chandler06.1968--Checker 1199[Written by:E. Record][produced by Carl Davis][19[10].R&B Chart]
Nothing can stop meGene Chandler06.196841[4]-Soul City S.C. 102 [UK][Written by:Carl Davis/Otis Leavill]
There was a time/Those were the good old daysGene Chandler09.1968-82[3]Brunswick 55 383[Written by:James Brown/Bud Hobgood][produced by Carl Davis, Gene Chandler][22[10].R&B Chart]
From the teacher to the preacher/Anywhere but nowhereGene Chandler and Barbara Acklin10.1968-57[8]Brunswick 55 387[Written by:Barbara Acklin/Carl Davis/Eugene Record][produced by Carl Davis][16[11].R&B Chart]
Groovy situation/Not the marrying kindGene Chandler07.1970-12[15]Mercury 73 083[gold-US][Written by:Herman Davis/Russ Lewis][produced by Gene Chandler][8[15].R&B Chart]
Simply call it love/Give me a chanceGene Chandler11.1970-75[5]Mercury 73 121[Written by:Gene Chandler/James Thompson][produced by Gene Chandler][29[7].R&B Chart]
You just can't win [By making the same mistake]/She is groovingGene & Jerry01.1971-94[3]Mercury 73 163[Written by:Wylie Dixon/Ron Simmons/Simtec Simmons][produced by Gene, Jerry ][32[4].R&B Chart]
You're a lady/Stone cold feelingGene Chandler06.1971-116[3]Mercury 73 206[Written by:L. Thompson, E. Dixon][produced by Gene Chandler][14[10].R&B Chart]
Ten and two [Take this woman off the corner]/Everybody is waitingGene & Jerry07.1971-126[1]Mercury 73 195[Written by: J. Spencer][produced by Gene And Jerry][44[2].R&B Chart]
Yes I'm Ready (If I Don't Get To Go)/Pillars Of GlassGene & Jerry01.1972--Mercury 73 258[Written by:E. Record, R. Gipson][produced by Gene Chandler][47[2].R&B Chart]
Tomorrow I May Not Feel The Same/Give Me The CueGene & Jerry04.1978--Chi-Sound 1168[Written by: L. Thompson, E. Dixon][produced by Carl Davis][51[12].R&B Chart]
Get down/I'm the traveling kindGene Chandler04.197911[11]53[9]Chi-Sound 2386[Written by:James Thompson][produced by Carl Davis][3[22].R&B Chart]
When you're #1/I'll remember youGene Chandler10.197943[5]99[2]20th Century 2411[Written by:James Thompson, Eugene Dixon][produced by Carl Davis][31[11].R&B Chart]
Do What Comes So Natural/That Funky Disco RhythmGene Chandler11.1979--20th Century 2428[Written by:Vince Willis][produced by Carl Davis][73[4].R&B Chart]
Does she have a friend?/Let me make love to youGene Chandler06.198028[9]101[6]Chi-Sound 2451[Written by:Bob Stone, Mark Gibbons][produced by Carl Davis, Gene Chandler][28[15].R&B Chart]
Lay Me Gently/You've Been So Sweet To MeGene Chandler10.1980--Chi-Sound 2468[Written by:Albert Thompson, Barbara Acklin][produced by Carl Davis, Gene Chandler][73[3].R&B Chart]
I'll Make The Living If You Make The Loving Worthwhile/Time Is A ThiefGene Chandler05.1982--Chi-Sound 1001[Written by:Jimmy Levine, Lowrell Simon][produced by Carl Davis, Gene Chandler][40[9].R&B Chart]
You're The One/ I Keep Coming Back For MoreJaime Lynn And Gene Chandler05.1983--Salsoul 7051[Written by:S. Miller, L. Lewittes, D. Lewittes, R. Limas][produced by G. Chandler, D. Lewittes][89[4].R&B Chart]
Haven't I Heard That Line Before/ You'll Never Be Free Of MeGene Chandler10.1985--FastFire 7003[Written by:Diane Womack, Barbara Acklin, Karriem Muhammad][produced by Donald Burnside, Archie Russell, Gene Chandler][61[8].R&B Chart]
Lucy/ Please You TonightGene Chandler02.1986--FastFire 7005[Written by:Lionel Richie][produced by Donald Burnside, Archie Russell, Gene Chandler][43[10].R&B Chart]

Tytuł WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia
The Duke Of EarlGene Chandler03.1962-69[8]Vee-Jay 1040[produced by Bill Sheppard]
Gene Chandler-Live on stage in '65Gene Chandler01.1966-124[3]Constellation 1425[produced by Bill Sheppard]
The Gene Chandler situationGene Chandler10.1970-178[9]Mercury 61 304[produced by Gene Chandler]
Gene & Jerry-One & OneGene Chandler & Jerry Butler03.1971-143[5]Mercury 61 330[produced by Gene Chandler,Jerry Butler]
Get downGene Chandler11.1978-47[20]Chi-Sound 578[produced by Carl Davis]
When you're #1Gene Chandler08.1979-153[3]20th Century 598[produced by Carl Davis]
Gene Chandler '80Gene Chandler06.1980-87[18]20th Century 605[produced by Carl Davis, Gene Chandler]

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