czwartek, 20 kwietnia 2023

Kay Kyser and His Orchestra

 James Kern ("Kay") Kyser [ur.18.06.1905r Rocky Mount,Płn.Karolina-zm. 23.07.1985r Chapel Hill,Płn.Karolina,popularny lider orkiestry i osobowość radiowa w latach 30 i 40-tych zeszłego stulecia.Był synem farmaceuty Paula Bynuma Kysera i Emily Royster (Howell).Ukończył uniwersytet North Carolina w Chapel Hill.Przystąpił do orkiestry utworzonej przez studentów uczelni,ucząc się gry na klarnecie,ale uzyskał większe powodzenie jako konferansjer niż muzyk.Prowadził też quizy muzyczne w Mutual Radio w 1938r i póżniej w NBC Radio od 1939r do 1949r.Dużym powodzeniem cieszył się jego show Kay Kyser’s Kollege of Musical Knowledge w którym występował jako "Old Professor".

Znany był z śpiewanych tytułów piosenek wykonywanych przez solistę Harry Babbitta,kopiując przy tym Sammy Kay'a i Blue Barrona.W 1941r był pierwszym bandleaderem dającym występy dla wojska.W odróżnieniu od innych big bandów tego okresu,które koncentrowały się wokół lidera,członkowie orkiestry Kysera zyskali dużą indywidualną popularnośc jak wspomniany Babbitt,trębacz Bruce King, saksofonista Jack Martin-który śpiewał przebojową "Strip Polka"; Ginny Simms,odnoszący sukcesy wokalista po opuszczeniu bandu Kysera; Sully Mason; Mike Douglas i Georgia Carroll, aktorka i modelka,a w końcu żona Kysera od 1944r.
Pod koniec lat 30-tych i początku 40-tych orkiestra Kysera wystapiła z powodzeniem w kilku filmach,rozpoczynając od That’s Right—You’re Wrong (1939) i You'll Find Out (1940).Każdy z tych obrazów miał fabułę zbudowaną wokół bandu.Around the World z 1943r pokazywał fikcyjne turnee orkiestry po świecie podczas wojny.Dwa najbardziej znane filmy z udziałem bandu to obrazy z 1943r Stage Door Canteen i Thousands Cheer,mające podnosić morale wojska i ich rodzin.Kyser wystąpił także jako aktor komediowy z Johnem Barrymore w filmie Playmates z 1941r.Jako jeden z nielicznych liderów orkiestr śpiewa i tańczy podczas występu orkiestry w filmie Thousands Cheer i paru innych.
Po wojnie orkiestra Kysera kontynuje nagrywanie hitów z nową wokalistką Jane Russell.W utworze It’s All Up to You użyczają głosu Frank Sinatra i Dinah Shore.Sam Kyser zamierzał z końcem wojny wycofać się,ale kontrakty nagraniowe i koncertowe spowodowały przedłużenie działalności do końca lat 40-tych.W okresie 1944-1946r Kyser przystąpił do kościoła scientystycznego,wbrew woli matki,jedynej farmaceutce w okolicy, aby niekonwencjonalnymi metodami wyleczyć nasilający się artretyzm.To ta choroba była przyczyną jego wycofania się z życia muzycznego.Na początku lat 60-tych członkowie jego orkiestry już bez lidera nagrali nowe wersje wielkich przebojów orkiestry. W latach 70-tych funkconował w departamencie filmu i telewizji kościoła scjentystycznego w Bostonie,stając się jedną z najważniejszych figur w wspomnianym kościele.Pozostawał w związku z Georgią Carroll aż do śmierci,mając troje dzieci.


Tytu³ WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia
[I've grown so lonesome] Thinking of youKay Kyser and His Orchestra06.1935-20[1]Brunswick 7449[written by Paul Ash/Walter Donaldson]
Star gazingKay Kyser and His Orchestra07.1935-14[5]Brunswick 7465-
'Cause my baby says it's soKay Kyser and His Orchestra07.1937-12[3]Brunswick 7891[written by Al Dubin/Harry Warren][piosenka z filmu "The singing marine']
Cry Baby Cry / Something Tells MeKay Kyser and His Orchestra04.1938-3[9]Brunswick 8114[written by Jim Eaton/Terry Shand][vocals:Sully Mason]
Music, Meastro, Please! / So You Left Me for the Leader of a Swing BandKay Kyser and His Orchestra07.1938-5[6]Brunswick 8149[written by Herbert Magidson/Allie Wrubel][vocals:Ginny Simms]
Stop Beatin' Round the Mulberry BushKay Kyser and His Orchestra08.1938-6[7]Brunswick 8197-
Don't Cross Your Fingers, Cross Your Heart / Love Is Where You Find ItKay Kyser and His Orchestra08.1938-14[4]Brunswick 8193[vocals:Sully Mason]
Ya Got Me/There's No Place Like in Your ArmsKay Kyser and His Orchestra10.1938-9[5]Brunswick 8220[written by Clay Boland/Bix Reichner][vocals:Sully Mason]
Monday Morning/Let This Be a Warning to You, BabyKay Kyser and His Orchestra10.1938-11[3]Brunswick 8234[vocals:Ginny Simms]
Two Sleepy People/Have You Forgotten So SoonKay Kyser and His Orchestra11.1938-7[4]Brunswick 8244[written by Hoagy Carmichael/Frank Loesser][utwór z filmu "Thanks for the memory"][vocals:Ginny Simms,Harry Babbitt]
The Umbrella Man/Sixty Seconds Got TogetherKay Kyser and His Orchestra12.1938-1[1][11]Brunswick 8225[written by James Cavanaugh/Vincent Rose/Larry Stock][vocals:Ginny Simms,Harry Babbitt]
Hark the sound of tar heel voicesKay Kyser and His Orchestra12.1938-16[1]Bluebird 7892-
I Promise You / Heaven Can WaitKay Kyser and His Orchestra02.1939-7[5] side B:14[2]Brunswick 8317[written by Alice Faye/Sammy Lerner/Ben Oakland][vocals:Harry Babbitt
Cuckoo in a Clock / [Gotta Get Some ]ShuteyeKay Kyser and His Orchestra02.1939-5[3] side B:6[7]Brunswick 8312[written by Walter Donaldson/Johnny Mercer][vocals:Sully Mason]
Chopsticks / I Get Along Without You Very Well Kay Kyser and His Orchestra03.1939-20[2]Brunswick 8308[vocals:Sully Mason]
Three Little Fishes / Show Your Linen, Miss RichardsonKay Kyser and His Orchestra05.1939-1[2][9]Brunswick 8368[written by Saxie Dowell][vocals:Ginny Simms,Ish Kabibble,Harry Babbitt]
The Tinkle Song / The Lamp Is LowKay Kyser and His Orchestra06.1939-5[2]Brunswick 8377[written by Andrews, Vincent/Kay Armen/Beekman]
Stairway to the Stars / You Don't Know How Much You Can SufferKay Kyser and His Orchestra06.1939-4[7]Brunswick 8381[vocals:Harry Babbitt
Concert in the Park / All I Remember Is YouKay Kyser and His Orchestra07.1939-10[2]Brunswick 8385-
Day-in,day-outKay Kyser and His Orchestra10.1939-11[5]Columbia 35 202[vocals:Harry Babbitt]
The little Red Fox [N'Ya N'Ya N'Ya Can't Catch Me]/I'm fit to be tiedKay Kyser and His Orchestra12.1939-4[5]Columbia 35 295[vocals:Harry Babbitt][piosenka z filmu "That's right-You're wrong]
Chatterbox/This changing worldKay Kyser and His Orchestra01.1940-6[4]Columbia 35 307[vocals:Harry Babbitt][piosenka z filmu "That's right-You're wrong"]
Hello,Mr. KringleKay Kyser and His Orchestra12.1939-13[1]Columbia 35 248[vocals:Ginny Simms,Ish Kabibble,Sully Mason,Harry Babbitt]
Confucius sayKay Kyser and His Orchestra03.1940-17[2]Columbia 35 343-
You,you darlin'Kay Kyser and His Orchestra04.1940-10[6]Columbia 35 395[vocals:Ginny Simms,Ish Kabibble,Sully Mason,Harry Babbitt]
Playmates/On the isle of mayKay Kyser and His Orchestra05.1940-2[14]Columbia 35 375[vocals:Harry Babbitt][piosenka z filmu "That's right-You're wrong"]
With the wind and the rain in your hair/Way back in 1939 A.D.Kay Kyser and His Orchestra06.1940-4[7]Columbia 35 350[vocals:Ginny Simms][#21 hit for Pat Boone in 1959][written by Clara Edwards/Jack Lawrence]
Let there be loveKay Kyser and His Orchestra05.1940-15[4]Columbia 35 439-
Friendship/Palms of ParadiseKay Kyser and His Orchestra07.1940-12[1]Columbia 35 368[vocals:Harry Babbitt,Ish Kabibble,Ginny Simms,Jack Martin][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "DuBarry was a lady"][written by Cole Porter]
Blue love birdKay Kyser and His Orchestra06.1940-7[6]Columbia 35 488[vocals:Ginny Simms][piosenka z filmu "Lilian Russell"]
Tennessee fish fryKay Kyser and His Orchestra07.1940-9[4]Columbia 35 574-
Blueberry Hill/Who's Yehoodi?Kay Kyser and His Orchestra09.1940-15[2] side B:12[2]Columbia 35 554[vocals:Harry Babbitt]
Ferry-Boat Serenade/The Call of The CanyonKay Kyser and His Orchestra11.1940-6[5]Columbia 35 627[vocals:Harry Babbitt,Jack Martin,Ginny Simms,Max Williams][written by Harold Adamson/E.DiLazzaro]
The bad humor manKay Kyser and His Orchestra12.1940-24[1]Columbia 35 767[vocals:Harry Babbitt,Sully Mason,Ginny Simms][written by McHugh/Mercer][piosenka z filmu "You'll find out"]
You've got me this wayKay Kyser and His Orchestra12.1940-12[7]Columbia 35 762[vocals:Harry Babbitt][written by Jimmy McHugh/Johnny Mercer][piosenka z filmu "You'll find out"]
We'll meet againKay Kyser and His Orchestra04.1941-24[1]Columbia 35 870[written by Jimmy McHugh/Johnny Mercer]
Aleksander The Swoose [Half Swan-Half Goose]/Why cry baby?Kay Kyser and His Orchestra04.1941-3[3]Columbia 36 040[vocals:Harry Babbitt,Jack Martin,Ginny Simms,Max Williams][written by Burrs, Glenn/Forrest, Ben/Furlett, Frank/Keller, Leonard]
The wise old owl/Tell it to The MarinesKay Kyser and His Orchestra05.1941-19[1]Columbia 36 051[vocals:Sully Mason & His Playmates][written by Joe Ricardel]
[Light's out]'Til reveille/Say whenKay Kyser and His Orchestra07.1941-6[4]Columbia 36 137[vocals:Harry Babbitt,Jack Martin,Ginny Simms,Max Williams][written by Stanley Cowan/Bobby Worth]
The cowboy serenadeKay Kyser and His Orchestra08.1941-13[9]Columbia 36 244-
Why don't we do this more often?/I've been drafted [Now i'm drafting you]Kay Kyser and His Orchestra11.1941-18[2]Columbia 36 253[vocals:Harry BabbittGinny Simms][written by Charles Newman/Allie Wrubel]
[There'll be bluebirds over]The White Cliffs of Dover/The NadockyKay Kyser and His Orchestra01.1942-7[3]Columbia 36 445[vocals:Harry Babbitt][written by Nat Burton/Walter Kent]
A Zoot Suit [For my sunday gal]/When the roses bloom againKay Kyser and His Orchestra03.1942-8[1]Columbia 36 517[vocals:Trudy Erwin,Jack Martin,Sully Mason & His Playmates][written by Ray Gilbert/O'Brien, Bob]
Who wouldn't love you/How do I know it's realKay Kyser and His Orchestra04.1942-2[22]Columbia 36 526[gold][vocals:Harry Babbitt,Erwin Trudy,Jack Martin,Sully Mason & His Playmates,Max Williams][written by Bill Carey/Terry Fischer]
Johnny Doughboy Found a Rose in Ireland / Me and My MelindaKay Kyser and His Orchestra06.1942-8[3]Columbia 36 558[written by Al Goodheart/Twomey][vocals:Glee Club]
Got the moon in my pocketKay Kyser and His Orchestra05.1942-17[2]Columbia 36 575-
Jingle jangle jingle/He wears a pair of silver wingsKay Kyser and His Orchestra07.1942-1[8][13] side B:2[11]Columbia 36 604[gold][vocals:Harry Babbitt][written by J.J. Lilley/Frank Loesser][piosenka z filmu "The forest rangers"][side B:Michael Carr/Eric Maschwitz]
Strip polka/Ev'ry night about this timeKay Kyser and His Orchestra10.1942-5[3] side B:18[2]Columbia 36 635[gold][vocals:Jack Martin][written by Johnny Mercer][vocals:Glee Club]
Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition! / I Came Here to Talk for JoeKay Kyser and His Orchestra10.1942-2[13]Columbia 36 640[gold][written by Frank Loesser]
Moonlight Mood/Can't Get Out of This MoodKay Kyser and His Orchestra02.1943-17[3] side B:18[2]Columbia 36 657[vocals:Harry Babbitt,Julie Convay,Erwin Trudy,Jack Martin,Max Williams][side B:written by Frank Loesser/Jimmy McHugh][utwór z filmu "Seven days leave"]
Let's Get Lost / Fuddy Duddy WatchmakerKay Kyser and His Orchestra06.1943-4[5] side B:16[1]Columbia 36 673[vocals:Harry Babbitt,Erwin Trudy,Jack Martin,Max Williams][utwory z filmu "Happy-Go-Lucky"]
Pushin' Sand / You're So Good to MeKay Kyser and His Orchestra07.1943-18[1]Columbia 36 676[written by R.Hillman]
There goes that song again/I'm gonna see my babyKay Kyser and His Orchestra01.1945-7[4]Columbia 36 757[vocals:Georgia Carroll][written by Sammy Cahn/Jule Styne][piosenka z filmu "Carolina Blues"]
Ac-cent-thu-ate the Positive / Like Someone in LoveKay Kyser and His Orchestra02.1945-12[2]Columbia 36 771[vocals:Dolly Mitchell Trio][written by Harold Arlen/Johnny Mercer][piosenka z filmu Here come the waves"]
Bell Bottom Trousers / Can't You Read Between the LinesKay Kyser and His Orchestra06.1945-3[10] side B:10[1]Columbia 36 801[vocals:Slim Ferdy Quartet,Dolly Mitchell Trio][written by Moe Jaffe][side B:written by Sammy Cahn/Jule Styne]
Rosemary/Horses Don't Bet on PeopleKay Kyser and His Orchestra08.1945-10[4] side B:11[2]Columbia 36 824[vocals:Michael Douglas,Clyde Rogers][written by Jimmie Dodd/John Jacob Loeb][side B:written by John Jacob Loeb]
That's for Me/Choo Choo PolkaKay Kyser and His Orchestra11.1945-12[2]Columbia 36 844[vocals:Campus Kids,Michael Douglas][written by Oscar Hammerstein II/Richard Rodgers][piosenka z filmu "State fair"]
Slowly / I Don't Wanna Do It AloneKay Kyser and His Orchestra02.1946-11[1]Columbia 36 900[vocals:Campus Kids,Michael Douglas][written by Kermit Goell/David Raksin]
One-Zy, Two-Zy/There's No One but YouKay Kyser and His Orchestra04.1946-5[2]Columbia 36 960[vocals:Moonbeams][written by D. Andrew Franklin]
Ole Buttermilk Sky/On the Wrong Side of You Kay Kyser and His Orchestra09.1946-1[2][19]Columbia 37 073[vocals:Campus Kids,Michael Douglas][written by Jack Brooks/Hoagy Carmichael][piosenka z filmu "Canyon passage"][#25 hit for Bill Black's Combo in 1961]
Old Lamplighter/Huggin' and Chalkin'Kay Kyser and His Orchestra11.1946-3[13]Columbia 37 095[vocals:Campus Kids,Michael Douglas,Jack Martin][written by Nat Simon/Charles Tobias][#5 hit for The Browns in 1960]
Managua, Nicaragua / That's the Beginning of the EndKay Kyser and His Orchestra02.1947-6[12]Columbia 37 214[vocals:Campus Kids,Gloria Wood][written by Irving Fields/Albert Gamse]
Serenade of the Bells/Pass That Peace PipeKay Kyser and His Orchestra01.1948-13[1]Columbia 37 956[vocals:Harry Babbitt,Campus Kids][written by Al Goodhart,Kay Twomey,Al Urbano]
Woody Woodpecker / When Veronica Plays the HarmonicaKay Kyser and His Orchestra06.1948-1[6][15]Columbia 38 197[gold][vocals:Gloria Wood][written by Ramez Idriss/George Tibbles]
On a Slow Boat to China/In the Market Place of Old MontereyKay Kyser and His Orchestra10.1948-2[20]Columbia 38 301[vocals:Harry Babbitt,Gloria Wood][written by Frank Loesser]

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