niedziela, 22 kwietnia 2018

Perry Como

Perry Como, właśc. Pierino Roland Como (ur. 18 V 1912 w Canonsburgu, USA - zm. 12 V 2001 w Jupiter), wokalista, aktor filmowy, prezenter telewizyjny i radiowy, jedna z najważniejszych postaci amerykańskiej muzyki popularnej w epoce przed rock and rollem, uznawany za wybitnego croonera.
Urodził się w rodzinie emigrantów włoskich w Pensylwanii. Początkowo pracował jako śpiewający fryzjer, później związał się big-bandem Freddiego Carlone. W połowie lat 30-tych ubiegłego wieku sukces przyniosła mu współpraca z Ted Weems Orchestra, dzięki czemu dał się poznać jako gwiazda programu radiowego Beat the Band.

Po rozwiązaniu orkiestry (w 1942) prowadził program radiowy CBS, zatytułowany Supper Club. Szybko znalazł uznanie łowców talentów z wydawnictwa RCA Victor, którzy w 1943 podpisali z artystą kontrakt fonograficzny. Rozgłos narodowy przyniósł mu dwa lata później film A Song to Remember, w którym śpiewał piosenkę Till the End of Time, największy przebój 1945 roku. Ciepły baryton predestynował Como do wykonywania melodyjnych ballad.
W latach 1945-47 nagrał ich kilkadziesiąt, do dzisiaj pamiętane Prisoner of Loue, Surrender oraz Chi-Baba, Chi-Baba (My Bambino Go to Sleep).

W połowie lat 50-tych stał się przedstawicielem nurtu popularnych piosenek, nazywanym - później middle-of-the-road. Tytuły wielkich przebojów Como z tego okresu tworzone były jako zbitka niedorzecznych słów, np. Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Doo, Hoop-Dee-Doo, Pa-Paya Mama czy Hot Diggity (Dog Ziggity Boom).

Pod koniec lat 50-tych został wyparty z czołowych miejsc na listach przebojów przez idoli młodzieżowych rock and rolla, jednak piosenka Catch a Falling Star w 1958 osiągnęła najwyższe miejsce na liście "Billboardu".

W 1970 - po prawie dziesięciu latach mniej intensywnej pracy estradowej - odzyskał popularność dzięki koncertowi telewizyjnemu i przebojowi It's Impossible, który znalazł się w pierwszej dziesiątce przebojów "Billboardu". Również wtedy odbył udaną światową trasę koncertową. W latach 70. i 80-tych ograniczył się do nagrań płytowych i sporadycznego udziału w programach telewizyjnych.

Tytuł WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia
Goodbye Sue/There'll Soon Be a RainbowPerry Como10.1943-20[1]Victor 20-1538/-[written by Jimmy Rule, Lou Ricca and Jules Loman]
Have I Stayed Away Too Long?/"I Love YouPerry Como05.1944-8[7];B:16[3]Victor 20-1569/-[written by Jerome Kern , Ira Gershwin][piosenka z filmu "Cover Girl"][B:piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "Mexican hayride"]
Lili Marlene/First Class Private Mary BrownPerry Como08.1944-13[3]Victor 20-1592/-[written by Norbert Schultze,Tommie Connor]
I Dream of You ( More than You Dream I Do )/I'm Confessin' Perry Como01.1945-10[2];B:12[1]Victor 20-1629/-[written by Marjorie Goetschius ,Edna Osser][B:#2 hit for Guy Lombardo in 1930]
More and More / I Wish I Didn't Have to Say GoodnightPerry Como03.1945-14[2]Victor 20-1630/-[written by Jerome Kern , E.Y. Harburg][With Orchestra conducted by Lou Martin][piosenka z filmu "Can't Help Singing" ]
Temptation/I'll Always Be With YouPerry Como06.1945-15[1]Victor 20-1658/HMV -BD-1153[gold][written by Nacio Herb Brown,Arthur Freed ][piosenka z filmu "Going Hollywood"][#3 for Bing Crosby in 1934;#27 hit for Everly Brothers in 1961][ With Orchestra Conducted by Ted Steele ][Produced by Lew Martin]
I Dream of You ( More than You Dream I Do )/I'm Confessin' Perry Como01.1945-10[2];B:12[1]Victor 20-1629[written by Marjorie Goetschius ,Edna Osser]
If I Loved You/I'm Gonna Love That Gal ( Like She's Never Been Loved Before )Perry Como07.1945-3[13];B:4[17]Victor 20-1676[gold][written by Richard Rodgers and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II][ With Orchestra Conducted by Russ Case ][ Produced by Herb Hendler ][B:written by Frances Ash][With the Orchestra of Russ Case]
Till the End of Time /[Did you ever get] That Feeling in the MoonlightPerry Como08.1945-1[10][19];B:9[11]Victor 20-1709[gold][written by Ted Mossman and Buddy Kaye][ Produced by Herb Hendler ][B:written by James Cavanaugh, Larry Stock,Ira Schuster] [piosenka oparta na polonezie #6 Chopina][#83 hit for Ray Charles Singers in 1964][With the Orchestra of Russ Case]
Dig you later [A Hubba-Hubba-Hubba]/Here comes heaven againPerry Como12.1945-3[14];B:12[3]Victor 20-1750[gold][written by Jimmy McHugh,Harold Adamson][piosenki z filmu "Doll Face"][With the Orchestra of Russ Case and the Satisfiers]
I'm Always Chasing Rainbows / You Won't Be SatisfiedPerry Como02.1946-5[8];B:5[14]Victor 20-1788[gold][written by Harry Carroll,Joseph McCarthy][Produced by Eli Oberstein and Herb Hendler][B:written by Freddy James ,Larry Stock][With the Orchestra of Russ Case and the Satisfiers][piosenka z filmu "The Dolly Sisters"][piosenka oparta na utworze Chopina-"Fantasie Impromptu"][#1 hit for Charles Harrison in 1918]
Prisoner of Love/All Through the DayPerry Como03.1946-1[3][21];B:8[5]Victor 20-1814[gold][written by Russ Columbo,Clarence Gaskill,Leo Robin][B:written by Jerome Kern,Oscar Hammerstein II][Produced by Eli Oberstein and Herb Hendler][With the Orchestra of Russ Case][#16 hit for Russ Columbo in 1932;#18 hit for James Brown in 1963][B:piosenka z filmu "Centennial Summer"]
They Say It's Wonderful / If You Were the Only GirlPerry Como06.1946-4[13];B:14[4]Victor 20-1857[written by Irving Berlin][B:written by Nat D. Ayer , Clifford Grey][With the Orchestra of Russ Case][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "Annie get your gun"]
Surrender / More Than You KnowPerry Como06.1946-1[1][17];B:19[1]Victor 20-1877[written by Bennie Benjamin,George Weiss][produced by Eli Oberstein][B:written by Vincent Youmans,Billy Rose,Edward Eliscu][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "Great day"][#9 hit for Ruth Etting in 1930][With the Orchestra of Russ Case]
If I'm Lucky/One More VotePerry Como11.1946-19[1]Victor 20-1945[written by Eddie Delange,Joseph Myrow ][tytułowa piosenka z filmu][With the Orchestra of Russ Case]
Sonata / That's The Beginning of the EndPerry Como12.1946-9[7];B:19[1]Victor 20-2033[written by Alex Alstone,Ervin Drake,Jimmy Shirl][B:written by Alex Kramer,Joan Whitney][with Lloyd Shaffer Orchestra]
Winter Wonderland / That Christmas FeelingPerry Como12.1946-10[1]Victor 20-1968[#2 hit for Guy Lombardo in 1934]
Chi-Baba Chi-Baba (My Bambino Go to Sleep) / When You Were Sweet Sixteen Perry Como05.1947-1[3][13];B:2[19]Victor 20-2259[gold][written by Al Hoffman, Jerry Livingston,Mack David][B:written by James Thornton][produced by Charles Grean][#1 hit for George J.Gaskin & Jere Mahoney in 1900][with Lloyd Shaffer Orchestra with The Satisfiers ][B:piosenka z filmu "The Great John L." ]
I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now/That old gang of mineTed Weems and His Orchestra;Perry Como vocal08.1947-2[17]Victor 20-2315[written by Joe Howard,Harold Orlob,Frank Adams,Will Hough][produced by Mr. Kissinger][with Lloyd Shaffer Orchestra]
So far/A fellow needs a girlPerry Como10.1947-11[2]Victor 20-2402[written by Richard Rodgers,Oscar Hammerstein II ][with LRuss Case Orchestra][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "Allegro"]
Because/If you had all the world and it's goldPerry Como03.1948-4[18]Victor 20-2653[gold][written by Guy d'Hardelot,Edward Teschemacher ][produced by Eli Oberstein][with Russ Case Orchestra][#4 hit for Enrico Caruso in 1914]
Haunted heart/ Carolina moonPerry Como06.1948-23[2]Victor 20-2713[written by Arthur Schwartz, Howard Dietz][with Russ Case Orchestra][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "Inside U.S.A.]"]
Rambling Rose / There Must Be a WayPerry Como07.1948-18[14]Victor 20-2947[written by Joseph Burke,Joseph Allan McCarthy Jr.][with Russ Case Orchestra and the Satisfiers]
Far Away Places / Missouri WaltzPerry Como01.1949-4[17]Victor 20-3316[written by Alex Kramer,Joan Whitney][produced by Charles Grean and J. Burgess][with Henri René Orchestra]
N'yot N'yow / Roses of PicardyPerry Como01.1949-20[6]Victor 20-3288[written by Dick Manning ][produced by Charles Grean and J. Burgess][with Fontane Sisters ]
Blue room/With a song in my heartPerry Como02.1949-18[3]Victor 20-3329[written by Richard Rodgers,Lorenz Hart][piosenka z filmu "Words and Music"][#3 hit for Revelers in 1926]
Forever and Ever / I Don't See Me in Your Eyes AnymorePerry Como03.1949-2[25];B:11[15]Victor 47-2892[written by Franz Winkler, Malia Rosa][produced by Charles Grean and J. Burgess][B:written by Bennie Benjamin,George Weiss][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra][B:#47 hit for Charlie Rich in 1974]
You're Adorable / When Is Sometime?Perry Como04.1949-1[2][15]Victor 47-2899[written by Sidney Lippman,Fred Wise,Buddy Kaye][produced by Charles Grean and J. Burgess][with Orchestra Conducted by Mitchell Ayres With the Fontane Sisters ]
Some Enchanted Evening / Bali HaiPerry Como04.1949-1[5][26];B:5[16]Victor 47-2896[written by Richard Rodgers,Oscar Hammerstein II ][produced by Charles Grean and J. Burgess][with Mitchell Ayres and His Orchestra][#13 hit for Jay & The Americans in 1965][piosenki z musicalu na Broadway'u "South Pacific"]
Let's Take An Old-Fashioned Walk /Just One Way to Say I Love YouPerry Como07.1949-15[10];B:23[2]Victor 47-2931[written by Irving Berlin][B:written by Irving Berlin][produced by Charles Grean][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra][piosenki z musicalu na Broadway'u "Miss Liberty" ]
Give Me Your Hand/I Wish I Had a Record Perry Como09.1949-23[2]Victor 47-2997[written by Dorothy Stewart][with Mitchell Ayres ]
A Dreamer's Holiday/The Meadows of HeavenPerry Como10.1949-3[19]Victor 47-3036[written by Mabel Wayne,Kim Gannon ][produced by Charles Grean][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Fontane Sisters ]
I Wanna Go Home /Hush Little' Darlin'Perry Como11.1949-18[8]Victor 47-3082[written by Jack Joyce,Joe Candullo][produced by Charles Grean][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Fontane Sisters]
Ave Maria /The Lord's PrayerPerry Como12.1949-22[3];B:28[2]Victor 52-0071[written by Franz Schubert][produced by Charles Grean][B:Text from the Bible, set by Albert Hay Malotte][with Mitchell Ayres choir and organ and Ray Charles ]
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo/A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart MakesPerry Como01.1950-14[6]Victor 47-3113[written by Al Hoffman,Mack David,Jerry Livingston][with Mitchell Ayres' Orchestra and the Fontane Sisters ][piosenka z filmu Walta Disney'a "Cinderella"]
Hoop-Dee-Doo/On the Outgoing TidePerry Como04.1950-1[2][17];B:16[5]Victor 47-3747[written by Milton de Lugg ,Frank Loesser ][produced by Charles Grean][B:written by Mabel Wayne,Lew Brown][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Fontane Sisters ]
I Cross My Fingers/If You Were My GirlPerry Como08.1950-25[2]Victor 47-3846[written by Walter Kent,Walton Farrar][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Fontane Sisters]
Patricia / Watchin' the Trains Go ByPerry Como09.1950-7[12]Victor 47-3905[written by Benny Davis][produced by Charles Grean][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra ]
A Bushel And A Peck/She's a LadyPerry Como & Betty Hutton10.1950-3[18]Victor 47-3930[written by Frank Loesser][produced by Charles Grean][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra & Betty Hutton][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "Guy's and Dolls"]
You're Just In Love ( I Wonder Why )/It's a Lovely Day TodayPerry Como12.1950-5[17]Victor 47-3945[written by Irving Berlin][produced by Charles Grean][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Fontane Sisters][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "Call Me Madam"]
If / Zing Zing-Zoom ZoomPerry Como01.1951-1[8][24];B:12[9]Victor 47-3997[written by Tolchard Evans,Robert Hargreaves ][B:written by Sigmund Romberg,Charles Tobias][produced by Charles Grean][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra][#82 hit for Paragons in 1961]
There's No Boat Like A Rowboat/There's a Big Blue Cloud ( Next to Heaven )Perry Como06.1951-20[2];B:25[2]Victor 47-4158[written by Irving Gordon ][B:written by Ervin M. Drake,Hans Lengsfelder,Paul James McGrane [produced by Charles Grean and Hugo Winterhalter][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Fontane Sisters]
Rollin' Stone/With All My Heart and SoulPerry Como10.1951-24[4];B:28[1]Victor 47-4269[written by Irving Gordon][B:written by Larry Stock,Stanley Adams][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Fontane Sisters]
It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas / There Is No Christmas Like a Home ChristmasPerry Como12.1951-19[3]Victor 47-4314[written by Meredith Willson][produced by Charles Grean][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Fontane Sisters]
Please Mr. Sun/Tulips and HeatherPerry Como02.1952-12[10];B:16[11]Victor 47-4453[written by Ray Getzov,Sid Frank][B:written by Milton Carson][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra ][#11 hit for Tommy Edwards in 1959]
Noodlin' Rag/Play Me a Hurtin' TunePerry Como03.1952-23[1]Victor 47-4542[written by Robert Allen,Allan Roberts][produced by Hugo Winterhalter ][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Fontane Sisters]
One Little Candle/You'll Never Walk AlonePerry Como05.1952-18[8]Victor 47-4631[written by George Mysels,Joseph Malloy Roach][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and Chorus]
Maybe/Watermelon WeatherPerry Como06.1952-3[18];B:19[6]Victor 47-4744[written by Allan Flynn,Frank Madden][produced by Dave Kapp ][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and Eddie Fisher][B:written by Hoagy Carmichael,Paul Francis Webster ]
My Love and Devotion/Sweethearts HolidayPerry Como10.1952-22[1]Victor 47-4877[written by Milton Carson][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra]
To Know You ( Is to Love You )/My Lady Loves to DancePerry Como11.1952-19[1]Victor 47-4959[written by Robert Allen,Allan Roberts][produced by Dave Kapp][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Fontane Sisters / Betty Hutton]
Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes /Lies UK side B:To Know You ( Is To Love You )Perry Como12.19521[5][15]1[5][21]Victor 47-5064[written by Slim Willet][produced by Dave Kapp and Hy Grill][with Hugo Winterhalter's Orchestra and The Ramblers ][#1 country hit for Skeets McDonald and Slim Willet in 1952ś
Wild Horses /I ConfessPerry Como02.1953-6[12];B:17[1]Victor 47-5152[written by Johnny Burke][produced by Dave Kapp and Hy Grill][with Hugo Winterhalter's Orchestra and Chorus]adaptacja utworu Roberta Schumanna "Wilder Reiter"][B:written by Jack Lawrence, Gunnar Hoffsten ,Tryggve Arnesson]
Say You're Mine Again /My One and Only HeartPerry Como04.1953-3[16];B:11[7]Victor 47-5277[written by Charles Nathan and Dave Heisler][produced by Dave Kapp][with Hugo Winterhalter's Orchestra and The Ramblers ]
No Other Love / Keep It GayPerry Como06.1953-1[4][22]Victor 47-5317[written by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II][produced by Hugo Winterhalter ][with Henri René's Orchestra and Chorus ]
You Alone / Pa-paya MamaPerry Como10.1953-9[13];B:11[5]Victor 47-5447[written by Robert Allen and Al Stillman][produced by Joe Carlton ][with Hugo Winterhalter's Orchestra and Chorus][B:written by Larry Coleman, Norman Gimbel and George Sandler]
Wanted / Look Out the WindowPerry Como03.19544[15]1[8][22]Victor 47-5647[gold][written by Lois Steele and Jack Fulton][produced by Joe Carlton ][with Hugo Winterhalter's Orchestra and Chorus]
Idle Gossip / Look Out the Window (And See How I'm Standing in the Rain)Perry Como06.19543[15]-HMV 10667[written by Joseph Meyer ,Floyd Huddleston][produced by Joe Carlton ][with Hugo Winterhalter's Orchestra and Chorus]
Hit And Run Affair /There Never Was a Night So BeautifulPerry Como07.1954-15[2]Victor 47-5749[written by Don Roseland, Ray Cormier and Mel Van][with Hugo Winterhalter's Orchestra ]
Papa Loves Mambo /The Things I Didn't Do UK side B:There Never Was a Night So BeautifulPerry Como10.195416[1]4[18];B:27[2]Victor 47-5857[gold][written by Al Hoffman, Dick Manning and Bix Reichner][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Chorus ][B:written by Fred Jay, Ira Kosloff and Irving Reid ]
( There's No Place Like ) Home for the Holidays/Silk StockingsPerry Como12.1954-8[3]Victor 47-5950[written by Robert Allen ,Al Stillman][produced by Joe Carlton ][with Mitchell Ayres' Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers ]
Ko Ko Mo (I Love You So) / You'll Always Be My Lifetime SweetheartPerry Como02.1955-2[14]RCA Victor 5994[written by Eunice Levy, Jake Porter and Forest Wilson][produced by Joe Carlton ][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers][#6 r&b; chart for Gene & Eunice in 1955]
Chee Chee-oo Chee (Sang the Little Bird) / Two Lost SoulsPerry Como06.1955-12[5];B:18[1]RCA Victor 6137[written by Saverio Seracini , John Turner,Geoffrey Parsons][B:written by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and Jaye P. Morgan][z musicalu na Broadway'u "Damn Yankees"]
Tina Marie / FooledPerry Como08.195524[1]5[14];B:20[1]RCA Victor 6192[written by Bob Merrill ][B:written by Franz Lehár -adaptacja "Sieh, Dort Den Kleinen Pavillion" ][Produced by Joe Carlton][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers ]
All at Once You Love Her /The Rose TattooPerry Como11.1955-11[17];B:79[4]RCA Victor 6294[written by Richard Rodgers,Oscar Hammerstein II ][B:written by Harry Warren,Jack Brooks][Produced by Joe Carlton][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers][z musicalu na Broadway'u "Pipe Dream"]
Hot Diggity (Dog Ziggity Boom) / Juke Box Baby Perry Como03.19564[13];B:22[6]1[1][23];B:10[17]RCA Victor 6427[gold][written by Al Hoffman, Dick Manning][B:written by Joe Sherman,Noel Sherman][Produced by Joe Carlton][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers ][adaptacja rapsodii "Espana" z 1883r]
More / GlendoraPerry Como06.195610[11];B:18[6]4[18];B:8[17]RCA Victor 6554[written by Alex Alstone,Tom Glazer ][B:written by Ray Stanley][Produced by Joe Carlton][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers]
Somebody Up There Likes Me / "Dream Along With Me ( I'm On My Way to a Star )" Perry Como07.1956-18[10];B:85[5]RCA Victor 6590[written by Bronislau Kaper,Sammy Cahn][B:written by Carl Sigman ][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers][piosenka z filmu "Somebody Up There Likes Me" ]
Moonlight Love / ChincherincheePerry Como11.1956-42[9];B:59[8]RCA Victor 6670[written by Domenico Savino ,Mitchell Parish][B:written by John Jerome ][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers][oparta na "Clair de Lune" by Claude Debussy]
Round and Round / Mi casa, su casa (My House Is Your House)Perry Como02.1957-1[2][29];B:50[7]RCA Victor 6815[gold][written by Joe Shapiro,Lou Stallman][B:written by Al Hoffman and Dick Manning][ Produced by Joe Carlton ][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and the Ray Charles Singers]
The Girl With the Golden Braids/My Little BabyPerry Como05.1957-13[14];B:48[7]RCA Victor 6904[written by Eddie Snyder ,Stanley J. Kahan][B:written by Joe Shapiro,Lou Stallman][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra ]
Dancin'/Marching Along to the Blues Perry Como09.1957-76[4]RCA Victor 6991[written by Jerry Leiber,Mike Stoller][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers ]
Just Born (To Be Your Baby) / Ivy RosePerry Como10.1957-12[17];B:18[15]RCA Victor 7050[written by Luther Dixon and Billy Dawn Smith ][B:written by Al Hoffman and Dick Manning ][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers]
Jingle BellsPerry Como12.1957-74[2]RCA Victor EPA-920-
Catch a Falling Star / Magic MomentsPerry Como01.19589[10];B:1[8][17]1[1][23];B:4[16]RCA Victor 7128[gold][written by Lee Pockriss,Paul Vance][B:written by Burt Bacharach,Hal David][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and the Ray Charles Singers][Produced by Joe Carlton]
Kewpie Doll / Dance Only With MePerry Como04.19589[7]6[16];B:19[1]RCA Victor 7202[written by Sid Tepper and Roy C. Bennett ][B:written by Julie Styne ,Betty Comden,Adolph Green][Produced by Joe Reisman ][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers & Ray Charles][B:z musicalu na Broadway'u "Say Darling"]
I May Never Pass This Way Again/A Still Small VoicePerry Como05.195815[8]-RCA Victor 7628[written by Murray Wizel and Irving Melcher][Produced by Joe Reisman ][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers]
Moon Talk / Beats There a Heart So TruePerry Como07.195817[11]28[10]RCA Victor 7274[written by Al Hoffman and Dick Manning ][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers ][Produced by Joe Reisman ]
Love Makes the World Go 'Round / Mandolins in the MoonlightPerry Como10.19586[14];B:13[12]33[10];B:47[10]RCA Victor 7353[written by Ollie Jones ][B:written by George Weiss and Aaron Schroeder][Produced by Joe Reisman ][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers]
Tomboy/Kiss Me and Kiss Me and Kiss Me ( Tre Voite Baciami )Perry Como02.195910[12]29[9]RCA Victor 7464[written by Joe Farrell and Jim Conway][Produced by Charles Grean][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers]
I Know / You Are in LovePerry Como06.195913[16]47[9]RCA Victor 7541[written by Carl Stutz ,Edith Lindeman][Produced by Charles Grean and Lee Schapiro][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers]
Delaware / I Know What God IsPerry Como02.19603[14]22[11];B:81[2]RCA Victor 7670[written by Irving Gordon][B:written by Don Raye, Ned Freeman and John G. Bowen][Produced by Charles Grean][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers]
Make Someone Happy / Gone Is My LovePerry Como12.1960-80[2]RCA Victor 7812[written by Julie Styne,Betty Comden and Adolph Green][Produced by Hugo & Luigi][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "Do Re Mi"]
You're Following Me / Especially for the YoungPerry Como11.1961-92[3]RCA Victor 7962[written by Burt Bacharach ,Bob Hilliard ][Produced by Hugo & Luigi][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra ]
Caterina / The Island of Forgotten LoversPerry Como03.196237[6]23[12]RCA Victor 8004[written by Earl Shuman,Maurice "Bugs" Bower][Produced by Hugo & Luigi][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers]
( I Love You ) Don't You Forget It/One More MountainPerry Como06.1963-39[9]RCA Victor 8186[written by Henry Mancini , Al Stillman][Produced by Hugo & Luigi][with Mitchell Ayres Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers]
Dream on Little Dreamer / My Own Peculiar Way Perry Como with The Anita Kerr Quartet 04.1965-25[10]RCA Victor 8533[written by Jan Crutchfield,Fred Burch][Produced by Chet Atkins ]
Oowee, Oowee/The Summer WindPerry Como with The Anita Kerr Quartet 07.1965-88[4]RCA Victor 8636[written by Sydney Robin, Ramona Marie Witry,Ronald Lawrence and Bonita Ann Andre ][Produced by Chet Atkins]
Stop! And Think It Over/How Beautiful the World Can BePerry Como05.1967-92[4]RCA Victor 9165[written by Sid Tepper and Roy C. Bennett][Produced by Andy Wiswell][with Nick Perito Orchestra with The Ray Charles Singers][1[1].Adult Contemporary Chart]
The Father of Girls/Somebody Makes It SoPerry Como03.1968-92[2]RCA Victor 9448[written by Ervin M. Drake][Produced by Andy Wiswell][with Nick Perito Orchestra and The Ray Charles Singers]
Seattle / Sunshine WinePerry Como04.1969-38[10]RCA Victor 9722[written by Hugo Montenegro, Ernie Sheldon and Jack Keller ][Produced by Chet Atkins and Andy Wiswell][with Bill McElhiney Orchestra ][piosenka z telewizyjnego serialu "Here Come the Brides" ]
It's Impossible / Long Life, Lots of HappinessPerry Como11.19704[23]10[17]RCA Victor 0387[written by Canache Armando Manzanero,Sid Wayne ][Produced by Ernie Altschuler][with Marty Manning Orchestra][1[4].Adult Contemporary Chart]
I Think of You/A Still Small VoicePerry Como03.197114[11]53[8]RCA Victor 0444[written by Francis Albert Lai ,Rod McKuen ][Produced by Don Costa][with Don Costa Orchestra ]
And I Love You So /Love looks so good on youPerry Como04.19733[35]29[16]RCA Victor 0906[written by Don McLean ][Produced by Chet Atkins][with Cam Mullins Orchestra ][1[1].Adult Contemporary Chart]
For the Good Times/SingPerry Como08.19737[27]-RCA 2402 [UK][written by Kris Kristofferson ][Produced by Chet Atkins]
Walk Right Back/SnowbirdPerry Como12.197333[10]-RCA 2432 [UK][written by Sonny Curtis ][Produced by Chet Atkins][with Bill McElhiney Orchestra ]
I Want to Give ( Ahora Que Soy Libre )/ Beyond Tomorrow ( Love Theme From "Serpico" )Perry Como05.197431[6]-RCA LPB0-7518 [UK][written by Juan Eduardo Ruben Carballo ,Enrique Raul De Jesus][Produced by Chet Atkins][with Cam Mullins Orchestra ]
Christmas Dream/Christ is bornPerry Como12.1974-92[2]RCA Victor 10122[written by Andrew Lloyd Webber ,Tim Rice ][Produced by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Pete Spargo ][piosenka z filmu "The Odessa File" ]
You'll never walk alonePerry Como01.196020[1]-RCA Victor -

Tytuł WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia
Merry Christmas Music Perry Como11.1946-1[1][9]RCA Victor 161-
Merry Christmas Music Perry Como11.1947-2[6]RCA Victor 161-
A Sentimental Date with PerryPerry Como02.1948-1[3][10]RCA Victor 187-
Merry Christmas Music Perry Como12.1948-3[5]RCA Victor 161-
Supper Club FavoritesPerry Como03.1949-4[17]RCA Victor 237-
Merry Christmas Music Perry Como11.1949-4[6]RCA Victor 161-
Merry Christmas Music Perry Como12.1950-5[4]RCA Victor 161-
Merry Christmas Music Perry Como01.1952-10[1]RCA Victor 161-
TV FavoritesPerry Como05.1952-7[13]RCA Victor 334-
I BelievePerry Como02.1954-6[13]RCA Victor 3188-
So SmoothPerry Como10.1955-7[15]RCA Victor 1085-
We Get LettersPerry Como09.19574[7][06.58]8[10]RCA Victor 1463-
Merry Christmas MusicPerry Como12.1957-8[5]RCA Victor 1243[gold]
Dream along with mePerry Como12.1957-11[9]RCA Camden 403-
Saturday Night With Mr. CPerry Como06.1958-18[2]RCA Victor 1004-
Como's Golden RecordsPerry Como09.19584[5]24[2]RCA Victor 1007-
Dear PerryPerry Como11.19586[5]-RCA RD 27 078 -
Merry Christmas MusicPerry Como12.1958-9[4]RCA Victor 1243-
When You Come to the End of the DayPerry Como01.1959-16[7]RCA Victor 1885-
Como SwingsPerry Como11.1959-17[12]RCA Victor 2010-
Season's Greetings from Perry ComoPerry Como01.1960-22[1]RCA Victor 2066[gold]
Season's Greetings from Perry ComoPerry Como12.1960-27[1]RCA Victor 2066-
Sing to Me Mr. CPerry Como09.1961-50[13]RCA Victor 2390-
Season's Greetings from Perry ComoPerry Como01.1962-33[3]RCA Victor 2066-
By RequestPerry Como09.1962-32[21]RCA Victor 2567-
The Best of Irving Berlin's Songs From Mr. PresidentPerry Como12.1962-90[6]RCA Victor 2630-
Season's Greetings from Perry ComoPerry Como12.1962-74[3]RCA Victor 2066-
The Songs I LovePerry Como09.1963-59[18]RCA Victor 2708-
The Scene ChangesPerry Como05.1965-47[17]RCA Victor 3396-
Lightly LatinPerry Como06.1966-86[9]RCA Victor 3552-
In ItalyPerry Como10.1966-81[16]RCA Victor 3608-
SeattlePerry Como06.1969-93[11]RCA Victor 4183-
The Perry Como Christmas AlbumPerry Como12.1970-5[5].Christmas ChartRCA Victor 4016-
It's ImpossiblePerry Como01.197113[13]22[27]RCA Victor 4473-
I Think of YouPerry Como06.1971-101[9]RCA Victor 4539-
And I Love You SoPerry Como05.19731[1][109]34[19]RCA Victor 0100[gold]
PerryPerry Como08.197426[3]138[10]RCA Victor 0585-
Memories are made of hitsPerry Como08.197414[16]-RCA Victor RS 1005-
Just Out of ReachPerry Como12.1975-142[9]RCA Victor 0863-
40 Greatest HitsPerry Como10.19751[5][34]-K-Tel NE 700-
For the good timesPerry Como12.198341[6]-Telstar STAR 2235-
Gold-Greatest HitsPerry Como11.200155[2]-RCA -
The essential Perry ComoPerry Como10.200354[2]-Jive/RCA -

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