środa, 18 stycznia 2023

Daryl Hall & John Oates

Amerykański duet specjalizujący się w białej muzyce soulowej. Ich liczne przeboje potwierdzały stały popyt na tego typu nagrania, podobnie jak sukcesy The Righteous Brothers w latach 60. i kariera Michaela Boltona w ostatnich czasach.


Brzmienie grupy opierało się na połączeniu falsetu Halla i ciepłego barytonu jego partnera. Daryl Hall (właśc. Daryl Franklin Hohl, ur. 11.10.1949 r. w Pottstown w stanie Pensylwania, USA), student Temple University, debiutował jako refrenista grupy The Temptones, a w 1966 r. nagrał singel, którego producentem był Kenny Gamble. W późniejszym okresie występował solo i z własnym soft-rockowym zespołem Gulliver, w którym jako gitarzysta towarzyszył mu Tim Moore.
Po kilku nagraniach dla wytwórni Elektra poznał w 1969 r. Johna Oatesa (ur. 7.04.1949 r. w Nowym Jorku), eks-członka soulowej grupy The Masters z Filadelfii. Odkrywcą duetu był Tommy Mottola, wówczas kierownik miejscowej filii wydawnictwa Chappell Music, który jako menedżer doprowadził do podpisania przez Halla i Oatesa kontraktu z wytwórnią Atlantic.

Producentami trzech pierwszych albumów duetu byli wprawdzie renomowani artyści (Arif Mardin - Whole Oates; Todd Rundgren - War Babies), jednak płyty nie stały się bestsellerami. Przełomem okazał się longplay Abandoned Luncheonette, z którego pochodziła klasyczna ballada soulowa "She's Gone". Prawdziwym przebojem stał się jednak singlowy temat "Sara Smile" - pierwsze z nagrań wydanych przez RCA. W 1977 r. sukces powtórzyła piosenka "Rich Girl" (pierwsze miejsce na listach amerykańskich).

Longplay X~Static prezentował o wiele bardziej komercyjne oblicze formacji, oparte na modnych dyskotekowych rytmach. Dużo ambitniejszą próbą był album Voices z 1980 r. Do najpopularniejszych tematów z płyty należał remake "You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'" (wielkiego przeboju The Righteous Brothers z 1965 r.) oraz "Every Time You Go Away" (singlowy bestseller Paula Younga z 1985 r.).
Następne pięć lat przyniosło duetowi całą serię trafiających bezbłędnie w gusta słuchaczy przebojów. w tym: "Maneater","I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)","Out Of Touch" (współprodukcji Arthura Bakera) i "Family Man" (autorstwa Mike'a Oldfielda). Na albumie Live At The Apollo duetowi towarzyszyli eks-członkowie The Temptations, Eddie Kendricks i David Ruffin.

Wkrótce potem drogi partnerów rozeszły się na trzy lata, podczas których Hall nagrał drugi solowy longplay. z Dave'em Stewartem w roli producenta. W 1988 r. duet reaktywował się, czego efektem był wydany przez wytwórnię Arista amerykański przebój "Everything Your Heart Desires". Dwa lata później muzycy zanotowali kolejny singlowy przebój, "So Close", którego producentami byli Jon Bon Jovi i Danny Kortchmar. Dodali oni soulowemu brzmieniu duetu rockowej pikanterii. W następnych latach piosenkarze wiele koncertowali, przygotowując równocześnie kolejny longplay. W wolnych chwilach Hall nagrał swoje trzecie solowe dzieło, Soul Alone

Tytu³ WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia
She' s gone/I' m just a kidDaryl Hall & John Oates02.1974-60[8]Atlantic 2993[written by Daryl Hall, John Oates][produced by Arif Mardin][93[3].R&B Chart]
Alone Too Long/ Nothing At AllDaryl Hall & John Oates11.1975--RCA Victor 10436[written by John Oates][produced by Christopher Bond, Daryl Hall, John Oates][98[3].R&B Chart]
Sara smile/SolderingDaryl Hall & John Oates01.1976-4[28]RCA 10 530[gold-US][written by Daryl Hall, John Oates][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates,Christopher Bond][23[21].R&B Chart]
She' s gone/I' m just a kid [re-issued]Daryl Hall & John Oates07.197642[4]7[20]Atlantic 3332[written by Daryl Hall, John Oates][produced by Arif Mardin][oryginalnie nagrana przez Tavares in 1974]
Do what you want,be what you are/Your never learnDaryl Hall & John Oates10.1976-39[15]RCA 10 808[written by Daryl Hall, John Oates][produced by Christopher Bond][23[15].R&B Chart]
Rich girl/London luck and loveDaryl Hall & John Oates01.1977-1[2][20]RCA 10 860[gold-US][silver-UK][written by Daryl Hall, John Oates][produced by Christopher Bond][64[11].R&B Chart]
Back together again/Room to breatheDaryl Hall & John Oates05.1977-28[10]RCA 10 970[written by John Oates][produced by Christopher Bond][70[6].R&B Chart]
It' s uncanny/Lily [Are you happy]Daryl Hall & John Oates07.1977-80[3]Arista 3397[written by Daryl Hall][produced by Arif Mardin, Daryl Hall, John Oates]
Why do lovers break each other hearts/The girl who used to beDaryl Hall & John Oates10.1977-73[6]RCA 11 132[written by Daryl Hall,Sara Allen][produced by Christopher Bond]
It' s a laugh/Serious matterDaryl Hall & John Oates08.1978-20[14]RCA 111 371[written by Daryl Hall][produced by David Foster]
I don' t wanna lose you/August dayDaryl Hall & John Oates12.1978-42[10]RCA 11 424[written by Daryl Hall,John Oates][produced by David Foster]
Wait for me/No brain no painDaryl Hall & John Oates10.1979-18[19]RCA 11 747[written by Daryl Hall][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates]
Who said the world was fair/All you want is heavenDaryl Hall & John Oates03.1980-110[3]RCA 11 920[written by D. Hall, S. Allen][produced by David Foster]
Running from paradise/Bebop-dropDaryl Hall & John Oates06.198041[6]-RCA RUN 1 [UK][written by D. Hall, S. Allen][produced by David Foster]
How does it feel to be back/United StateDaryl Hall & John Oates07.1980-30[13]RCA 12 048[written by John Oates][produced by Daryl Hall, John Oates]
You' ve lost that lovin' feeling/Diddy doo wop [I hear the voices]Daryl Hall & John Oates09.198055[3]12[20]RCA 12 103[written by P. Spector, B. Mann, C. Weil][produced by Daryl Hall, John Oates]
Kiss on my list/AfricaDaryl Hall & John Oates01.198133[8]1[3][23]RCA 12 142[gold-US][written by Daryl Hall,Janna Allen][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates]
You make my dreams/Gotta lotta nerve [Perfect Perfect]Daryl Hall & John Oates05.1981-5[21]RCA 12 217[written by Daryl Hall,Sara Allen,John Oates][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates]
Private eyes/Tell me what you wantDaryl Hall & John Oates08.198132[7][04.82]1[2][23]RCA 12 296[gold-US][written by Daryl Hall,Janna Allen,John Oates][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates]
I can' t go for that [No can do]/Unguarded minuteDaryl Hall & John Oates11.19818[10][01.82]1[1][21]RCA 12 361[gold-US][silver-UK][written by Daryl Hall,Sara Allen,John Oates][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates][1[1][17].R&B Chart]
Did it in a minute/Head above waterDaryl Hall & John Oates03.1982-9[16]RCA 13 065[written by Daryl Hall, Sara Allen and Janna Allen][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates]
Your imagination/Sara smileDaryl Hall & John Oates06.1982-33[11]RCA 13 252[written by Daryl Hall][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates][45[10].R&B Chart]
Maneater /Delayed reactionDaryl Hall & John Oates10.19826[11]1[4][23]RCA 13 354[gold-US][gold-UK][written by Daryl Hall,Sara Allen,John Oates][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates][78[5].R&B Chart]
One on one/Art of heartbreakDaryl Hall & John Oates01.198363[3]7[18]RCA 13 421[written by Daryl Hall][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates][8[17].R&B Chart]
Family man/Open all nightDaryl Hall & John Oates04.198315[7]6[16]RCA 13 507[written by Mike Oldfield,Tim Cross,Rick Fenn,Mike Frye,Morris Pert,Maggie Reilly][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates][81[5].R&B Chart]
Say it isn' t so/Kiss on my listDaryl Hall & John Oates10.198369[5]2[18]RCA 13 654[written by Daryl Hall][produced by Daryl Hall, John Oates, Bob Clearmountain][45[14].R&B Chart]
Adult education/ManeaterDaryl Hall & John Oates02.198463[2]8[17]RCA 13 714[written by Daryl Hall,John Oates][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates][50[11].R&B Chart]
Out of touch/Cold dark and yesterdayDaryl Hall & John Oates09.198448[5]1[2][23]RCA 13 916[silver-UK][written by Daryl Hall,John Oates][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates, Bob Clearmountain][24[15].R&B Chart]
Method of modern love/Bank on your loveDaryl Hall & John Oates12.198421[8]5[19]RCA 13 960[written by Daryl Hall,Janna Allen][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates, Bob Clearmountain][21[14].R&B Chart]
Some things are better left unsaid/All american girlDaryl Hall & John Oates03.1985-18[13]RCA 14 035[written by Daryl Hall][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates, Bob Clearmountain][85[3].R&B Chart]
Out of the touch [live]/Dance on your kneesDaryl Hall & John Oates05.198562[3]-RCA PB 49 967 [UK]
Possession obsession/Dance on your kneesDaryl Hall & John Oates06.1985-30[12]RCA 14 098[written by Daryl Hall, John Oates, Sara Allen][produced by Daryl Hall, John Oates, Bob Clearmountain, Arthur Baker][69[6].R&B Chart]
The way you do the things you do-my girl/Every time you go awayDaryl Hall & John Oates08.198558[2]20[11]RCA 14 178[written by William Robinson Jr., R. Rogers, R. White][produced by Daryl Hall, John Oates, Bob Clearmountain][40[9].R&B Chart]
Dream time/Let it outDaryl Hall08.198628[8]5[15]RCA 14 387[written by Daryl Hall,John Beeby][produced by Daryl Hall][36[5].Hot Disco/Dance;RCA 5714 12"]
Foolish pride/What' s going to happen to usDaryl Hall10.1986-33[13]RCA 5038[written by Daryl Hall][produced by Daryl Hall, David A. Stewart, Tom "T-Bone" Wolk][91[6].R&B Chart]
I Wasn't Born Yesterday/What's Gonna Happen To UsDaryl Hall12.1986-93[2]RCA HALL 2[written by Daryl Hall, David A. Stewart, Sara Allen][produced by Daryl Hall, David A. Stewart, Tom "T-Bone" Wolk]
Someone like youDaryl Hall01.1987-57[8]RCA 5105[written by Daryl Hall][produced by Daryl Hall, David A. Stewart, Tom "T-Bone" Wolk]
Everything your heart desires/RealoveDaryl Hall & John Oates04.1988-3[16]Arista 9684[written by Daryl Hall][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates,Tom "T-Bone" Wolk][13[12].R&B Chart]
Missed opportunity/Soul loveDaryl Hall & John Oates07.1988-29[11]Arista 9727[written by Daryl Hall,John Oates,Sara Allen][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates,Tom "T-Bone" Wolk][68[6].R&B Chart]
Downtown lifeDaryl Hall & John Oates10.1988-31[9]Arista 9753[written by Daryl Hall,John Oates,Rick Iantosca][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates,Tom "T-Bone" Wolk]
So closeDaryl Hall & John Oates09.199069[3]11[19]Arista 2085[written by Daryl Hall, George Green, Jon Bon Jovi, Danny Kortchmar][produced by Danny Kortchmar, Jon Bon Jovi]
Don' t hold back your love/Change of seasonDaryl Hall & John Oates01.1991-41[11]Arista 2157[written by R. Page, G. O'Brien, D. Tyson][produced by Dave Tyson]
Everywhere i look/Sometimes a mind changesDaryl Hall & John Oates01.199174[1]-Arista 113980 [UK][written by Daryl Hall][produced by T-Bone Walk, Daryl Hall, John Oates]
I' m in a Philly Mood/Money changes everythingDaryl Hall10.199352[5]82[2]Epic 77 139[written by D. Hall, P. L. Moreland, V. J. Smith, A. Gorrie][produced by Daryl Hall, V. Jeffrey Smith, Peter Lord Moreland]
Stop loving me,stop loving you/Money changes everythingDaryl Hall01.199430[6]-Epic 659 9982 [UK][written by M. Gaye, D. Hall, S. Allen ][produced by Michael Peden][oryginalnie nagrana przez Marvina Gay'a]
Help me find a way to your heart/Power of seductionDaryl Hall05.199470[2]-Epic 6604102 [UK][written by A. Gorrie, D. Hall, M. Carey, P.L. Moreland, V.J. Smith, W. Afanasieff][produced by Daryl Hall, Peter Lord Moreland, V. Jeffrey Smith]
GlorylandDaryl Hall & Sounds Of Blackness06.199436[5]-Mercury MERCD 404 [UK][written by Traditional]
WildfireDaryl Hall09.199499[1]-Epic 6607192 [UK][produced by Daryl Hall, Peter Lord Moreland, V. Jeffrey Smith]
Wherever would I beDusty Springfield & Daryl Hall06.199544[3]-Columbia 6620592 [UK][written by Diane Warren][produced by Tom Shapiro]
Di it for love Daryl Hall & John Oates08.2002-114[6]album cut
Jingle bell rockDaryl Hall & John Oates01.202280[1]-Legacy Recordings USRC 10400165 [UK]-

Tytu³ WykonawcaData wydania UK US Wytwórnia
Abandoned LuncheonetteDaryl Hall & John Oates02.1974-33[38]Atlantic 7269[platinum-US][silver-UK][produced by Arif Mardin]
War babiesDaryl Hall & John Oates10.1974-86[10]Atlantic 18 109[produced by Todd Rundgren]
Daryl Hall & John OatesDaryl Hall & John Oates09.197556[1]17[76]RCA Victor 1144[gold-US][produced by Daryl Hall, John Oates, Christopher Bond]
Bigger than both of usDaryl Hall & John Oates08.197625[7]13[57]RCA Victor 1467[gold-US][produced by Christopher Bond]
No goodbyesDaryl Hall & John Oates03.1977-92[6]Atlantic 18 213[produced by Arif Mardin, Todd Rundgren]
Beauty on a back streetDaryl Hall & John Oates09.197740[2]30[17]RCA Victor 2300[gold-US][produced by Christopher Bond]
LivetimeDaryl Hall & John Oates05.1978-42[10]RCA Victor 2802[produced by Mark Pines, Bernard Yervanian]
Along the red ledgeDaryl Hall & John Oates09.1978-27[22]RCA Victor 2804[gold-US][produced by David Foster]
X-StaticDaryl Hall & John Oates10.1979-33[24]RCA Victor 3494[produced by David Foster]
VoicesDaryl Hall & John Oates08.1980-17[100]RCA Victor 3646[platinum-US][produced by Daryl Hall & John Oates]
Private eyesDaryl Hall & John Oates09.19818[21]5[61]RCA Victor 4028[platinium-US][silver-UK][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates,Neil Kernon]
H2ODaryl Hall & John Oates10.198224[35]3[68]RCA Victor 4383[2x-platinum-US][platinum-UK][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates,Neil Kernon]
Rock' n' soul ,Part 1Daryl Hall & John Oates11.198316[45]7[44]RCA Victor 4858[2x-platinum-US][silver-UK][produced by Daryl Hall ,John Oates, Bob Clearmountain, Christopher Bond, Arif Mardin, Neil Kernon]
Big bam boomDaryl Hall & John Oates10.198428[13]5[51]RCA Victor 5309[2x-platinium-US][silver-UK][produced by Daryl Hall ,John Oates, Bob Clearmountain]
Live at The Apollo with David Ruffin & Eddie KendrickDaryl Hall & John Oates09.198532[5]21[18]RCA Victor 7035[gold-US][produced by Daryl Hall ,John Oates]
Ooh yeah!Daryl Hall & John Oates05.198852[3]24[26]Arista 8539[platinium-US][produced by Daryl Hall ,John Oates,Tom "T-Bone" Wolk]
Change of seasonDaryl Hall & John Oates10.199044[2]60[29]Arista 8614[gold-US][produced by Daryl Hall, John Oates, Danny Kortchmar, Jon Bon Jovi, David Tyson, Dave Stewart, Tom "T-Bone" Wolk, Ric Wake]
The best of Hall and Oates-Looking backDaryl Hall & John Oates10.19919[11]-Arista pl. 90 388 [UK][gold-UK][produced by Daryl Hall,John Oates,Arif Mardin,Christopher Bond,Neil Kernon,Bob Clearmountain,Tom "T-Bone" Wolk,Danny Kortchmar,Jon Bon Jovi]
Marigold skyDaryl Hall & John Oates10.1997179[1]95[5]Push 90 200[produced by Daryl Hall, John Oates, David Bellochio, Peter Moshay]
The essential collectionDaryl Hall & John Oates10.200126[3]-RCA 74321886972 [UK]
Do it for loveDaryl Hall & John Oates04.200337[3]77[7]U-Watch 80 100[produced by Daryl Hall, Brian Rawling, Sheppard Goodman, Kenny Gioia, Mark Taylor]
Ultimate Daryl Hall + John OatesDaryl Hall & John Oates04.200419463[3]BMG Heritage-
Our Kind of SoulDaryl Hall & John Oates11.200486[1]69[2]U-Watch 80 103[produced by Daryl Hall, T-Bone Wolk, Greg Bieck]
Home for ChristmasDaryl Hall & John Oates04.200337[3]77[7]RCA 65105[produced by Daryl Hall, Brian Rawling, Sheppard Goodman, Kenny Gioia, Mark Taylor]
Do it for loveDaryl Hall & John Oates04.200337[3]77[7]RCA 65105[produced by Daryl Hall, Brian Rawling, Sheppard Goodman, Kenny Gioia, Mark Taylor]
The SinglesDaryl Hall & John Oates06.200829[4]-Sony BMG 88697312422 [UK][gold-US]
Do What You Want, Be What You Are: The Music of Daryl Hall & John OatesDaryl Hall & John Oates10.2009-89[1]RCA 36974 2-
The Very Best of Daryl Hall & John OatesDaryl Hall & John Oates08.2011-34[182]RCA [platinum-US][silver-UK]
Timeless ClassicsDaryl Hall & John Oates11.201712[3]-Sony Music CG 88985489112 [UK]-
Daryl Hall-
Sacred songsDaryl Hall03.1980-58[12]RCA Victor 3573[produced by Robert Fripp]
Three hearts in The Happy Ending MachineDaryl Hall09.198626[5]29[26]RCA Victor 7196[produced by Daryl Hall, David A. Stewart, Tom "T-Bone" Wolk]
Soul aloneDaryl Hall09.199355[4]177[3]Epic 53 937[produced by Daryl Hall,Peter Lord Moreland,Michael Peden,V. Jeffrey Smith]
Laughing Down CryingDaryl Hall09.2011-142Verve Forecast 15927[produced by Greg Bieck, John Fields, Daryl Hall, Paul Pesco, T-Bone Wolk]

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