czwartek, 7 listopada 2019

George Strait

Prawdziwe nazwisko George Harvey Strait. Amerykański piosenkarz country. Określany jest mianem „Króla country”, przez wielu nazywany żywą legendą tego gatunku muzyki. Słynie z unikalnego charakteru swoich kompozycji. Otrzymał wiele nagród w prestiżowych konkursach country. Wydał 25 albumów studyjnych i 88 singli. 24 płyty pokryły się platyną. Piosenkarz udzielał się również kilkakrotnie jako aktor.
Urodził się 18 maja 1952 roku w Poteet w Teksasie. Dorastał w pobliskim miasteczku Pearsall. Muzyką interesował się już w najmłodszych latach. Grał w różnych zespołach. Z początku interesował się rock and rollem, z czasem jego preferencje zwróciły się ku country. Na szerokim rynku muzycznym George pojawił się na dobre w roku 1980. Wtedy wydał swój pierwszy singiel „Unwound”. Piosenka stała się hitem i została włączona do debiutanckiego albumu wokalisty - „Strait Country”, który na rynku muzycznym ukazał się w 1981 roku. „If You're Thinking You Want a Stranger (There's One Coming Home)” oraz „Down and Out” to tytuły singli promujących płytę. Nagrania zostały bardzo dobrze przyjęte przez krytyków, którzy mówią, że muzyk przełamał popowe tendencje, jakie w tych czasach panowały w muzyce country. Cały album został nagrany w tradycyjnych countrowych dźwiękach. W przypadku Straita można spokojnie mówić o dużym sukcesie debiutanckim. Na dzień dzisiejszy krążek pokryty jest platyną.
W roku 1983 piosenkarz pierwszy raz wystąpił na Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Te koncerty stały się jednym z nieodłącznych elementów kariery muzyka. Wystąpił tam 20 razy, w sumie grał dla milionowej publiczności.

W latach 1983 - 1990 piosenkarz wydał osiem albumów, w tym dwie składanki z największymi hitami. W 1986 roku piosenkarza spotkała tragedia. Jego trzynastoletnia córka Jenifer zginęła w wyniku potrącenia przez samochód. To dramatyczne wydarzenie nie przeszkodziło George’owi wydać następnych jedenastu hitów zaczynając od „Nobody in His Right Mind Would've Left Her” (1986), „Ocean Front Property” (1987) czy w końcu „Beyond the Blue Neon” (1989). Swojej zmarłej córce artysta zadedykował piosenki - „All My Ex's Live in Teras”, „Famous Last Words of a Fool” oraz „Baby Blue”.

Na zakończenie dekady artysta został uhonorowany nagrodą od Academy of Country Music.
Pomiędzy latami 80. a 90. piosenki George’a dominowały na listach przebojów, a płyty pokrywały się na przemian złotem i platyną.

Kolejną dekadę artysta rozpoczął od wydania swojej dziesiątej płyty, zatytułowanej „Livin' It Up”.
W 1992 roku zagrał główną rolę w filmie „Pure Country”, a także stworzył do niego ścieżkę dźwiękową. Jak się okazało - był to najlepszy album wokalisty. Znalazły się na nim takie hity jak „Heartland”, „I Cross My Hart” oraz „When Did You Stop Loving Me”. Płyta w efekcie końcowym w USA pokryła się mutiplatyną.

Lata 1990 - 2000 przyniosły piosenkarzowi kolejne duże przeboje, a co za tym idzie prestiżowe wyróżnienia i nagrody w takich kategoriach jak - Najlepszy Wokalista Roku, Najlepszy Album, czy też Najlepsza Taneczną Piosenka.
W 1997 roku odbyła się pierwsza edycja George Strait Country Music Festival. Przez kolejne lata na deskach przewinęli się tacy artyści, jak choćby Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney i Alan Jackson.

George zakończył dekadę wydaniem albumu „Always Never the Same” (1999). Krytycy mieli bardzo umiarkowane zdanie na temat tej płyty. Jednak fanom wokalisty przypadła bardzo do gustu. A efektem tego było pokrycie się albumu platyną.

Jesień 2000 roku nie była dla artysty do końca szczęśliwa. Wtedy właśnie piosenkarz wydał płytę „George Strait”. Znalazło się na nim kilka wielkich przebojów, zebrał pozytywne recenzje, ale był do pierwszy album w karierze artysty, który nie osiągnął platynowego statutu.

W latach 2000 - 2009 piosenkarz wydał w sumie siedem albumów studyjnych. Wszystkie były nagrane w stylu country. Większość z nich otrzymała też bardzo pozytywne recenzje od krytyków muzycznych.
Ostatnią, jak dotąd, wydana płytą jest „Troubadour” z 2008 roku. Krążek został bardzo pozytywnie przyjęty, co w konsekwencji pokryło go platyną.
W lipcu 2009 roku George Strait otrzymał wyróżnienie od Akademii Muzyki Country w kategorii Artysta Dekady.
11 sierpnia 2009 roku na rynek muzyczny trafił najnowszy album artysty, zatytułowany „Twang”.

Tytuł WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia

UnwoundGeorge Strait06.1981--MCA 51 104[written by Dean Dillon,Frank Dycus][produced by Blake Mevis][6[11].Country Chart]
Down and outGeorge Strait10.1981--MCA 51 170[written by Dean Dillon,Frank Dycus][produced by Blake Mevis][16[8].Country Chart]
If you're thinking you want a stranger [There's one coming home]George Strait02.1982--MCA 51 228[written by Dean Dillon,Frank Dycus][produced by Blake Mevis][3[15].Country Chart]
Fool hearted memoryGeorge Strait07.1982--MCA 52 066[written by Byron Hill,Blake Mevis][produced by Blake Mevis][1[1][13].Country Chart]
Marina Del ReyGeorge Strait11.1982--MCA 52 120[written by Dean Dillon,Frank Dycus][produced by Blake Mevis][6[12].Country Chart]
Amarillo by morningGeorge Strait02.1983--MCA 52 162[written by Paul Fraser,Terry Stafford][produced by Blake Mevis][4[12].Country Chart]
A fire i can't put outGeorge Strait07.1983--MCA 52 225[written by Darryl Staedtler][produced by Blake Mevis][1[1][13].Country Chart]
You look so good in loveGeorge Strait10.1983--MCA 52 279[written by Glen Ballard,Rory Bourke,Kerry Chater][produced by Ray Baker][1[1][15].Country Chart]
Right or wrongGeorge Strait02.1984--MCA 52 337[written by Arthur Sizemore, Paul Biese,Haven Gillespie][produced by Ray Baker][1[1][12].Country Chart]
Let's fall to pieces togetherGeorge Strait06.1984--MCA 52 392[written by Dickey Lee, Tommy Rocco, Johnny Russell][produced by Ray Baker][1[1][13].Country Chart]
Does Forth Worth ever cross your mindGeorge Strait10.1984--MCA 52 458[written by Sanger D. Shafer, Darlene Shafer][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[1][15].Country Chart]
The cowboy rides awayGeorge Strait02.1985--MCA 52 526[written by Sonny Throckmorton, Casey Kelly][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][5[12].Country Chart]
The firemanGeorge Strait06.1985--MCA 52 586[written by Mack Vickery, Wayne Kemp][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][5[12].Country Chart]
The chairGeorge Strait10.1985--MCA 52 667[written by Hank Cochran, Dean Dillon][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[1][15].Country Chart]
You're something special to meGeorge Strait02.1986--MCA 52 764[written by David Anthony][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][4[13].Country Chart]
Nobody in his right mind would've left herGeorge Strait05.1986--MCA 52 817[written by Dean Dillon][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[1][13].Country Chart]
It ain't cool to be crazy about youGeorge Strait09.1986--MCA 52 914[written by Dean Dillon, Royce Porter][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[1][14].Country Chart]
Ocean front propertyGeorge Strait01.1987--MCA 53 021[written by Dean Dillon, Hank Cochran, Royce Porter][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[1][14].Country Chart]
All my ex's live in TexasGeorge Strait05.1987--MCA 53 087[written by Sanger D. Shafer,Lyndia J. Shafer][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[1][13].Country Chart]
Am i blueGeorge Strait08.1987--MCA 53 165[written by David Chamberlain][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[1][13].Country Chart]
Famous last words of a foolGeorge Strait02.1988--MCA 53 248[written by Dean Dillon, Rex Huston][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[1][13].Country Chart]
Baby blueGeorge Strait05.1988--MCA 53 340[written by Aaron Barker][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[1][14].Country Chart]
If you ain't lovin' [You ain't livin']George Strait10.1988--MCA 53 400[written by Tommy Collins][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[1][14].Country Chart]
Baby's gotten good at goodbyeGeorge Strait01.1989--MCA 53 486[written by Tony Martin, Troy Martin][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[1][13].Country Chart]
What's going on in your worldGeorge Strait05.1989--MCA 53 648[written by David Chamberlain, Royce Porter, Red Steagall][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[1][15].Country Chart]
Ace in the holeGeorge Strait08.1989--MCA 53 693[written by Dennis Adkins][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[1][14].Country Chart]
Overnight sucessGeorge Strait12.1989--MCA 53 755[written by Sanger D. Shafer][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][8[16].Country Chart]
Love without end,amenGeorge Strait05.1990--MCA 79015[written by Aaron Barker][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[5][20].Country Chart]
Drinking champagneGeorge Strait08.1990--MCA 79070[written by Bill Mack][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][4[13].Country Chart]
I've come to expect it from youGeorge Strait11.1990--MCA 53969[written by Buddy Cannon,Dean Dillon][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[5][19].Country Chart]
If I know meGeorge Strait06.1991--MCA 54052[written by Pam Belford, Dean Dillon][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[2][19].Country Chart]
You know me better than thatGeorge Strait06.1991--MCA 54127[written by Anna Lisa Graham,Tony Haselden][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][1[3][19].Country Chart]
The chill of an early fallGeorge Strait10.1991--MCA 54180[written by Green Daniel,Gretchen Peters][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][3[19].Country Chart]
Lovesick bluesGeorge Strait02.1992--MCA [written by Cliff Friend, Irving Mills][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][24[7].Country Chart]
Gone as a girl can getGeorge Strait04.1992--MCA 12236[written by Jerry Max Lane][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][5[14].Country Chart]
So much like my dadGeorge Strait07.1992--MCA 54439[written by Chips Moman,Bobby Emmons][produced by Jimmy Bowen & George Strait][3[15].Country Chart]
I cross my heartGeorge Strait10.1992--MCA Nashville 54478 [written by Steve Dorff, Eric Kaz][produced by Tony Brown][1[1][18].Country Chart]
HeartlandGeorge Strait01.1993--MCA 54563[written by Steve Dorff, John Bettis][produced by Tony Brown][1[1][15].Country Chart]
When did you stop loving meGeorge Strait05.1993--MCA 54642[written by Donny Kees,Monty Holmes][produced by Tony Brown,George Strait][6[14].Country Chart]
Easy come,easy go/She lays it all on the lineGeorge Strait10.1993-71[10]MCA 54 717[1[2][18].Country Chart][written by Barker, Aaron/Dillon, Dean ][produced by Tony Brown,George Strait]
I' d like to have that one back/That' s where my baby feels at homeGeorge Strait01.1994-109[10]MCA 54 767[3[15].Country Chart][written by West, Rick/Barker, Aaron/Shore, Bill ][produced by Tony Brown,George Strait]
Lovebug /Just look at meGeorge Strait04.1994-114[7]MCA 54 819[written by Wayne Kemp,Curtis Wayne][produced by Tony Brown,George Strait][8[12].Country Chart][#6 country hit for George Jones in 1965r]
The man in love with you/We must be loving rightGeorge Strait08.1994-112[8]MCA 54 854[413].Country Chart][written by Steve Dorff, Gary Harju][produced by Tony Brown,George Strait]
The big oneGeorge Strait10.1994--MCA 54938[written by Gerry House, Devon O'Day][produced by Tony Brown,George Strait][1[1][16].Country Chart]
You can' t make a heart love somebody/What am I waiting forGeorge Strait03.1995-111[9]MCA 54 964[1[1][16].Country Chart][written by Steve Clark, Johnny MacRae][produced by Tony Brown,George Strait]
AdalidaGeorge Strait04.1995--MCA 55019[written by Mike Geiger, Woody Mullis, Michael Huffman][produced by Tony Brown,George Strait][3[12].Country Chart]
Lead onGeorge Strait07.1995--MCA 55064[written by Dean Dillon, Teddy Gentry][produced by Tony Brown,George Strait][7[11].Country Chart]
Check yes or noGeorge Strait10.1995--MCA 12236[written by Danny Wells,Dana Hunt Black][produced by Tony Brown,George Strait][1[4][18].Country Chart]
I know she still loves meGeorge Strait12.1995--MCA 55163[written by Aaron Barker,Monty Holmes][produced by Tony Brown,George Strait][5[17].Country Chart]
Blue clear skyGeorge Strait04.1996--MCA 55187[written by Bob DiPiero,John Jarrard,Mark D. Sanders][produced by Tony Brown,George Strait][1[2][19].Country Chart]
Carried awayGeorge Strait06.1996-- MCA Nashville 55204[written by Steve Bogard,Jeff Stevens][produced by Tony Brown][1[3][14].Country Chart]
I can still make CheyenneGeorge Strait09.1996--MCA Nashville 55248[written by Aaron Barker, Erv Woolsey][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][4[16].Country Chart]
King of the mountainGeorge Strait12.1996--MCA [written by Larry Boone,Paul Nelson][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][19[9].Country Chart]
One night at a time/Won' t you come home [And talk to a stranger]George Strait04.1997-59[12]MCA 55 321[1[5][20].Country Chart][written by Roger Cook/Eddy Kilgallon/Earl Lee][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
Carrying your love with meGeorge Strait06.1997--MCA Nashville[written by Steve Bogard,Jeff Stevens][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][1[4][16].Country Chart]
Today my world slipped awayGeorge Strait09.1997-- MCA Nashville 72019[written by Mark Wright, Vern Gosdin][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][3[17].Country Chart]
Round about wayGeorge Strait01.1998--MCA Nashville[written by Mark Wright, Vern Gosdin][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][1[2][16].Country Chart]
I just want to dance with you/Neon rowGeorge Strait04.1998-61[19]MCA 72 046[1[3][21].Country Chart][written by Roger Cook, John Prine][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
TrueGeorge Strait07.1998--MCA Nashville[written by Marv Green,Jeff Stevens][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][2[19].Country Chart]
We really shouldn' t be doing this/MariaGeorge Strait12.1998-44[5]MCA 72 071[4[16].Country Chart][written by Jim Lauderdale][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
Meanwhile /You haven' t left me yetGeorge Strait01.1999-38[12]MCA 72 084[written by Wayland Holyfield/Fred Knoblock][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][4[15].Country Chart]
Write this down/4 minus 3 equals zeroGeorge Strait04.1999-27[20]MCA 72 095[1[4][32].Country Chart][written by Dana Hunt/Kent Robbins][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
What do you say to that/4 minus 3 equals zeroGeorge Strait09.1999-45[16]MCA 72 108[written by Jim Lauderdale/Melba Montgomery][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][4[20].Country Chart]
The best day/I can still make CheyenneGeorge Strait01.2000-31[20]MCA 72 147[1[3][27].Country Chart][written by Carson Chamberlain/Dean Dillon][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
Go on/Murder on music row [Alan Jackson]George Strait08.2000-40[20]MCA 72 169[2[22].Country Chart][side B:38[2].Country Chart][written by Tony Martin/Mark Nesler][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
Don' t make me come over there and love you/You' re stronger than meGeorge Strait01.2001-102[7]MCA Nashville 172 194[written by Jim Lauderdale,Carter Wood][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][17[13].Country Chart]
If you can do anything else/Which side of the glassGeorge Strait04.2001-51[18]MCA 172 200[written by Billy Livsey,Don Schlitz][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][5[19].Country Chart]
Run /The real thingGeorge Strait10.2001-34[20]MCA 172 221[2[23].Country Chart][written by Tony Lane,Anthony Smith][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
Christmas cookiesGeorge Strait12.2001--MCA Nashville[33[3].Country Chart]
Living and living well/The real thingGeorge Strait04.2002-27[20]MCA 172 238[1[2][29].Country Chart][written by Tony Martin,Mark Nesler,Tom Shapiro][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
She' ll leave you with a smile/Good time Charley' sGeorge Strait10.2002-23[20]MCA Nashville 12236[1[2][28].Country Chart][written by Odie Blackmon,Jay Knowles][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
Tell me something bad about TulsaGeorge Strait06.2003-69[7]MCA Nashville[written by Red Lane][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][11[18].Country Chart]
Cowboys like usGeorge Strait10.2003-38[19]MCA Nashville[written by Anthony Smith,Bob DiPiero][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][2[23].Country Chart]
Desperately George Strait03.2004-44[14]MCA Nashville 12236[written by Bruce Robison, Monte Warden][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][6[19].Country Chart]
I Hate Everything George Strait08.2004-35[20]MCA Nashville[written by Gary Harrison, Keith Stegall][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][1[2][19].Country Chart]
You'll be thereGeorge Strait04.2005-54[17]MCA Nashville[written by Cory Mayo][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][4[20].Country Chart]
TexasGeorge Strait07.2005--MCA Nashville[35[11].Country Chart]
She Let Herself GoGeorge Strait11.2005-54[19]MCA Nashville[written by Dean Dillon, Kerry Kurt Phillips][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait][1[1][18].Country Chart]
The Seashores Of Old MexicoGeorge Strait04.2006-85[7]MCA Nashville[written by Merle Haggard][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
Give It AwayGeorge Strait08.2006-35[19]MCA Nashville[gold-US][1[2][20].Country Chart][written by Bill Anderson/Jamey Johnson/Buddy Cannon][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
It just comes naturalGeorge Strait11.2006-58[19]MCA Nashville[1[2][22].Country Chart][written by Marv Green/Jim Collins][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
WrappedGeorge Strait05.2007-71[16]MCA Nashville[2[20].Country Chart][written by Bruce Robison][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
How 'bout Them CowgirlsGeorge Strait12.2007-49[20]MCA Nashville[3[22].Country Chart][written by Casey Beathard,Ed Hill][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
I Saw God TodayGeorge Strait05.2008-33[20]MCA Nashville[gold-US][1[2][20].Country Chart][written by Rodney Clawson,Monty Criswell,Wade Kirby][produced by Tony Brown]
TroubadourGeorge Strait09.2008-54[15]MCA Nashville[gold-US][7[20].Country Chart][written by Leslie Satcher,Monty Holmes][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
River of LoveGeorge Strait03.2009-59[20]MCA Nashville[1[1][23].Country Chart][written by Billy Burnette, Shawn Camp, Dennis Morgan][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
Living for the NightGeorge Strait09.2009-53[17]MCA Nashville[2[18].Country Chart][written by Dean Dillon,Bubba Strait,George Strait][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
TwangGeorge Strait12.2009-100[1]MCA Nashville[14[19].Country Chart][written by Jim Lauderdale/Kendal Marvel/Jimmy Ritchey][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
I Gotta Get to YouGeorge Strait04.2010-70[13]MCA Nashville[3[22].Country Chart][written by Jim Lauderdale/Jimmy Ritchey/B.Larsen][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
The Breath You TakeGeorge Strait09.2010-63[20]MCA Nashville[6[30].Country Chart][written by Dean Dillon/J.J.Dillon/Casey Beathard][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
Here for a Good TimeGeorge Strait07.2011-65[6]MCA Nashville[2[21].Country Chart][written by George Strait/Bubba Strait/Dean Dillon][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
Love's Gonna Make It AlrightGeorge Strait03.2012-61[11]MCA Nashville[3[23].Country Chart][written by Al Anderson ,Chris Stapleton][produced by Tony Brown]
Drinkin' ManGeorge Strait05.2012--MCA Nashville[37[12].Country Chart][written by Dean Dillon,Bubba Strait,George Strait][produced by Tony Brown]
Give It All We Got TonightGeorge Strait06.2013-43[20]MCA Nashville[platinum-US][7[28].Country Chart][written by Bruce Robison][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
I Got a CarGeorge Strait06.2014-89[7]MCA Nashville[gold-US][23[26].Country Chart][written by Tom Douglas,Keith Gattis][produced by Tony Brown, George Strait]
Let It GoGeorge Strait05.2015-118[1]MCA Nashville[29[5].Country Chart][written by George Strait,Bubba Strait,Keith Gattis][produced by Chuck Ainlay, George Strait]
Cold Beer ConversationGeorge Strait11.2015--MCA Nashville[36[19].Country Chart][written by Al Anderson,Ben Hayslip,Jimmy Yeary][produced by Chuck Ainlay, George Strait]
The Weight of the BadgeGeorge Strait03.2019--MCA Nashville[43[1].Country Chart]
Every Little Honky Tonk BarGeorge Strait05.2019--MCA Nashville[20[20].Country Chart]

Tytuł WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia

Right or wrongGeorge Strait03.1984-163[7]MCA 5450[platinium-US][produced by Ray Baker ]
Does fort worth ever cross your mindGeorge Strait11.1984-139[16]MCA 5518[platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
Greatest hitsGeorge Strait04.1985-157[8]MCA 5567[4x-platinium-US][produced by Ray Baker , Blake Mevis]
#7George Strait07.1986-126[11]MCA 5750[platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
Ocean front propertyGeorge Strait02.1987-117[28]MCA 5913[2x-platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
Greatest hits,Volume twoGeorge Strait09.1987-68[31]MCA 42 035[3x-platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
If you ain' t lovin' you ain' t livin'George Strait03.1988-87[14]MCA 42 114[platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
Beyond the blue neonGeorge Strait03.1989-92[24]MCA 42 266[platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
Livin' it upGeorge Strait06.1990-35[42]MCA 6415[platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
Chill of an early fallGeorge Strait04.1991-45[49]MCA 10 204[platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
Ten Strait HitsGeorge Strait01.1992-46[19]MCA 10 450[platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
Holding my ownGeorge Strait05.1992-33[24]MCA 10 532[platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
Pure countryGeorge Strait10.1992-6[129]MCA 10 651[6x-platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Tony Brown , Steve Dorff ]
Easy come,easy goGeorge Strait10.1993-5[53]MCA 10 907[2x-platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
Lead onGeorge Strait11.1994-26[44]MCA 11 092[2x-platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
Strait out of the boxGeorge Strait09.1995-43[39]MCA 11 263[8x-platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Tony Brown , Joe Barnhill , Ray Baker , Ray Benson]
Blue clear skyGeorge Strait05.1996-7[57]MCA 11 428[3x-platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
Carrying your love with meGeorge Strait05.1997-1[1][57]MCA 11 584[3x-platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
One step at a timeGeorge Strait05.1998-2[36]MCA 70 020[2x-platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Jimmy Bowen ]
Always never the sameGeorge Strait03.1999-6[40]MCA 70 050[platinium-US][produced by George Strait ]
Merry Christmas wherever you areGeorge Strait11.1999-78[9]MCA 17 0093[gold-US][produced by George Strait , Tony Brown , Tony Brown]
Latest Greatest Straitest HitsGeorge Strait03.2000-2[34]MCA 17 0100[2x-platinium-US][produced by George Strait , Tony Brown , Joe Barnhill , Ray Baker , Ray Benson
George StraitGeorge Strait10.2000-7[14]MCA 17 0143[gold-US][produced by George Strait ]
The road less travellerGeorge Strait11.2001-9MCA 170220[platinum-US][produced by George Strait, Tony Brown ]
The best of George Strait:20 th Century Masters The Millenium CollectionGeorge Strait03.2002-76[18]MCA Nashville 170280[platinum-US][produced by George Strait , Ray Baker , Jimmy Bowen]
For the last time:Live from The AstrodomeGeorge Strait02.2003-7[22]MCA Nashville 170 319[gold-US][produced by George Strait]
HonkytonkvilleGeorge Strait06.2003-5[45]MCA 000 114 [platinum-US][produced by George Strait , Tony Brown]
50 numbers onesGeorge Strait10.2004-1[2][82]MCA Nashville 000 459 [7x-platinum-US][produced by George Strait , Tony Brown , Ray Baker , Jimmy Bowen , Blake Mevis]
Somewhere down in TexasGeorge Strait07.2005-1[1][29]MCA Nashville 0004446 [platinum-US][produced by George Strait , Tony Brown ]
It Just Comes NaturalGeorge Strait10.2006-3[47]MCA Nashville 0006023[platinum-US][produced by George Strait , Tony Brown]
Live at Texas StadiumAlan Jackson/George Strait/Jimmy Buffett04.2007-11[10]Mailboat[produced by Mac McAnally, Keith Stegall, George Strait, Michael Utley]
22 More HitsGeorge Strait12.2007-13[22]MCA Nashville[gold-US][produced by George Strait/Tony Brown/Jimmy Bowen/Blake Mevis]
TroubadourGeorge Strait04.2008-1[1][75]MCA Nashville 0010826[platinum-US][produced by Tony Brown/George Strait]
Classic ChristmasGeorge Strait12.2008-106[5]MCA Nashville[produced by George Strait , Tony Brown ]
TwangGeorge Strait08.2009-1[1][38]MCA Nashville 0013173[gold-US][produced by George Strait , Tony Brown]
Here for a Good TimeGeorge Strait09.2011-3[21]MCA Nashville 0015924[produced by George Strait , Tony Brown ]
IconGeorge Strait10.2011-62[23]MCA Nashville 0025566-
Love Is EverythingGeorge Strait06.2013-2[51]MCA Nashville 0018010[gold-US][produced by George Strait , Tony Brown ]
The Cowboy Rides Away: Live from AT&T StadiumGeorge Strait10.2014-4[24]MCA Nashville[produced by George Strait ,Chuck Ainlay]
Cold Beer Conversation/td>George Strait10.2015-4[13]MCA Nashville 0022818 [produced by George Strait , Chuck Ainlay]
Strait for the HolidaysGeorge Strait12.2015-138[5]MCA Nashville 0025862[produced by George Strait ,Chuck Ainlay]
Strait Out of the Box: Part 2George Strait12.2016-20[6]MCA Nashville 0025678[produced by George Strait, Tony Brown, Chuck Ainlay]
Icon 2George Strait06.2018-135[3]MCA Nashville 0016008[platinum-US][produced by George Strait , Tony Brown , Tony Brown]
Honky Tonk Time MachineGeorge Strait04.2019-4[8]MCA Nashville 0029300 [produced by Chuck Ainlay, George Strait]

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