wtorek, 20 sierpnia 2019

Dionne Warwick

Właśc. Marie Dionne Warrick, ur. 12.12.1940 r. w East Orange w stanie New Jersey, USA. Ta jedna z najbardziej charakterystycznych wokalistek muzyki soul, śpiewać zaczęła w chórze New Hope Baptist Church w Newark. Grała też na fortepianie w Drinkard Singers, prowadzonej przez matkę grupie gospel, oraz studiowała w Hart School of Music w Connecticut.

W tym samym okresie Warwick wraz z siostrą Dee Dee i ciotką Cissy Houston założyła formację The Gospelaires. Zatrudniane coraz częściej do śpiewania w chórkach, trio pojawiło się m.in. na płytach The Drifters. Dzięki temu Dionne poznała znanych twórców piosenek: Burta Bacharacha i Hala Davida.

Jej pierwszy solowy singel wydany przez wytwórnię Scepter, "Don't Make Me Over" (z 1963 r.), był delikatnym przykładem "oszlifowanego" rhythm'n' bluesa i otworzył drogę takim już klasycznym utworom, jak: "Anyone Who Had A Heart" i "Walk On By". Wypracowane, majestatyczne kompozycje Bacharacha stanowiły doskonałe tło dla lekkiego acz perfekcyjnego frazowania Warwick. Styl ten znalazł późniejsze odzwierciedlenie w takich utworach, jak: "You'll Never Get To Heaven (If You Break My Heart)", "Reach Out For Me" (oba z 1964 r.) i "Are You There (With Another Girl)" (z 1966 r.).

Mimo że wiele singli artystki trafiło na listę przebojów, niewiele z nich doszło do Top 10, a nastrojowy soulowy feeling zaczął stopniowo zanikać. Gdy współpracujący z nią autorzy zbliżali się coraz bardziej do muzyki środka, także i Dionne zwróciła się w stronę bezpieczniejszego acz bardziej wyszukanego podejścia do muzyki. Znalazło to swe odbicie w przebojach takich, jak: optymistyczny "I Say A Little Prayer" (z 1967 r.) i "Do You Know The Way To San Jose?" (z 1968 r.).

W 1971 r. Warwick porzuciła zarówno swoją wytwórnię jak i mentorów na rzecz Warners Brothers, ale mimo kilku interesujących prób, współpraca ta nie zakończyła się sukcesem. Mniej więcej w tym samym czasie Dionne, idąc za radą swojego astrologa, dodała do imienia dodatkową literę "e".

Największy sukces osiągnęła nagrywając w 1974 r. wyprodukowany przez Thoma Bella przebój "Then Came You". W 1979 r. przeniosła się do wytwórni Arista Records, gdzie współpraca z Barrym Manilowem zakończyła się wielkim komercyjnym sukcesem, nagrany zaś przy udziale grupy Bee Gees album Heartbreaker przyniósł kilka przebojowych singli.

Sukcesem zakończyła się także współpraca z Lutherem Vandrossem, której owocem była piosenka "How Many Times Can We Say Goodbye?". W czasie rejestracji singla "That's What Friends Are For" do Dionne dołączyli Elton John, Gladys Knight i Stevie Wonder, nic więc dziwnego, że szybko trafił on na l. miejsce zarówno rhythm'n'bluesowej jak i popowej listy przebojów w USA.

W latach 80-tych wokalistka utrzymała wysoką pozycję dzięki współpracy m.in. z Jeffreyem Osbornem, Kashifem i Howardem Hewittem z Shalamar. Aktywność artystki nie zmalała także w latach 90. i często słychać o jej udziale w różnych przedsięwzięciach charytatywnych i okazjonalnych koncertach.

Tytuł WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia

Don' t make me over/I Smiled YesterdayDionne Warwick12.1962-21[12]Scepter 1239[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][5[10].R&B Chart]
This empty place/Wishin' And Hopin'Dionne Warwick03.1963-84[5]Scepter 1247[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][26[1].R&B Chart]
Make the music play/Please Make Him Love MeDionne Warwick08.1963-81[4]Scepter 1253[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Anyone who had a heart/The Love Of A BoyDionne Warwick12.196342[3]8[14]Scepter 1262[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][6[15].R&B Chart]
Walk on by/Any Old Time Of DayDionne Warwick04.19649[12]6[13]Scepter 1274[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][1[3][19].R&B Chart]
A house is not a home/You' ll never get to heavenDionne Warwick08.196420[6]A:71[6]B:34[9]Scepter 1282[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][B:10[13].R&B Chart]
Reach out for me/How Many Days Of SadnessDionne Warwick10.196423[5]20[8]Scepter 1285[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][1[2][14].R&B Chart]
Who can i turn to/Don't Say I Didn't Tell You SoDionne Warwick02.1965-62[6]Scepter 1298 [written by Leslie Bricusse/Anthony Newley][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][36[3].R&B Chart][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u "The Roar Of The Greasepaint"]
You can have him/ Is There Another Way To Love HimDionne Warwick03.1965-75[6]Scepter 1294[written by Bill Cook][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Here i am/They Long To Be Close To YouDionne Warwick07.1965-65[8]Scepter 12104 [written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Looking with my eyes/Only The Strong, Only The BraveDionne Warwick10.1965-64[8]Scepter 12111[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][38[3].R&B Chart]
Are You There (With Another Girl)/If I Ever Make You CryDionne Warwick12.1965-39[10]Scepter 12122[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][35[4].R&B Chart]
Message to Michael/Here Where There Is LoveDionne Warwick04.1966-8[12]Scepter 12133[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][5[9].R&B Chart]
Trains and boats and planes/Don't Go Breaking My HeartDionne Warwick07.1966-22[7]Scepter 12153[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][49[2].R&B Chart]
I just don' t know what to do with myself/ In Between The HeartachesDionne Warwick10.1966-26[8]Scepter 12167[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][20[8].R&B Chart]
Another night/Go With LoveDionne Warwick12.1966-49[6]Scepter 12181[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][47[3].R&B Chart]
The beginning of loneliness/AlfieDionne Warwick03.1967-A:79[3]B:15[17]Scepter 12187[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][A:44[3].R&B Chart][B:5[12].R&B Chart]
The windows of the world/Walk Little DollyDionne Warwick07.1967-32[9]Scepter 12196[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][27[5].R&B Chart]
I say a little prayer/(Theme From) Valley Of The DollsDionne Warwick10.1967B:28[8]A:4[13];B:2[13]Scepter 12203[A:written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][B:written by Andre Previn/Dory Previn][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][A:8[10].R&B Chart][B:13[10].R&B Chart][piosenka z filmu "Valley Of The Dolls"]
Do you know the way to San Jose/Let Me Be LonelyDionne Warwick04.19688[10]A:10[12];B:71[5]Scepter 12216[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][23[7].R&B Chart]
Who is gonna love me?/There' s always something ...Dionne Warwick08.1968-A:33[9]B:65[5]Scepter 12226[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][43[4].R&B Chart]
Promises ,promises/Whoever You Are, I Love YouDionne Warwick11.1968-19[9]Scepter 12231[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][47[3].R&B Chart][piosenka z musicalu na Broadway'u ]
This girls in love with you/Dream Sweet DreamerDionne Warwick02.1969-7[12]Scepter 12241[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][7[9].R&B Chart]
The april fools/SlavesDionne Warwick05.1969-37[7]Scepter 12249 [written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][33[5].R&B Chart]
Odds and ends/As Long As There's An Apple TreeDionne Warwick07.1969-43[8]Scepter 12256[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
You' ve lost that lovin' feelin'/Window WishingDionne Warwick09.1969-16[10]Scepter 12262[written by Barry Mann/Phil Spector/Cynthia Weil][produced by Dionne Warwick/Chips Moman][13[10].R&B Chart]
I' ll never fall in love again/What The World Needs Now Is LoveDionne Warwick12.1969-6[11]Scepter 12273 [written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][17[7].R&B Chart]
Let me go to him/Loneliness Remembers What Happiness ForgetsDionne Warwick04.1970-32[7]Scepter 12276 [written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][45[4].R&B Chart]
Paper mache/The Wine Is YoungDionne Warwick07.1970-43[7]Scepter 12285[written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Make it easy on yourself/Knowing When To LeaveDionne Warwick10.1970-37[8]Scepter 12294 [written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][26[8].R&B Chart]
The green grass starts to grow/They Don't Give Medals (To Yesterday's Heroes)Dionne Warwick12.1970-43[9]Scepter 12300 [written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach]
Who gets the guy/Walk The Way You TalkDionne Warwick03.1971-57[5]Scepter 12309 [written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][41[2].R&B Chart]
Amanda/He's Moving OnDionne Warwick08.1971-83[5]Scepter 12326[written by Artie Butler/Mark Lindsay][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
If we only have love/Close To YouDionne Warwick03.1972-84[3]Warner Bros. 7560[written by Eric Blau/Jacques Brel/Mort Shuman][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
I'm Just Being Myself/You're Gonna Need MeDionne Warwicke07.1973--Warner Bros. 7693[written by Holland, Dozier, Holland, Wylie][produced by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier][62[6].R&B Chart]
Then came you/Just As Long As We Have LoveDionne Warwicke And Spinners07.197429[6]1[1][19]Atlantic 3029[gold-US][written by Sherman Marshall/Phil Pugh][produced by Thom Bell][2[15].R&B Chart]
Sure Thing/Who KnowsDionne Warwicke11.1974--Warner Bros. 8026[written by Jerry Ragovoy, Aaron Schroeder, George Weiss][produced by Jerry Ragovoy][66[7].R&B Chart]
Take It From Me/It's MagicDionne Warwicke05.1975--Warner Bros. 8088[written by J. Ragovay][produced by J. Ragovay][30[11].R&B Chart]
Once you hit the road/World Of My DreamsDionne Warwick01.1976-79[5]Warner 8154 [written by Joe Jefferson/Charles Simmons][produced by Thom Bell][5[16].R&B Chart]
His House And Me/Ronnie LeeDionne Warwick04.1976--Warner 8183[written by Thom Bell, Linda Creed][produced by Thom Bell][75[5].R&B Chart]
I Didn't Mean To Love You/He's Not For YouDionne Warwick11.1976--Warner 8280 [written by Karen Philipp, A. Butler][produced by Joe Porter][91[3].R&B Chart]
By The Time I Get To Phoenix / Say A Little Prayer/That's The Way I Like It / Get Down TonightIsaac Hayes And Dionne Warwick03.1977--Hot Buttered Soul 12253 [written by J. Webb, J. Mason]65[7].R&B Chart]
I' ll never love this way again/In Your EyesDionne Warwick06.197962[5]5[24]Arista 0419[gold-US][written by Will Jennings/Richard Kerr][produced by Barry Manilow][18[23].R&B Chart]
Deja vu/All The TimeDionne Warwick11.1979-15[19]Arista 0459[written by Adrienne Anderson/Isaac Hayes][produced by Barry Manilow][25[15].R&B Chart]
After you/Out Of My HandsDionne Warwick03.1980-65[6]Arista 0498 [written by David Frank/Doug James][produced by Barry Manilow][33[10].R&B Chart]
No night so long/Reaching For The SkyDionne Warwick07.1980-23[16]Arista 0527[written by Will Jennings/Richard Kerr][produced by Steve Buckingham][19[14].R&B Chart]
We Never Said Goodbye/Easy LoveDionne Warwick11.1980-B:62[10]Arista 0572[A:written by Isaac Hayes, Adrienne Anderson][B:written by Steve Dorff, Larry Herbstritt, Randy Cate][produced by Steve Buckingham][41[11].R&B Chart]
Some changes are for good/This Time Is OursDionne Warwick06.1981-65[6]Arista 0602 [written by Michael Masser/Carole Bayer-Sager][produced by Michael Masser][43[9].R&B Chart]
Friends in love/What Is ThisDionne Warwick & Johnny Mathis04.1982-38[13]Arista 0673[written by Bill Champlin/David Foster/Jay Graydon][produced by Jay Graydon][22[13].R&B Chart]
Heartbreaker/I Can't See Anything (But You)Dionne Warwick10.19822[8]10[22]Arista 1015[written by Barry Gibb/Maurice Gibb/Robin Gibb][produced by Albhy Galuten/Barry Gibb/Karl Richardson][14[16].R&B Chart]
All the love in the world/You Are My LoveDionne Warwick198210[8]-Arista 9032[written by Barry Gibb/Maurice Gibb/Robin Gibb][produced by Albhy Galuten/Barry Gibb/Karl Richardson]
Take the short way home/Just One More NightDionne Warwick02.1983-41[13]Arista 1040 [written by Albhy Galuten/Barry Gibb][produced by Albhy Galuten/Barry Gibb/Karl Richardson][43[11].R&B Chart]
How many times can we say goodbye/What Can A Miracle DoDionne Warwick & Luther Vandross10.198399[1]27[12]Arista 9073[written by Steve Goldman][produced by Luther Vandross][7[16].R&B Chart]
Got A Date/Two Ships Passing In The NightDionne Warwick01.1984--Arista 9146[written by Luther Vandross, Marcus Miller][produced by Luther Vandross][45[8].R&B Chart]
Finder Of Lost Loves/ It's LoveDionne Warwick And Glenn Jones02.1985--Arista 9073[written by Burt Bacharach, Carole Bayer Sager][produced by Burt Bacharach, Carole Bayer Sager][47[10].R&B Chart]
That' s what friends are forDionne Warwick And Friends Featuring Elton John, Gladys Knight And Stevie Wonder11.198516[12]1[4][23]Arista 9422[gold-US][written by Burt Bacharach, Carole Bayer Sager][produced by Burt Bacharach, Carole Bayer Sager][1[3][20].R&B Chart]
Whisper in the dark/Extravagant GesturesDionne Warwick03.1986-72[9]Arista 9460[written by Edgar Bronfman/Bruce Roberts][produced by Albhy Galuten][49[9].R&B Chart]
Love power/In A World Such As ThisDionne Warwick & Jeffrey Osborne07.198763[5]12[14]Arista 9567[written by Burt Bacharach/Carole Bayer-Sager][produced by Burt Bacharach/Carole Bayer-Sager][5[14].R&B Chart]
Reservations For Two/For Everything You AreDionne Warwick & Kashif10.1987-62[7]Arista 9638[written by Tena Clark/Nathan East/Gary Prim][produced by Kashif][20[15].R&B Chart]
Another Chance To Love/Cry On MeDionne Warwick And Howard Hewett02.1988--Arista 9656[written by Albert Hammond, Sue Shifrin][produced by Jerry Knight, Aaron Zigman][42[9].R&B Chart]
Take Good Care Of You And Me/Heartbreak Of LoveDionne Warwick And Jeffrey Osborne10.1989--Arista 9901[written by B. Bacharach, C. Bayer Sager, G. Goffin][produced by Burt Bacharach, Carole Bayer Sager][46[10].R&B Chart]
I Dont Need Another Love/HeartbreakerDionne Warwick (With The Spinners)
03.1990--Arista 9940[written by M. Sutton, B. Sutton][produced by Nick Martinelli][84[4].R&B Chart]
Where My Lips Have BeenDionne Warwick
06.1993--Arista 12 558[95[2].R&B Chart]
What the world needs now is loveDionne Warwick & Hip Hop Nation Un.08.1998-87[2]Platinum 163024 [written by Burt Bacharach/Hal David][produced by Damon Elliott]

Tytuł WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia [US] Komentarz
PresentingDionne Warwick05.196414[10]-Pye NPL 28 037 [UK][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Make way for Dionne WarwickDionne Warwick09.1964-68[20]Specter 523 [produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
The sensitive sound of Dionne WarwickDionne Warwick02.1965-107[9]Specter 528[produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Here i amDionne Warwick12.1965-45[29]Specter SPS 531[produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Dionne Warwick in ParisDionne Warwick04.1966-76[11]Specter 534 [produced by Jacques Denjean/Various]
Best of Dionne WarwickDionne Warwick05.19668[11]-Pye NPL 28 078 [UK][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Here where there is loveDionne Warwick02.196739[2]18[66]Scepter 555[gold-US][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
On stage and in the moviesDionne Warwick05.1967-169[9]Specter 559[produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
The windows of the worldDionne Warwick08.1967-22[31]Specter 563 [produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Dionne Warwick golden hits ,Part oneDionne Warwick11.1967-10[69]Specter 565 [produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Valley of the dollsDionne Warwick05.196810[13]6[48]Specter 565 [gold-US][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Promises ,promisesDionne Warwick12.1968-18[39]Specter 571 [produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
SoulfulDionne Warwick03.1969-11[28]Specter 573 [produced by Dionne Warwick/Chips Moman]
Dionne Warwick greatest motion picture hitsDionne Warwick08.1969-31[24]Specter 575 [gold-US][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Dionne Warwick golden hits ,Part 2Dionne Warwick10.1969-28[28]Specter 577 [produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Greatest hits.Vol.1Dionne Warwick05.197031[26]-Wand WNS 1 [UK][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Greatest hits.Vol.2Dionne Warwick06.197028[14]-Wand WNS 2 [UK][silver-UK][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
I' ll never fall in love againDionne Warwick07.1970-23[39]Specter 581 [produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Very DionneDionne Warwick12.1970-37[24]Specter 587 [produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
The Dionne Warwicke Story:A decade of goldDionne Warwick10.1971-48[17]Specter 596[produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
Dionne Dionne Warwick01.1972-54[14]Warner 2585 [produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
From withinDionne Warwick04.1972-169[5]Specter 598
Just being myselfDionne Warwick02.1973-178[8]Warner 2658
Then came youDionne Warwick03.1975-167[6]Warner 2846
Track of the catDionne Warwick12.1975-137[15]Warner 2893
A man and a womanDionne Warwick & Isaac Hayes02.1977-49[13]HBS 996[produced by Isaac Hayes/Dionne Warwick]
Only love can break a heartDionne Warwick07.1977-188[7]Musicor 2501
DionneDionne Warwick06.1979-12[54]Arista 4230 [platinium-US][produced by Barry Manilow]
No night so longDionne Warwick08.1980-23[25]Arista 9526[produced by Steve Buckingham]
Hot!Live and otherwiseDionne Warwick06.1981-72[14]Arista 8605[produced by Steve Buckingham/Michael Masser]
Friends in loveDionne Warwick05.1982-83[12]Arista 9585 [produced by Jay Graydon]
HeartbreakerDionne Warwick10.19823[33]25[28]Arista 9609[gold-US][produced by Barry Gibb/Karl Richardson/Albhy Galuten]
The collectionDionne Warwick05.198311[17]-Arista DIONE 1 [UK][gold-UK][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David]
How many times can we say goodbyeDionne Warwick10.1983-57[17]Arista 8104[produced by Luther Vandross]
So amazingDionne Warwick10.198360[3]-Arista 205 755 [UK][produced by Luther Vandross]
Without your loveDionne Warwick02.198586[2]-Arista 206 571 [UK]
Finder of lost lovesDionne Warwick03.1985-106[11]Arista 8262 [produced by Barry Manilow, Richard Landis, Burt Bacharach, Carole Bayer Sager, Stevie Wonder]
FriendsDionne Warwick12.1985-12[26]Arista 8398 [gold-US][produced by Barry Manilow/Burt Bacharach/David Foster/Carole Bayer-Sager/Albhy Galuten/Stevie Wonder]
Reservations for twoDionne Warwick08.1987-56[27]Arista 8446[produced by Burt Bacharach/Carole Bayer-Sager/Jerry Knight/Aaron Zigman/Smokey Robinson/Kashif/Barry Manilow]
Greatest Hits 1979-1990Dionne Warwick12.1989-177[7]Arista 8540
The love songsDionne Warwick01.19906[13]-Arista 410 441 [UK][silver-UK][produced by Albhy Galuten/Barry Gibb/Barry Manilow/Burt Bacharach/Carole Bayer-Sager/David Elliott/Hal David/Harvey William Mason/Jay Graydon/Karl Richardson/Steve Buckingham]
Dionne Warwick sings Cole PorterDionne Warwick08.1990-155[9]Arista 8573
Christmas in Vienna IIPlacido Domingo/Dionne Warwick12.199460[5]155[9]Sony Classical SK 64304 [UK][produced by Michel Glotz]
The Essential CollectionDionne Warwick12.199658[9]-Global Television RADCD 48 [UK][silver-UK][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David/Various]
Heartbreaker: The Very Best of Dionne WarwickDionne Warwick08.200232[8]-BMG TV/WSM WSMCD101 [UK][silver-UK][produced by Barry Gibb/Albhy Galuten/Burt Bacharach/Hal David/Thom Bell/Andre Previn/Various]
Walk On By: The Very Best of Dionne WarwickDionne Warwick05.200672[3]-Sony BMG/WMTV WMTV 012 [UK][silver-UK][produced by Barry Gibb/Albhy Galuten/Burt Bacharach/Hal David/Thom Bell/Andre Previn/Various]
The Love CollectionDionne Warwick02.200826[6]-Rhino/Sony BMG 88697250142 [UK][produced by Burt Bacharach/Hal David/Various]
NowDionne Warwick11.201257[2]-H Ans I HANDI 01 [UK]-

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